I'm not trying to "bait" you into anything, mind you, just discussing a champion. You're accusing me of "not researching my claims and listening to my betters" while if that were true it would be only of yourself. You're just taking into account the vocal majority, which, as already noted in this thread many times, it's full of retards, the sames that scream "OMG Trynda is OP OP OP". Let's take the opinion of one of the top AD Carry players,
being that Doublelift.
Doublelift said:
Twitch is the best 6 item carry in the game in my mind with no champions who even come close to him. This is because his steroid potentially multiplies his damage by 5 and realistically by 3-4 during teamfights
His biggest problem is obviously his shitty laning phase unless he snowballs. If you don't get a kill you lose lane and get zoned for days
Yeah, I never said his laning phase was great, I just said that you have to play really careful on early levels, and that he was unstoppable late game, which are the points that Doublelift remarks. Now getting into more accurate details. Inability to do damage? He has the biggest AS buff in the game, along with a decent AD buff, and a nuke that rapes early game. Useless ultimate? It's a fucking great steroid, you just have to know how to position yourself and you can take down 2-3 enemy champions in a few seconds, I've managed to kill even 4 champions with a just a few barrages of fire.
About the no escape/squishiness issue. He has only 20 less hp than Ashe, and about 100 less than Vayne or Sivir, yeah he's squissy but in the same vein as any of the other carries, he might lack in the escape department but that's why I take the Cleanse & Ghost combo. Pop both of them, get ahead a few meters and your stealth comes into play, safe. Also, if you get in the situation that you have to escape too much you're playing too berzeker for Twitch.
And you're really saying that Evelynn can perform in jungle and Twitch can't? Wow, really wow. You, sir, are the one that
should check his facts.