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So, anyone playing League of Legends?

Dec 31, 2009
So.. I just discovered that I gain less elo for a win than my friend does, even tho we duoQ. He got 16 for a win that I got 11 for, and he had the highest elo of us...

Elo hell is fucking built into the system.


A life wasted
Sep 2, 2009
How much more Elo does he have? If the difference is too high I think it's capped to avoid "powerleveling"
Dec 31, 2009
I have many more. Which is the point. Elo hell is built into the system, and the more you struggle the more firmly entrenched you are.


Jun 18, 2010
Elo hell is a myth dreamed up by people who think they are better than they really are :rpgcodex:

GRUNKER hell OTOH is very, very real.
Jan 24, 2012
The Wasteland
Hey guys. I haven't been posting in the Codex in the past week so I missed saying a lot I wanted you to hear. Read on for:

-My thoughts on Lulu
-Stuff I learned playing with Codexers
-The "Naked Support"

Yeah so I've gradually started to phase out playing LoL. Partly, because of the way they de-emphasize supports (dominion nerf and no new supports) and also, because I started playing along with family who though they love the game are not very good and we often lose (though I don't when I play with others much).

I was seriously going to give up on the game when Lulu came out. FINALLY A NEW SUPPORT! Any support champ is great, but what I really like is how she feels made just for me. She's very versatile though somewhat weaker at whatever role you put her in. I however like screwing with the enemy team by changing my build through a match or playing an off-role almost as good as the main. Lulu let's me be a support or AP carry (though her scaling is a bit weak and only effects 3 abilities of hers) and even AD carry with her truly unique passive. In fact after playing with her a week and trying each build multiple times I have to admit AD carry seems the best. I haven't tried jungle (though I've never jungled before).

Also another thing turned my opinion of LoL to the better. I've played multiple games the past few days with people from here. You are not only skilled and serious about the game, but in fact are better than I am! I've learned quite a bit (counter ward with an oracles being the most important) and had a lot of fun. I just worry I might drag down whoever I play with as I'm not as good. Hopefully I'll get better.

The players I refer to are WholesaleGerbils and metaSHODAN.

Also prior to one of our great victories I had just gotten out of the shower and checked to see who was on before getting dressed. Seeing the Codexers online and knowing they'll probably start up a random pub match in a few minutes unless I act fast I hurriedly started a game and invited them. Once we were done (and celebrating, because it was a very well-played and long match) I admitted I had been sitting there playing without clothes on. I promptly dressed before the next match of course.

Hope it didn't creep anyone out.

The Vault Dweller


da Blitz master
Dec 31, 2002
Sthlm, Swe
Serpent in the Staglands Codex USB, 2014 Shadorwun: Hong Kong
Galio mid domination. Its unfair really bombing squishies while being so much damage resistant.

Had last game ruined by retards, jungle Sion going 1-8 in the first 15 minutes, spending more time griefing in /all chat how rest of the team sucks. The joys of Elo hell.


Jun 18, 2010
Jungle lulu attack speed is ok. I've played her a few times. She is VERY dependant on her lanes to secure ganks though, since the range of glitterlance isnt' all that great and her early-game damage is non-existant.

Attack speed reds, flat armor yellows, choice blues, lifesteal quints. 21/9/0, picking up armor and bladed armor in defensive ant attack speed/armor pen/lifesteal in offensive. start at blue golem. Get one rank in everything early, then max either glitterlance or help, pix first, followed by whimsy second. Cloth + 5 pots seems to be the way to g at the start. Get either wriggles or madreds razor (for lategame bloodrazor) + philostone. Then wits end, 'zerker boots, malady, a survivability item (shurelias works fine if you got philo early) then madreds bloodrazor.

Having had a string of losses with increasingly retarded teammates in the flast few days, I finally went "fuck it!" yesterday along with Phoenix. Picked smite and instalocked random. He instalocked random and went AD. We played 3 games like that and won all 3. :smug:


Nov 23, 2002
MCA Divinity: Original Sin Project: Eternity Torment: Tides of Numenera Wasteland 2 Codex USB, 2014 Divinity: Original Sin 2
I made a EUW account if anyone wants to play deal with my lowbie laggy ass :patriot:M:


Jan 4, 2005
Insert Title Here RPG Wokedex Codex Year of the Donut I'm very into cock and ball torture
I've been playing Dota 2 since I got into beta.

LoL to Dota 2 transition is like having sex with, then without a condom. And the hooker you pay might give you AIDS.

In LoL, everything is designed to... let you learn the game.
In Dota 2 everything is designed to... kill you. Every single champion feels OP because everyone has fantastic skills. What would be an ultimate in LoL is a Q in Dota 2.

This isn't good or bad, it's just different. You guys should give it a spin. Both games are fun, but different.

(Also, that shop... oh my god. Someone point me to a manual.)


P. banal
Aug 14, 2009
Third World
The shop is awful. I'm lucky that I used to play dota so I know many of the items names and ingredients by memory, I feel sorry for anybody new.

But it is refreshing to play a game where you don't have to grind or unlock shit to be on the same level as everyone else. Also refreshing to play a game where support is a fun and versatile role.


Oct 30, 2008
I've been playing Dota 2 since I got into beta.

LoL to Dota 2 transition is like having sex with, then without a condom. And the hooker you pay might give you AIDS.

In LoL, everything is designed to... let you learn the game.
In Dota 2 everything is designed to... kill you. Every single champion feels OP because everyone has fantastic skills. What would be an ultimate in LoL is a Q in Dota 2.

This isn't good or bad, it's just different. You guys should give it a spin. Both games are fun, but different.

(Also, that shop... oh my god. Someone point me to a manual.)
Get out of here stalker! (add me on steam)
Jan 24, 2012
The Wasteland
I got over using Lulu for Attack Speed and now play her as a normal support. A shame since her unique passive is fun to abuse, but I don't like losing, because my role is already taken.

With that in mind I always get a philosopher's stone, heart of gold, and kage's lucky pick with mercury's treads. However the last two are sort of a toss-up. I think best is a Aegis of the Legion (for making everyone slightly tankier) and a Will of the Ancients (for aura spell-vamp and AP boost). Does anyone have better suggestions?

I know that as someone who specializes in support I should probably know this, but I can't stand having such a rigid role and I'm use to my supports being built somewhat for other things usually tanking (which some supports are already built to do like Taric and Karma) or as I began Lulu with AD carrying.

Also since I played supports as tank/supports so often I am about as adept with tanks to the same degree. If anyone needs it in the future (though I don't predict anyone else wanting to be a support) I can play an excellent Maokai or Singed.

The Vault Dweller


Jun 18, 2010
I've been playing Dota 2 since I got into beta.

LoL to Dota 2 transition is like having sex with, then without a condom. And the hooker you pay might give you AIDS.

An apt analogy. Sadly, the hooker that is DotA2 had some huge warts, didn't know any interesting new tricks and thought farting was foreplay. If I hadn't experienced lol first, I might've been more forgiving of DotA2. I guess we'll see 2-3 years down the road which game stood the test of time better.

I made a EUW account if anyone wants to play deal with my lowbie laggy ass :patriot:M:

You can add me (Ulminati), Berekän, Ud0Phoenix, Qaulthir and Murderbunny. We're the usual suspects on EUW. And don't worry, your ass won't be laggier than Phoenix'es (DCs every 2nd match) or mine when my neighbours feel a pressing need to torrent donkey porn.


P. banal
Aug 14, 2009
Third World
I got over using Lulu for Attack Speed and now play her as a normal support. A shame since her unique passive is fun to abuse, but I don't like losing, because my role is already taken.

With that in mind I always get a philosopher's stone, heart of gold, and kage's lucky pick with mercury's treads. However the last two are sort of a toss-up. I think best is a Aegis of the Legion (for making everyone slightly tankier) and a Will of the Ancients (for aura spell-vamp and AP boost). Does anyone have better suggestions?

I know that as someone who specializes in support I should probably know this, but I can't stand having such a rigid role and I'm use to my supports being built somewhat for other things usually tanking (which some supports are already built to do like Taric and Karma) or as I began Lulu with AD carrying.
Defintely stop the gold items on the heart of gold. Or maybe even before it. Go for the aegis. WotA is a crappy option, if somebody in your team benefits from the spell vamp he'll certainly get the item himself. Eventually turn the philo stone into Shurelia's.


Jun 18, 2010
Been playing some jungle twitch lately. He's pretty fun. My main problem is securing KBs, since I end up expunging ½ sec too early and someone in lane steals my kills. This really hurts twitch, since he desperately needs the cheddar to get his items. Doubly so since it's very much un vogue among some mids to take his wraiths and wolves on top.


Jun 18, 2010
Yeah. The mindset seems to be that since the respawn timer is shorter now, it's ok to take wraiths whenever you want without asking the jungler. Even if he's clearly in his jungle clearing camps. It's pretty fustrating when you need those last 125 gold to plop down apink ward before stealthing in for a gank. Purpleside top lanes also occasionally decide to farm the small golems. But since they're kind of out of the way for your normal gank paths I find this to be less annoying. Blueside bot occasionally go for small golems for an edge in lane as well, which on some junglers leaves me standing around twiddling my thumbs and wating for them to respawn, since I can't start redbuff until my smite is up again.

Looking around for inspiration I found this guy who jungles twitch. He did some pretty nice gameplay videos. Check out his early first+second blood. Dat malz so dumb.

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