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So, anyone playing League of Legends?


Sep 24, 2008
But at the same time I kind of want to pick up a tank/support char, simply because I've been getting a lot of matches lately with way too many carries/assassins on the team. I've got Kayle, but don't really like the playstyle much. Who else would be good for that kind of role? Is Galio worth the price? I never see him.
Have you tried Leona? She's fun to play tank/support that works well in bot kill lane. 3 of her 4 skills are stuns, she has armor/magic resistance steroid and her passive is kinda good too. I'd recommend you to wait for her to be in free rotation, because she's expensive though.

Also Galio is awesome.


A life wasted
Sep 2, 2009
Azael said:
Bought Twitch becasuse... fuck if I know. Any good pointers on how to play him (or not)? Seems fun enough to play as a fairly standard AD champ with Wit's End, but ended up in a retarded team against a retarded enemy team composition (which of course stomped us good) first time I tried him out.

Ah, Twitch's fucking fun to play, get fed and you will be impossible to stop late game.

Anyway, when playing him you just have to play really careful on early levels, just farm and don't try to harass without popping your invisibility. If you can get a chance, try to gank mid, most of the times the surprise factor will make the enemy unable to react and get killed easily.

I start with standard boots + pots, later I follow with a Wriggle's Lantern, because the sustain comes really handy, boots of speed +5, phanton dancer, infinity edge.

Avoid combat unless you're really sure you're going to win, after all you're fucking invisible, should be easy to set up a nice ambush. If you can manage to get fed and the game gets too long you're going to be a fucking killing machine, find any champion roaming around the map and kill him in a matter of seconds.

Fun fact: When your ult's active you can attack towers out of their attack range.

EDIT: I run him with Cleanse and Ghost, surprisingly good to avoid getting ganked, just pop both, run like hell and pop your invisibility. I can send you some of my replays with him if you wish 'cause I don't think I can put into words the playstyle with him.


A life wasted
Sep 2, 2009
You're doing something really wrong then, you just have to play smart and stay out of trouble, you either suck or rape, and because you need a brain to play him properly most of the players fail with him (I pick him very often but I'm the first to complain when some random takes him because chances are he's probably gonna suck).

Your team can't push for shit? Backdooring couldn't be easier for him. Your team is going to a TF? Stay invisible in the back, pop your ultimate and rape them all. In a 1vs1 scenario you have the advantage even if your enemy has Oracle, your minions can see him, but theirs can't see you, you can set up a nice ambush as you want and you cripple your enemy team making them having to waste 400g every time you kill them.

The complaints about him just come from people that haven't played him/don't know how to play him.


RPG Codex Ghost
Oct 19, 2009
Berekän said:
You're doing something really wrong then, you just have to play smart and stay out of trouble, you either suck or rape, and because you need a brain to play him properly most of the players fail with him (I pick him very often but I'm the first to complain when some random takes him because chances are he's probably gonna suck).

Your team can't push for shit? Backdooring couldn't be easier for him. Your team is going to a TF? Stay invisible in the back, pop your ultimate and rape them all. In a 1vs1 scenario you have the advantage even if your enemy has Oracle, your minions can see him, but theirs can't see you, you can set up a nice ambush as you want and you cripple your enemy team making them having to waste 400g every time you kill them.

The complaints about him just come from people that haven't played him/don't know how to play him.

With inferior range, how do you lane

With inferior damage, how do you carry

With inferior kit, how do you add utility

With inferior toughness, how do you survive

With inferior sustain, how do you stay

O Twitch, you worst of all champions in the League - why doth Riot hate you so?

- Twitch's Lament

If you're trying to make a serious case for Twitch being viable, I guess we're not gonna move on.


A life wasted
Sep 2, 2009
Grunker said:
With inferior range, how do you lane

You either have your stealth, which let's you get into close range without much hassle or your ultimate, which gives you the longest range in the game.

Grunker said:
With inferior damage, how do you carry

I wasn't sure about this so I looked the ratios on Leaguecraft, you should do it too, apparently.

Grunker said:
With inferior kit, how do you add utility

Great range AoE slow and long-ass stealth which can be useful for many things are inferior things now?

Grunker said:
With inferior toughness, how do you survive

Again, look at the ratios on Leaguecraft.

Grunker said:
With inferior sustain, how do you stay

Which AD carry has in-built sustain? That's why you built Wriggle's/Bloodthirter

Grunker said:
O Twitch, you worst of all champions in the League - why doth Riot hate you so?

- Twitch's Lament

If you're trying to make a serious case for Twitch being viable, I guess we're not gonna move on.

Easy there, are we even forgetting about Evelynn now? :P

Maybe you just don't like it, maybe you haven't played him or you just have seen retards playing him, but I expected more from you, Grunker, the points you've made are really weak. I'm not saying he's the best AD Carry in the game, but saying he isn't viable just because it's cool to hate on him, well... he's just underplayed because there are easier AD chars that don't require a specific mindset to play with, but there are some top ELO players using Twitch.


RPG Codex Ghost
Oct 19, 2009
1) lol at outlaning Cait via stealth

2) You seem to be mistaking base damage value with the ability to do damage

3) Yep. His ult is shitty compared to all other top tier champion's, except maybe Cait, who makes up for it by easily being the strongest AD Carry in the game. The stealth is the sole thing that must make up for all of Twitch's deficiencies.

4) Twitch has significantly lower health than Vayne and Caitlyn WHICH ARE CHAMPIONS WITH FUCKING ESCAPE MECHANISMS

5) What is his lane? It can't be bot - any player who cannot outlane (i.e. farm better than) a Twitch with top tier AD carries should be declared unfit to play the game. In any other lane, he needs sustain. He has none.

6) I'd wager Evelyn is better, since at least she can be of some hypothetical use in the jungle.

You expected better of me? I thought most codexians had the sense to investigate their claims and listen to their betters (meaning those who know more about the game than you and I) before coming to some random conclusion, UNLESS they believe they hold some secret knowledge. You have not provided me with any stunning evidence that counteracts:

1) Twitch's utter weakness in lane.

2) The fact that he scales like shit into late game.

3) The fact that he has no escape mechanism unlike almost all other AD carries and their mom.

4) The fact that he has almost the lowest HP in the entire game.

5) The fact that he relies on sniping but is notoriously bad at one-on-ones (CC and Movement is king of assassination, Twitch has a mediocre slow and that's it)

Players who die to Twitch are bad. To die to Twitch you have to overextend or stay in lane at less HP than you should. If surprised by a Twitch with more than 3/4 HP and not being overextended, all top tier champions will get away without any issues. Twitch, however, will fail because his strength is roaming. This very fact counteracts his purpose in life as an AD Carry - which is to get farmed. As he won't get farmed on creeps (because he is roaming) he must get farmed on kills. And only horrible players feed a Twitch.

Most of these points are pretty self-evident, but you say you expect better of me... well, I expect better of you:

It is your claim, not mine, that goes against what is popularly held as true. Ergo the burden of evidence is on you, and you have said nothing to outbalance the points Twitch has against him - which are many.


Oct 30, 2008
Grunker, you are easily brought to wall of text mode.

Also Caitlyn is not the strongest AD carry; she is indeed the strongest early-game AD, but late-game she gets dethroned.

Damned Registrations

Furry Weeaboo Nazi Nihilist
Feb 24, 2007
Been playing Ahri non stop the last few days and I think I can make at least one really solid suggestion for how to play her:

Don't engage the enemy team with your ult until an ally has dropped below half health or so. They'll be much much more likely to ignore you this way, both for switching targets to you and for running away/dodging skillshots. You can generally burst them down before they finish your ally off anyways, and certainly before they can take you down if they already blew enough spells to gimp your ally.

Edit: Had someone dodge when I picked Ahri, saying she's so so UP. Next match: Ahri mid vs Veigar, 7-0-3 15 stacks on Mejais at 18 minutes. They finally killed me about a minute later, but my team aced them for it in exchange. 20 minute unanimous surrender.


A life wasted
Sep 2, 2009
I'm not trying to "bait" you into anything, mind you, just discussing a champion. You're accusing me of "not researching my claims and listening to my betters" while if that were true it would be only of yourself. You're just taking into account the vocal majority, which, as already noted in this thread many times, it's full of retards, the sames that scream "OMG Trynda is OP OP OP". Let's take the opinion of one of the top AD Carry players, being that Doublelift.

Doublelift said:
Twitch is the best 6 item carry in the game in my mind with no champions who even come close to him. This is because his steroid potentially multiplies his damage by 5 and realistically by 3-4 during teamfights
His biggest problem is obviously his shitty laning phase unless he snowballs. If you don't get a kill you lose lane and get zoned for days

Yeah, I never said his laning phase was great, I just said that you have to play really careful on early levels, and that he was unstoppable late game, which are the points that Doublelift remarks. Now getting into more accurate details. Inability to do damage? He has the biggest AS buff in the game, along with a decent AD buff, and a nuke that rapes early game. Useless ultimate? It's a fucking great steroid, you just have to know how to position yourself and you can take down 2-3 enemy champions in a few seconds, I've managed to kill even 4 champions with a just a few barrages of fire.

About the no escape/squishiness issue. He has only 20 less hp than Ashe, and about 100 less than Vayne or Sivir, yeah he's squissy but in the same vein as any of the other carries, he might lack in the escape department but that's why I take the Cleanse & Ghost combo. Pop both of them, get ahead a few meters and your stealth comes into play, safe. Also, if you get in the situation that you have to escape too much you're playing too berzeker for Twitch.

And you're really saying that Evelynn can perform in jungle and Twitch can't? Wow, really wow. You, sir, are the one that should check his facts.


RPG Codex Ghost
Oct 19, 2009
I'm not talking about the vocal majority, I'm talking about the general consensus among the pros. While not a guiding star, I listen to them before trusting my own point blank conclusions.

I'm glad to see that DoubleLift agrees with me, though. The only thing DoubleLift mentions is that his raw damage late game is rough, but that doesn't matter shit if you can't escape. Why is Vayne the best late game carry? Because she deals a shit ton of damage and can almost always escape.

Twitch is furthermore an AD Carry. That means farm is his bread and butter. Stick him in the jungle and see where that takes you (although I guess with the new jungle this is a bit different).

Bottom line remains that only retards die to Twitch, and Twitch needs a bunch of kills. He WILL be zoned in lane unless you play against seriously bad opponents.

I'm glad to see that you, instead of answering my points, reply with a quote from DoubleLift that agrees with me (albeit he places more value in Twitch's raw damage potential than I do).

If we're talking personal opinion, I have not lost a game to a team with a Twitch on their team for as long as I can remember. He is not usable in Solo Queue OR Arranged because laning is so crucial, and he will be destroyed. Indeed, he is not used at any ELO by anyone except the seldom annyoing fuck who gets mauled by his team for making a decision that will properly be vital in their loss. Thus, he is useless for anything but trolling in normal games.


A life wasted
Sep 2, 2009
Keep acting as if you were blind, only answering with a Doublelift quote? Ignore the points made below the quote.

Doublelift agreeing with you? You said Twitch is the worst champ ever and he said he's the best 6 item carry in the game, contradiction much? Only thing similar is the laning phase, and it's common sense that you must play carefully on it.

Just now a top ELO game is being played with Twitch, in Xpeke's team


RPG Codex Ghost
Oct 19, 2009
You accuse me of being blind, yet you claim that DoubleLift's quote means he thinks Twitch is viable. At the same time you completely ignore the fact that DoubleLift would never, ever, under any circumstances actually pick Twitch.

Also, the fact that you seem to think "playing carefully" is a simple thing to do when playing top tier AD Carries for me demonstrates your lack of understanding with regards to the laning phase.

I have to admit your link is the first I've seen of Twitch in a high ELO game, but they're picking against Sivir, who I don't know much about since the redo so maybe there are things I don't understand about the pick. I see, however, that Vayne is banned.

Also, why they do not pick Caitlyn is a mystery for me, though I guess it could have something to do with the Sivir-pick, and I haven't researched Sivir since the re-work much.

EDIT: Watching the stream now. lol @ Xerath committing THE rookie mistake against Twitch.


A life wasted
Sep 2, 2009
*Sigh* :roll:

Anyway, no point on discussing this further, I've seen that Twitch playing before against a Graves and didn't have too much trouble to farm, but you don't seem to give any proof to your arguments so just keep hating on him, the better for me.


Oct 12, 2006
Did anyone see the ESL tournament? Some really intresting things happening with the meta. Not a single Clairvoyance picked up, replaced by heal in almost every case, sometimes 2-3 per team. One match has 4 brusiers + Karthus and they totally destroyed the more conventional team comps. Gangplank, Leona and Yorick the new supports, with Yorick being the most popular asfar as I could tell, slow poke poke poke in lane and +1 carry in team fights. And Veigar top AP carry all of the sudden.


Dec 6, 2002
Multikult Central South
Wasteland 2
I see that Twitch is a controversial subject. ;)

Will try to play him some more to get a feel of him. Probably a hasty buy, but so was Maokai and he turned into one of my favorite champs to play, I just got a fed up with saving for runes and rune pages and wanted a bigger selection to play from.

I've seen several teams playing with two tanky DPS bot, but I'm lvl 25 and face hordes of retards all the time, so no team composition surprises me yet.


Dec 4, 2010
Hes supposed to get reworked so really it doesnt matter. He wont be the same twitch eventually (unless they decided to not rework him)


RPG Codex Ghost
Oct 19, 2009
Berekän said:
*Sigh* :roll:

Anyway, no point on discussing this further, I've seen that Twitch playing before against a Graves and didn't have too much trouble to farm, but you don't seem to give any proof to your arguments so just keep hating on him, the better for me.

You've given proof? :roll:

Not that I'd ever pick him anyway, but Graves doesn't have the capabilities that the other AD carries I suggested do, what with very low range. I'm not that fond of Graves compared to other ADs, though at least he actually has movement in his kit.

Damned Registrations

Furry Weeaboo Nazi Nihilist
Feb 24, 2007
Why do people try to gank ungankable heroes? I'm fighting Ahri mirror match mid, and kill her at level 6. After this, she picks up a second dorans and a health gem. Now Vayne decides to try gank her and I waste my ult twice saving her dumb ass. Bye bye advantage. In the mean time both side lanes are pushed right to enemy tower so I can't gank the enemy heroes with under 1k max hp.



P. banal
Aug 14, 2009
Third World
Picking Twitch is effectively handicapping yourself. If you're skilled enough to carry with him without being fed...then you could be doing even better with another champion! ;)

But I enjoy when people pick those exotic champions and play well.

DamnedRegistrations said:
Why do people try to gank ungankable heroes? I'm fighting Ahri mirror match mid, and kill her at level 6. After this, she picks up a second dorans and a health gem. Now Vayne decides to try gank her and I waste my ult twice saving her dumb ass. Bye bye advantage. In the mean time both side lanes are pushed right to enemy tower so I can't gank the enemy heroes with under 1k max hp.

At least she didn't blame you for not scoring the kill. :M

Alsp, play on draft mode, mang.

Damned Registrations

Furry Weeaboo Nazi Nihilist
Feb 24, 2007
Waiting on level 20 to take modes and runes and such seriously. I think my runebook has like 3 empty slots right now, and a bunch of useless runes for any given hero. 2 levels to go. I'll probably try playing with some codexers then too.

It's kind of sad how other people play Ahri when it's either an enemy or someone clicks faster. They generally spam orbs in lane, which gives fuck all hp regen and pushes like crazy, and almost never land. Then for items they get hp/mana and put of AP for so long that when the ult into a team fight nobody even gives a fuck.

I've recently contemplated trying to build for AD on Ahri, just to see how well it'd work. It's something that'd be hopeless in DotA or HoN because of the way AGI/STR/INT work, but theres nothing stopping your from picking up a pile of bloodthristers and phantom dancers and going to town in LoL. Though I'd try it out on bots of course.

I mean, the difference between Ahri and Ashe at level 18 would be: 18% attack speed (woo) slightly more hp for Ahri, Ahri's stun being a flat 2 seconds on a much much shorter CD with less range, no passive slow on auto attacks, trivial passive difference (they're both pretty awful passives beyond the laning phase) and a godly positioning tool for Ahri. Any other ranged heroes that have these kinds of abilities? Kennen comes to mind and has a nice passive that works out to an 18% damage buff, but I can't think of anyone else that can close large distances on such short notice. (and Kennen's dash thing is kind of shitty in that you can't attack for 4 whole seconds.)


P. banal
Aug 14, 2009
Third World
It's not really about playing seriously, it's because draft is more fair. You don't get mirrored characters and can ban popular stomping champions like morgana or kassadin and also see what the enemy is choosing.

Adding this mode was the best thing they ever did in the game. Now all it needs is a /remake command...just lost a 4v5 because Ashe decided to afk in the fountain.

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