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So, anyone playing League of Legends?


Aug 5, 2009
Project: Eternity Shadorwun: Hong Kong Divinity: Original Sin 2 Pathfinder: Kingmaker
Darth Roxor said:
A day like every day in the life of ap Shen
Fixxed its for you.
Also, I think I'm in the equivalent of ELO hell in pre-ranked ladder :( Faggots fighting over mid all the time.


Jun 18, 2010
Grunker said:
But a big FUCK YOU to those who are all herp derp EUNE is polish guys and kurwa and russians and no team-work and shit. After reaching 1427 ranking people talk in the chat, generally play solid (not necessarily well, but they have an understanding of the basic concepts), and picks and bans are discussed in the chat

So you're saying that 1427 ELO on EUNE is exactly the same as when I was boosting a 1100 ELO friends account on EUW? :smug:


RPG Codex Ghost
Oct 19, 2009
Ulminati said:
Grunker said:
But a big FUCK YOU to those who are all herp derp EUNE is polish guys and kurwa and russians and no team-work and shit. After reaching 1427 ranking people talk in the chat, generally play solid (not necessarily well, but they have an understanding of the basic concepts), and picks and bans are discussed in the chat

So you're saying that 1427 ELO on EUNE is exactly the same as when I was boosting a 1100 ELO friends account on EUW? :smug:

I dunno, I haven't been at 1100 rating except for a brief spell. But I have a lot of friends at EUW (and on the american servers for that matter), and their reports on low-ELO play are exactly the same as the problems I had on EUNE when I was at low ELO. I sincerely doubt that there is truly a basis for the argument that polish people are somehow more retarded than the rest of us - especially considering the level of epic retardedness you have to reach to be more retarded than the general population of this game.

If only we could have a nice community like Starcraft...


Jun 18, 2010
Furfags? In my League of Legends?


She looks kinda like blood moon Akali with bigger boobs and goddam furry tails.

I'm also curious how the model will end up animated. The reason Morgana doesn't have her whip and Katarinas hair is 3 tentacles is the limits of LoLs animation engine. There's some severe cap on the number of "bones" the animation engine cna handle per moving object. 9 tails moving about should soak up a fair portion of them.


Oct 12, 2006
Tails will probably be animated like Talons cloak,they'll all be stuck together but with maybe 2-3 seperate free moving tails.


Jun 18, 2010
Well, it seems I've found the secret to carrying yourself out of ELO hell.

Step 1: Offer to go top, mid or jungle
Step 2: A bunch of retards will immediately claim they can only top or only mid, giving you jungle for free (as intended)
Step 3: Pick Gangplank, Amumu, Lee Sin or Nocturne
Step 4: Gank from level 2 onwards. If any lane seems to be feeding, buy a ward for it and make it a priority to keep ganking it
Step 5: Make sure every bluebuff from the second onwards gets donated to mid. Announce to mid that you are starting it for them, ping it a few times too. People are stupid and you basically have to hammer it into their thick heads that YOU ARE GIVING THEM FREE BUFFS, NO STRINGS ATTACHED.
Step 6: Whenever dragon is killed, look at the game clock. Add 6 minutes to the time. Write: "Next Dragon xx:yy", where xx:yy is current game time + 6 mins. Remind your team when there's ~40 seconds until dragon respawns so you can get in position.
Step 7: Buy wards, your support cannot be relied on
Step 8: Build tanky, your top lane cannot be relied on
Step 9: Save CC for priority targets, your mid lane cannot be relied on
Step 10: Don't say anything unless it's a reminder that a buff is going to respawn, dragon is going to respawn, a focus order or similar tactical information. You think the retard mid is feeding now? You ain't seen nothing compared to the tantrum he'll throw if you suggest he should stop overextending.
Step 11: If you get an ace, nexus turrets are worth more than additional inhibitors. Inhibitors are worth more than baron. Baron is worth more than regular turrets.
Step 12: One ping is never enough. Spamming is the only way to get peoples attention. Combine it with written messages tellign people what the ping is for. People are stupid, they can't figure out what frantically pinging dragon/baron means.
Step 13: If at all possible, duo queue with a friend to reduce the number of retards on your team by 1
Step 14: Keep buying wards, your support STILL can't be relied on
Step 15: Accept that you will get very few kills and a lot of assists. you built tanky because top lane is unreliable and your AD carry is a KSing assfuck.
Step 16: ???
Step 17: FREE ELO!*

It won't always work. Sometimes the retards on your team (and there will be retards, that's why you're in ELO hell) will feed the enemy carry faster than you can save them from themselves. But more often than not, you will be able to shepherd your feeders and do enough damage control that the other teams retards will lose the game faster. But in the last 12 ranked games I had, I managed to win 9 by jungling. Jungle riven works too, but only if you have a duo partner so you're guaranteed at least one semi-competent lane to get early ganks in.


Oct 2, 2007
Dead State Divinity: Original Sin Project: Eternity Torment: Tides of Numenera Wasteland 2 Shadorwun: Hong Kong
I had a Match today where i got outplayed as Cassio vs Anni mid.

I could tell the game would be good that 3 guys decided to whip them self into a frenzy because i had NO AP at lvl one and that my ITEM selection was all wrong because i went maki pendent.

Latter in the game it was all my FAULT that we lost because i had FEED anni by dying to her 2 times and killing her 1.
SHE out farmed me by some 30 Kills and yet every fight was my FAULT because my ULTI was not ready or my ULTI missed when Alistair headbutted them out of range.

The fun thing about this game is that every one think's they are great and when you lose it is never there fault and they never did any thing wrong.
THEY pushed out alone and it was BRILLIANT, but it was some one else fault that they got there asses handed to them.


Jun 18, 2010
Not saying anything about your team since I wasn't there, but meki is a sorta bad item to start with vs annie. (Also, a 30 CS difference before the 15 minute mark IS kind of dire. But your story doesn't mention at what point in the game the CS diff was 30).

Annie's mainly dangerous because of her lv6 burst. With 9/0/21 masteries (duh!) and mana regen yellows (because you can't rely on your jungler to donate bluebuff) your best bet is dorans ring. The extra HP will help you survive a tibbers combo long enough to flash or ult back at her.

Try this:
Magpen reds
Mana regen/lvl yellows
Scaling AP blues
Flat AP Quints

Doran's ring start.
Boots + Doran's ring #2 on first back.
Upgrade to sorc shoes, ruzh wizard hat, then build rylai's and either void staff or abyssal scepter depending on the enemys MR.

Cassiopeia is all about dominating your lane in the early game and fucking the enemy AP carry over. Doran's stacking is the most reliable way to secure early lane dominance. Coupled with flat AP quints, you only need to hit 1-2 Qs on your opopnent before they begin to hurt like hell. At his point, you should be able to effectively zone them out of last hitting range.

If your opponent mid has a very safe early game and you're somewhat sure you will get blue from your jungler you can replace dorans with an early catalyst->RoA and concentrate on farming. But if you're going to concentrate on farming, why aren't you picking Morgana? ;)

Darth Roxor

Rattus Iratus
Staff Member
May 29, 2008
Annie is such a bitch. Played Kassadin yesterday in the middle against her, got barely any minion kills because HOHOHO MELEE RANGE (although it was dum of me to not just kill them with Q or something), and couldn't harass her with Q either because her friggin stuff is the same range, which meant the moment I launched Q I got stunned + more damage. Derp.


Jun 18, 2010
Darth Roxor said:
Annie is such a bitch. Played Kassadin yesterday in the middle against her, got barely any minion kills because HOHOHO MELEE RANGE (although it was dum of me to not just kill them with Q or something), and couldn't harass her with Q either because her friggin stuff is the same range, which meant the moment I launched Q I got stunned + more damage. Derp.

Until lvl 6, Kass is kinda everyones bitch. After level 6, annie really shouldn't be a problem. Her Q-farming will charge your force pulse. If your force pulse is up, riftwalk + an immediate null sphere followed by force pulse is brilliant harrasment since you can be in and out before the silence dissipates, effectively taking no damage. The key is riftwalking before null sphere so the projectile travel time is short enough that annie can't react.

Before level 6, you can burst annie down from 50-66% health if force pulse is charged. Flash+Null sphere+Force Pulse+Ignite, then autoattack. I guarantee you she'll be soiling her panties too hard to fight back if you execute the combo after she burns her stun on last hitting a minion. As with most AP carries if you can get 1-2 early kills off on your opponent, you can basically bully them at will for the rest of the laning phase thanks to your level advantage.


Oct 2, 2007
Dead State Divinity: Original Sin Project: Eternity Torment: Tides of Numenera Wasteland 2 Shadorwun: Hong Kong
I know.

My build is like that the and i hit ANNI hard early and kept hitting her the problem was there jungler Xinn was a terror.
Every time i was starting to get the best of Anni BOM xinn comes in and and tries to murder me.
A Proper Jungle not all about the gank, but more about the "make me lose the ADVANTAGE" kind of jungle.

OH and i am not picking Morgana (or Anni) because she get's banned EVERY dam game.

The team we had a Twitch jungle that did not try and gank and would not share blue.
A Alistair that had no Tanking items/Support items
Temmo that went solo top instead of Alister where after he started BITCHING about my lack of AP.
The last one was Irelia that did fine and Played very well and never bitched.


Jun 18, 2010
Sounds painful mang. :|

You remembered to ward, didn't you? The only lane champ I sometimes skip wards on is the Motherfucking Morgana, since her Blueballs renders her pretty much immune to ganks anyway. (In fact, I WANT the enemy jungler to gank me when playing Morg. I'm 99% sure to survive and it means he's not ganking top or bot in th emeantime). A ward in your golemside river brush and lizardside jungle entrance (so it spots both the river and the jungle entry to mid lane) will cover all of Xins entry points. Though you need to keep an eye on the minimap for Xin entering your lizardside brush as he'll only be briefly visible.

If you're on my server (EUW) I can probably find time to duo a few rounds next week to help you out of ELO hell. In my experience, things get better when you get above 1400. Ish. Less retards, more trolls. A premade that gets jungle and a solo lane usually stands a pretty good chance, since they can coordinate ganks to kickstart the jungler. And the jungler can then assist whichever lane is taking a beating.


Jun 18, 2010
Since the magus ascendant is delayed for another week, I finally got around picking up galio. I should be able to farm up 1k ip in a week no problem, considering I can usually manage 6.3k in a week. Got every LoL champion now :D


As far as I'm concerned, Ezfail is no champion, but ranks slightly lower than a caster minion.


Oct 12, 2006
I've been trying to jungle on and off for a while, but I fail at the ganking. Whenever I go in for a gank I ping before letting my team know but for some reason I always end up dead because I become seperated from my team. The gankees (new word) just turn around and focus me down as soon as I show myself, how do you prevent this from happening? :? Do I need to ping harder?


Oct 12, 2006
Trunde, Noc, Lee Sin, Udyr and Cho'Gath. Least problem with Udyr because of his stun and speed boost, but still happens.
Dec 31, 2009
This game is pretty much a live, several years long demonstration of the Dunning-Kruger effect. Also

Also ulminati, while your list was lulzy, I don't know if I am entitled to laugh at it since I'm still playing sub-elo and would probably do all of the mistakes these guys you're bitching at makes :M


Jun 18, 2010
fyezall said:
Trunde, Noc, Lee Sin, Udyr and Cho'Gath. Least problem with Udyr because of his stun and speed boost, but still happens.

Assuming your teammates are really dumb (and your teammates ARE really dumb) you need to let them know in advance. Pick a lane that's sort-of pushed to your own tower, so the enemy has to run further. Type "Omw top/mid/bot to gank". Then when you're in position type "ready?" and ping the target once or twice before going in. If your teammate STILL doesn't assist with ganks, just leave him to fend for himself afterwards. Some people are beyond helping.

For ganking, Nocturne is really the easiest. Basically you just wait until an enemy commits to attacking an ally, THEN you ult in on them, :P

If you can get decent at jungling, I still maintain jungle is the easiest position to carry a team from. In any of the lanes you're dependant on 2 other lanes (and the jungler) not fucking up catastrophically until your lane is won. As the jungler, you can help all 3 lanes to not fuck up.

And games at ELO < 1400 aren't won by which team plays better. They're won by the team that fucks up the least.
Dec 31, 2009
I frequently play junglers in solo queue and I have to say it is extremely aggravating. If I communicate on beforehand that I am going to gank, they respond by pushing the lane. I try to tell people shit like "don't push the lane" and "don't chase them back into the tower" but to no avail. People doesn't even know not to autoattack creeps...

Also, when do you go for a gank when jungling? Is it just a combination of low HP + pushed lane or are there other factors?


Oct 12, 2006
I always try to go when Im healthy enough and the other team has pushed beyond the middle of the lane so I can come from behind, but this just makes them turn around and focus me as they do they become out of reach of my team mates and get away clean. Im guessing its my team mates not acting quick enough or me going in to soon.

Just had one of those "but we're friends so we must lane together"-experiences, a Teemo and Nunu insisting on going bot leaving me to mid with a Janna against a freaking Brand! Last hitting with her was nigh impossible, she does like no damage. But I managaged to out harrass him with them tornadoes, very nice to set up ganks for the jungler too, so we won in the end.


Jun 18, 2010
Going in when you are healthy and the lane is pushed is not enough. You need to go in when your teammate in the lane is ready, willing and able to assist. That means making them aware of your approach and intent, since people can be really fucking awful at looking at the minimap.

If your teammate isn't ready to go in at the same time you do, the fight becomes a regular 1v1. And the person you're jumping most likely has an xp and creep advantage on you if you are ganking a solo lane.

As always, be aware that the enemy might know you are coming if there are wards and that their jungler may be on his way to counter-gank. That's why you buy wards for lanes that don't have them, so you can see if the enemy player places a ward of their own.

Darth Roxor

Rattus Iratus
Staff Member
May 29, 2008
Morgana's getting nerfed next patch.

Ulminati gonna hate :M

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