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So, anyone playing League of Legends?


Oct 12, 2006
So, I singlehandedly lost the match according to my team. I hate it when I see other people do one mistake that makes us lose so I'm willing to learn from mine.

It was en even match but we had a slight advantage, we won most team fights and I was carrying hard with Vayne. Towards the end the enemy team made a desperate last push at our base. I was very confident because everyone on their team was underfed and squishy. Expect their Nasus who had farmed alot and built very tanky. I know you should never focus the tank first, I know it. But in this case I deemed him the biggest threat. He could basically one shot everyone except our own tank. So I felt we should attack him first, which I wrote right before the fight errupted. Problem was, noone else but me did, because "never focus the tank!" is the first thing you learn. And they were relying on me for damage, so everyone got butchered and our damage was spread over mutiple targets. We got aced, without killing a single one of them.
And I got the worst scolding ever for it.

Was I wrong? The Nasus WAS tanky, even had Guardian Angel up, but he was also the only threat as far as I could see. Everyone else was severly underfed. Had everyone focused him he would have gone down just as fast as any other squishy because we were so much stronger.
If I had killed the others first and then gone for Nasus, he would have had time to wreck our team anyway. But maybe not fast enough, I dont know. There must be exceptions to the "never focus the tank" rule, right?
I will accept being in the wrong here, I'm just not sure if I am...


Jan 28, 2006
Twilight Zone
fyezall said:
So, I singlehandedly lost the match according to my team. I hate it when I see other people do one mistake that makes us lose so I'm willing to learn from mine.

It was en even match but we had a slight advantage, we won most team fights and I was carrying hard with Vayne. Towards the end the enemy team made a desperate last push at our base. I was very confident because everyone on their team was underfed and squishy. Expect their Nasus who had farmed alot and built very tanky. I know you should never focus the tank first, I know it. But in this case I deemed him the biggest threat. He could basically one shot everyone except our own tank. So I felt we should attack him first, which I wrote right before the fight errupted. Problem was, noone else but me did, because "never focus the tank!" is the first thing you learn. And they were relying on me for damage, so everyone got butchered and our damage was spread over mutiple targets. We got aced, without killing a single one of them.
And I got the worst scolding ever for it.

Was I wrong? The Nasus WAS tanky, even had Guardian Angel up, but he was also the only threat as far as I could see. Everyone else was severly underfed. Had everyone focused him he would have gone down just as fast as any other squishy because we were so much stronger.
If I had killed the others first and then gone for Nasus, he would have had time to wreck our team anyway. But maybe not fast enough, I dont know. There must be exceptions to the "never focus the tank" rule, right?
I will accept being in the wrong here, I'm just not sure if I am...

It's not bad to take pot shots at the tank to weaken him, but when the team commits, it's always best to focus squishies (Generally the highest damage squishy first).


Dec 8, 2009
If anyone wants to play, add me "Cenote".

It would actually be easier if we had a Codex chat channel, anyone want to settle for the name?
Dec 31, 2009
Flat mana regen seals or scaling mana regen seals which is better and why? The scaling ones gets better at lvl 7 which is quite early but all guides on solomid.net recommends flat ones :M halp me!


A life wasted
Sep 2, 2009
Xi said:
fyezall said:
So, I singlehandedly lost the match according to my team. I hate it when I see other people do one mistake that makes us lose so I'm willing to learn from mine.

It was en even match but we had a slight advantage, we won most team fights and I was carrying hard with Vayne. Towards the end the enemy team made a desperate last push at our base. I was very confident because everyone on their team was underfed and squishy. Expect their Nasus who had farmed alot and built very tanky. I know you should never focus the tank first, I know it. But in this case I deemed him the biggest threat. He could basically one shot everyone except our own tank. So I felt we should attack him first, which I wrote right before the fight errupted. Problem was, noone else but me did, because "never focus the tank!" is the first thing you learn. And they were relying on me for damage, so everyone got butchered and our damage was spread over mutiple targets. We got aced, without killing a single one of them.
And I got the worst scolding ever for it.

Was I wrong? The Nasus WAS tanky, even had Guardian Angel up, but he was also the only threat as far as I could see. Everyone else was severly underfed. Had everyone focused him he would have gone down just as fast as any other squishy because we were so much stronger.
If I had killed the others first and then gone for Nasus, he would have had time to wreck our team anyway. But maybe not fast enough, I dont know. There must be exceptions to the "never focus the tank" rule, right?
I will accept being in the wrong here, I'm just not sure if I am...

It's not bad to take pot shots at the tank to weaken him, but when the team commits, it's always best to focus squishies (Generally the highest damage squishy first).

What Xi said basically. Take in mind that even if he's the biggest threat, by the same rule, it should've been easier to just decimate his team and leave him as the last man standing, and it's easier to kite and kill a single champion if he's all alone. Focusing him first, with the time it takes to take him down, just leaves room for the other champs to damage and kill your team.

herostratus said:
Flat mana regen seals or scaling mana regen seals which is better and why? The scaling ones gets better at lvl 7 which is quite early but all guides on solomid.net recommends flat ones :M halp me!

http://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends ... _long_and/


Jan 10, 2010
BirdsCanFly said:
If anyone wants to play, add me "Cenote".

It would actually be easier if we had a Codex chat channel, anyone want to settle for the name?

I'll add you - I'm metaSHODAN. Other members of the glorious U.S Master Race Server are WholesaleGenocde (no I in there) and Dakasha.


Jan 28, 2006
Twilight Zone
Name: iLagU

US master server

If you add me, make sure to note that you are a Codex Bro. I'm having far better luck Duoing in (Solo Rank) and would really like to make a solid 5 man team.

Darth Roxor

Rattus Iratus
Staff Member
May 29, 2008
fyezall said:
Was I wrong?

Nasus hits you for 9487693746 damage and then stands around doing nothing for a couple of seconds. You hit him for 10 damage because he can take so much.

Meanwhile, his four friends, while unfed, keep unleashing a constant torrent of stuff that, when combined, hits you like a truck. They also happen to fold like a deck of cards.

So yeah, much better to get his four friends first.

Darth Roxor

Rattus Iratus
Staff Member
May 29, 2008
Just took Kayle for a spin solo top using this guide: http://solomid.net/guides.php?g=3828

So hilariously fun. Will have to try it out more. Pushes/farms like mad, high AS + Q + E gives her so much damage it's not even funny, and allow me to not even mention the massive ------enemy armour from passive + black cleaver (+later stark's fervour). While, quite admittedly, we've played against a rather clueless bunch of tards 'cause we played with Hero's level 10 friends who lowered our elos considerably, I can still see this thing working quite well in regular games. Will need to test further.


Jim Cojones

Nov 2, 2008
Przenajswietsza Rzeczpospolita
The idea of splitpush [at sub-30 summoner's level games] is completely foreign, if there are one or two people pushing top this means that the entire team with no exceptions must immediately rush top. AAAARGH
If only this was happening exclusively on lower levels. I have just seen four people gathering close to the baron while my brother was clearing a wave of minions bottom to protect the turret, planning to teleport to the baron after that. Suddenly (because nobody wards at all), the whole enemy team emerges bottom, kills my brother and destroys the first turret. Still, it's only the first turret so there's plenty of time to do baron, and get back to the base before the enemies can destroy something in the base.

So what does the team do? All ignore Nashor and run bottom to lose 4v5 fight and the game.


Jul 13, 2009
Whaddayamean? I've recently started replaying on EUE, check out my match history. By the by, where are all of y'all mawfakkas? Whenever I log in with 2-3 friends of mine, I barely see any of you lot. I wanna get Fizz, need like 3k more IP till then.


RPG Codex Ghost
Oct 19, 2009
Playing SW:TOR while I still have it for free, and playing Batman: Arkham City. So LoL is on ice for a while :)


da Blitz master
Dec 31, 2002
Sthlm, Swe
Serpent in the Staglands Codex USB, 2014 Shadorwun: Hong Kong
Ye, Im taking it easy too. Arkham City, Mass Effect 2(almost done),all of DOW2, Deus Ex HR on the list and shitload of indie games im playing in coffee breaks. Gonna take a while till I do another LoL marathon.

Whats the verdict on Viktor? Saw Shushei play him for one game and besides his stupid common name he seems to have a nice burst for one-shotting people.


Dec 6, 2002
Multikult Central South
Wasteland 2
Played a game with my girlfriend's younger brother who's around level 14 or so and dear God, I had forgotten that the game was like that in the lower levels. Everyone instalocks their champions, plays hyperaggressive and consider a game where they have one more kill than deaths as a carry a good one. Jungling is apparently unheard of and glasscannons are all around since defensive items apparently are for pussies.

Darth Roxor

Rattus Iratus
Staff Member
May 29, 2008
Quoting a very auld post:

go play 5v5 ranked and see how far you guys get. You have the level, there's nothing stopping you.


Glorious Kraftworld Kodexia sets out into the perils of the warp to obliterate the lesser races


yes, the enemy team was shit as fuck and it's nothing to really be happy about, but still. R00fles!


RPG Codex Ghost
Oct 19, 2009
Congrats bitches! Now get your asses ranked so my ranked team can challenge fair Codexia's! Whatever happens, the butthurt induced by the winning team shall be glorious for everyone else to witness!


Oct 30, 2008
I can already picture Grunker mobilising his squad for intense all-nighter training for the next few weeks in preparation for the CLASH of TITANS!

Also fyezall, you gotta get skype for yourself, faggot! How else are we gonna pull off those epic ganks?

Pony King

Mar 30, 2011
Flat mana regen seals or scaling mana regen seals which is better and why? The scaling ones gets better at lvl 7 which is quite early but all guides on solomid.net recommends flat ones :M halp me!
You choose whichever fits the kind of champion and role that you want to play. If you're a mana-based solomid champion, that only becomes really relevant at lvl 6, then you choose scaling MRegen runes, and if you're jungle fiddlesticks you pick flat MRegen runes to help your early jungling.

An example would be that I normally run MRegen yellows on Annie (it is VERY debatable whether this is optimal), but if I had the runes and an extra runepage, I'd consider running flat MRegen runes against Kassadin to help me in the early laning phase, where Kassadin is weakest.

Damned Registrations

Furry Weeaboo Nazi Nihilist
Feb 24, 2007
Servers seem really shitty right now. Played a few games but going to stop for today and hope they're better tomorrow.

Fought against Viktor mid. Seems obnoxiously hard to push out of lane. OTOH, 3 of his 4 abilities are way too hopelessly slow to catch Ahri, who is still my favourite hero by far. First blood! Double kill! Double kill! Godlike! Red team has surrendered. :smug:


P. banal
Aug 14, 2009
Third World
Yes, those insta-lock viktors are such a joy. He seems like a hard champion to play, his Q has a ridiculously short range, his W is easily avoidable and his E is hard to aim...cool ulti though.

You choose whichever fits the kind of champion and role that you want to play. If you're a mana-based solomid champion, that only becomes really relevant at lvl 6, then you choose scaling MRegen runes, and if you're jungle fiddlesticks you pick flat MRegen runes to help your early jungling.

An example would be that I normally run MRegen yellows on Annie (it is VERY debatable whether this is optimal), but if I had the runes and an extra runepage, I'd consider running flat MRegen runes against Kassadin to help me in the early laning phase, where Kassadin is weakest.
I'd get flat either way...mana problems usually come on the early laning phase and later on you should be getting blue anyway.

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