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So, anyone playing League of Legends?



Jun 18, 2010

Attack speed jungle lulu with 0/0/0 masteries is new meta.

~2.1 attack speed. 150 AD. +111 from passive. +42 from wits. +20 from malady. +4% of max health from madreds + more attack speed from rage blade. Yordle machinegun!


Jul 4, 2011
That blue buff nerf is so huge. You can feel much more restricted even on champions who generally doesn't need that much mana and guys like Anivia or Swain are probably close to unplayable until their spells' mana cost get fixed. :(
They plan on fixing mana issues on exactly Swain and Anivias ult.


Jun 18, 2010
Shame. I like it when anivias cry. Needy bitches, whining about me taking detours so they can get blue when I'm trying to gank.


Jun 18, 2010
In fact, as a person who mainly plays junglers these days, there are a number of players for whom I have nothing but contempt.

- Pugger-junglers who get extremely upset and butthurt if people don't pull wolves + blue and add damage. Pulls are a nice plus, but if you can't finish your path without you have no fucking place in the jungle.
- Mids who demand you give them the first blue/give them blue here and now when you're on the opposite side of the map, trying to set up a gank. you'll get your fucking cocaine when I'm good and ready to donate it. I'm not crippling my early ganks/farm just because you can't manage the first 2-3 levels without.
- Lanes who push to the enemy tower, then whine about not receiving ganks from me. I'm not going to towerdive at level 4 because you don't know how to lasthit.
- Mids who take wraiths and leave some behind so the camp doesn't respawn, or take wraiths when you're literally right next to the camp and need the farm yourself
- Tops/Mids who can't be arsed to go into your jungle when you're pinging an enemy that's invading. Motherfucking map awareness, how does it work!?
- Bots who bluepill/farm instead of helping with dragon after you pull off a successful gank in their lane. You'd think they had an aversion to receiving 190 gold.
- Lanes who ask for a gank but don't stop creeping to chip in when you're in position, ping the enemy 2-3 times and initiate. If you can farm creeps with tunnel vision, clearly your lane isn't difficult enough that you need me to babysit you.
- Lanes who don't respond to you pinging red/blue then complain when you take the buff yourself. Seriously anivia. Fuck you and your feathery ass. I'm not tanking a golem for 30 seconds while you finish last-hitting a wave at level 3.
- Tops, mids and bots who neglect warding their lanes, push and then complain when the enemy jungler ganks them. Choices and consequences bitches.
- Players who spam-ping me and tell me to get the fuck out of their lane when I'm last-hitting (not pushing) while they're B. This goes double if the same player is consistently taking my wraiths. I'm looking at you, Karthus from yesterday
- Bot lanes who take small golems when I'm playing a manaless jungler that starts wraiths.
- Fucktard lanes who don't guard jungle when you're starting against a strong counterjungler, E.G. Shyvana or Nunu. Or utter retards who won't guard manawhore junglers such as mumu or fiddle during their first blue.


Jun 18, 2010
I said contempt, not frothing incoherent rage :x

In your defense, at least you didn't show up and say "Initiate and I'll gank!" then wandered off when I did. Some puggers do that. All you did was egg me on to keep baiting since you'd be there "in just a moment" for 17 minutes straight. But no worries. At least the enemy jungler gave me plenty of attention to make up for the fact that our ADHD jungler kept neglecting me and going mid to play with ali.

In other news, I tried Ahri for the first time yesterday. They should change 3 things about her ultimate:
1: reduce the ap ratio a bit, because it should
2: have a way shorter cooldown, and be
3: renamed to "SUPER HAPPY FUN TIME!"

Ahri is periods of hilarious bouncy AP bursty fun interspersed with semi-boring farming while you wait for your ult to be back up :P
Dec 31, 2009
- Pugger-junglers who get extremely upset and butthurt if people don't pull wolves + blue and add damage. Pulls are a nice plus, but if you can't finish your path without you have no fucking place in the jungle.
- Fucktard lanes who don't guard jungle when you're starting against a strong counterjungler, E.G. Shyvana or Nunu. Or utter retards who won't guard manawhore junglers such as mumu or fiddle during their first blue.

So, can the jungler expect a minimum of help from his team or can't he? I am confuse. I can easily see someone pull out a "guard your own jungle, it's your own responsibility" in response to the second point there, in fact I see it all the time...

Not helping with wolves cost lanes nothing and adds to the jungle, not doing it is retardry much in the same vein of not guarding the jungle. If there is anything the glorious m5 play showed us it is that the jungle can't be allowed to be the sole responsibility of the jungler, when the entire team helps out the jungler becomes so much stronger... Not helping out the jungler is negligent and bad team play and noting it is perfectly fair.


Jun 18, 2010
- Pugger-junglers who get extremely upset and butthurt if people don't pull wolves + blue and add damage. Pulls are a nice plus, but if you can't finish your path without you have no fucking place in the jungle.
- Fucktard lanes who don't guard jungle when you're starting against a strong counterjungler, E.G. Shyvana or Nunu. Or utter retards who won't guard manawhore junglers such as mumu or fiddle during their first blue.

So, can the jungler expect a minimum of help from his team or can't he? I am confuse. I can easily see someone pull out a "guard your own jungle, it's your own responsibility" in response to the second point there, in fact I see it all the time...

Not helping with wolves cost lanes nothing and adds to the jungle, not doing it is retardry much in the same vein of not guarding the jungle. If there is anything the glorious m5 play showed us it is that the jungle can't be allowed to be the sole responsibility of the jungler, when the entire team helps out the jungler becomes so much stronger... Not helping out the jungler is negligent and bad team play and noting it is perfectly fair.

The jungler can and should expect a minimum of help from his team. Example: You have a jungle fiora, enemy has a jungle shyvana. If your redside lane doesn't keep an eye out for your red, they shouldn't whine about not getting a gank once they let shyv have your redbuff for free. This didn't use to be an issue since most supports used to bring CV for the specific purpose of keeping track of lv1 counterjungle. But these days too many people go "OMG I MUST HAF HEALZ!" at the expense of map awareness. Although I will grant that a lot of supports just took CV and never used it, or only used it to reveal that - yep - the enemy soraka was still in the brush intheir lane. Conversely, a jungler shouldn't expect more than a token autoattack/single spell on his buff creep to start the pull. I've had more than a few that expected me to tank ~200 damage from wolf camp, then blue camp because he "absolutely needed" to be at full health once he had his buff. At the same time, I had to quickly run away so I wouldn't "leech his precious XP" after putting myself at a disadvantage mid with a lower HP bar and 3-4 missed lasthits from babysitting.

This especially holds for farming junglers. If they're not going for an extremely fast level 2 gank there is absolutely no reason I should miss a single lasthit in lane on their behalf. The only difference it's going to make is if they have 75% hp or 50% hp when they bluepill to buy more shit. A good jungler - hell, even an average jungler - is able to do his path and ganks without a pull with a minimum of extra time spent. The problem with the new jungle is that a lot of people who really have no business making choices more complicated than "do I right-click the minion with low health?" suddenly think they can jungle.
Dec 31, 2009
The jungler can and should expect a minimum of help from his team.
So why do you directly contradict this statement in your first point, "Pulls are a nice plus, but if you can't finish your path without you have no fucking place in the jungle.". A pull doesn't lose you any cs whatsoever.

Also it might just be the vastly superior EUNE, but almost everyone I play with understands that the jungler tanks wolf damage, the rest of the team just damages them so that the jungler gets to kill them quickly.

The problem with the new jungle is that a lot of people who really have no business making choices more complicated than "do I right-click the minion with low health?" suddenly think they can jungle.
Haha, not like old jungle was hard exactly. As long as you survived the initial clear it was easier than the current jungle if anything. I miss being able to chillax near a lane for 20 seconds without worrying about creep camps respawning.
May 22, 2010
Airstrip One
Normal Elo is serious buisness bros. Every game must be played as though your life is at stake.


My fucking internet crashed so I was out of game for 6/7 minutes new meta incoming :smug:


Jun 18, 2010
Undead Phoenix

How come you didn't build Rylai's on your jungle Soraka? Seems like a good idea to get a slow with your infuse/Starcall, not to mention the extra AP and health.

He kept talking about building one. Then I built one and he was like "Ah fuck it, I'll get a deathcap instead"


Dec 6, 2002
Multikult Central South
Wasteland 2
Well, the Deathcap is great obviously, but I would get a Rylai's first since your only cc as Soraka is a silence. Sure, silence is really strong, but it won't keep people from really running away from you. In a hypothetical scenario, I'd consider Rylai's core together with Deathfire Grasp for dat burst.
May 22, 2010
Airstrip One
Yup, so would I.

Except the Deathfire - I think Soraka needs to get tankier as she needs to be in the thick of things, which tends to result in you going splat once the other team gets over their instinct of "Soraka minimal threat"


da Blitz master
Dec 31, 2002
Sthlm, Swe
Serpent in the Staglands Codex USB, 2014 Shadorwun: Hong Kong
Counter-snowball is new meta. Played lots of games lately and watched a few streams that was happens a small mistake, giving up a stupid kill mid game turns the game around and favors the other team.
Watched Dyrus yesterday where he was totally owning top with Nid and a little group fight at the inhib tower later where their Cass got caught by flashing in for a greedy kill, turned the game around by giving other team baron and inhib. 10 minutes later total roflstomp and a lossed game no matter they were owning top-mid-jungle by a huge margin fot the first 20 minutes. One throw is enough it seems.

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