da Blitz master
Instagibing people with Veigar gives most satisfaction in the whole game. Deathfire+Ulti=giggles
bullshit lies moranThis will not surprise the observant observer, but Dyrus is a fucking tard.
Graves too op. Nerf plz.
On another note, IEM Hanover's first day is over. Shushei and Fnatic are out
Maybe, but that still doesn't justify shit item builds. And mid game he still has strong damage output due to high attack speed and damage steroids. He's a third-tier champ but not completely useless. I guess he could also be seen as a counter to fiora top.New Jax IS completely useless.
SPOILARS!Shushei and Fnatic are out
You should have seen their comeback vs. Dignitas. That games motherfucking glorious.
Playing Galio alot.