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So, anyone playing League of Legends?


Jan 10, 2010
don't forget twitch amirite

Yeah actually. Well, it's more of if you hit 3+ enemies with his ultimate.

I like how Trynd suddenly went from 'lololololo nobody ever plays trynd ranked, noob champ, so easy to counter' to "HOLY SHIT TOP TIER' without even any positive changes. Probably 'cause someone saw him once on a high elo stream. League of Legends community in a nutshell. R00fles!

This is partially true. However, what really set Trynd over the top from fringe pick to "omg must pick/ban" is the new masteries and buff to cleanse, which effectively buffed him a good deal.

Oh so it doesn't apply to you, grats, doesn't change the fact that the majority of Trynd players only play him to take advantage of his pubstomping qualities when fed against an disorganized team, and they could care less about jungling or team composition.

Well I play Trynd for his pubstomping qualities, but I do care a lot about team comp :smug:
Jun 27, 2010
I've been playing for a while now, but somehow missed this thread all the way up until now. So which AP mid do you bros usually roll with? I'm pretty fond of Malzahar against almost every other, Xerath and Annie can still get me pretty well sometimes, but luckily I don't run into them enough for that to make a difference. Keep that space-aids E alive and get your minions to chomp on people with it, then learn to snap that W-R together and you're gonna burn a lot of targets down fast as shit. The silence wall Q's nice too when you can get multiple people with it, but that's when/if you can get the thing to land just right.

Darth Roxor

Rattus Iratus
Staff Member
May 29, 2008
My APs of choice are Kassadin, Malzahar and Xerath. Except that Kassadin gets banned so fucking often, I can't really play him anymore. Same goes for Morgana, who is also cool, but I don't play her that much. I also play Twisted Fate mid fairly often because spamming those wild cards 24/7 is hilarious :M
Jun 27, 2010
One big brofist to you for playing TF. He used to be like my main man, it's a pity they saw fit to shit on his ult all that time ago though. He's still fun to play, but that stupid nerf really hurt his ability to rapidly turn things around and get people off your base.


P. banal
Aug 14, 2009
Third World
I usually mid as Brand. By usually I mean almost never because there's always an insta-lock Ahri before I get to pick something.

Ryze is cool too, but I haven't played him in a looong time...


Jan 10, 2010
My main champ is Karthus, and when I can't play as him I also take Kennen mid to some success. I've also dabbled with every other AP to some extent, but those are my main 2. Sion would be a fairly close third.
Jun 27, 2010
By usually I mean almost never because there's always an insta-lock Ahri before I get to pick something.

This makes me so very sad, usually because most Ahri's I see do pretty terribly or just skate by on last-hit champ kills thanks to good junglers. It's even worse now with Viktor + Ahri always wanting to take the mid as well. Though speaking of Viktor, what was the Codex ruling on him? I really want to like him, but he just feels weaker than he should right out of the gate. His augments do some pretty good stuff, Death being like a free partial ignite, Gravity letting you set up for some good trap drops and Power giving you that nice chance to put some distance between yourself and whoever you popped. The problem is though, while the ability boosts are pretty nice, the actual stats on them feel a little average for blowing 1200 on just that augment. That and it annoys the hell out of me that they made Hex Core take up an item slot, when it could've easily just sat in his little passive ability box instead of chewing up a space.

Damned Registrations

Furry Weeaboo Nazi Nihilist
Feb 24, 2007
I think Viktor could potentially be really good, but the skillcap is just too high. Manually aiming the laser while controlling your ult while dodging enemy shit while trying to land your disable and getting in your Q and auto attacks... you'd need inhuman reflexes to do it all perfectly. If you're some nutjob that actually uses 300 APM while playing, he's probably really good, but for an average players, he's below average, and even in the hands of a player that controls other difficult champs well, he's still only average.


RPG Codex Ghost
Oct 19, 2009
Comrade, I main mid like Roxor. My choices are Morgana, Brand, Annie and Cassiopeia. I generally pick Morg whenever I can because she's so powerful. The others I use with variation depending on who I'm laning against or what the team pick.

Note that the only reason I don't use Kassadin is because I'm shit at him. I'm training him a lot at the minute to hopefully make up for that, because he's too good not to use.

Darth Roxor

Rattus Iratus
Staff Member
May 29, 2008
A Kassadin guide for dummies:

Pick flash and cleanse.

Start with boots or meki pendant (+ potions). Hug turret until level 6 'cause you're cannon fodder before that.

Get tear of the goddess ASAP (some people will say it's not worth it, but they are all dumbfucks and not worth listening to).

Get level 6, melt the face of your laning opponent with superior harass (R + Q + E, run away).

Snowball to victory.

And for the love of God, don't pick Zhonya's Hourglass or Doran's ring.


RPG Codex Ghost
Oct 19, 2009

I see you have come to your senses ;)

I will give it a shot, certainly, but in the laning phase Ignite secures the kill every time for me so I'm not sure I'll stick with it.

Start with boots or meki pendant (+ potions). Hug turret until level 6 'cause you're cannon fodder before that.

That's basically what I do. My problem playing him lies more in his nuances. I play to aggressively when I should take care, play too defensively when I have a good shot at some aggressiveness, and I use his ult wrongly. More and more I find his ult is a pretty versatile spell that can be used in a great many ways, and I usually use it in the wrong one.

Get tear of the goddess ASAP

You have got to be shitting me. Why would I ever? I get all blues all the time. I can maybe understand not giving him a RoA (a matter of taste), but tear? Such a waste of money.

And for the love of God, don't pick Zhonya's Hourglass or Doran's ring.

Would never buy Doran's unless I was laning against an AD Carry for some odd reason and even then it's a toss-up.

Zhonya's makes a fuckton of sense of Kassadin if they have multiple ADs on their team and you're doing good.

Darth Roxor

Rattus Iratus
Staff Member
May 29, 2008
I will give it a shot, certainly, but in the laning phase Ignite secures the kill every time for me so I'm not sure I'll stick with it.

Ignite might be useful to secure a kill in laning phase, but cleanse is much more useful all around the game. Your only defensive ability is the ult. If you are deprived of the ult, you are dead, simple as that. Having cleanse means you can survive a focus, jump the fuck away and then come back to get rid of the stragglers. Having ignite means you are getting focused and you die.

You have got to be shitting me. Why would I ever? I get all blues all the time. I can maybe understand not giving him a RoA (a matter of taste), but tear? Such a waste of money.

Tear is not only about the mana regen. It's about the mana itself. Tear is the thing you need to keep riftwalking 24/7 across the whole map, trolling everyone, ganking and returning to lane fast and being immortal in general. And the fact that it later morphs into archangel's staff for massive +++ap is also good.

Also, I DO get RoA on Kassadin :M

Zhonya's makes a fuckton of sense of Kassadin if they have multiple ADs on their team and you're doing good.

If you are very angry about enemy ADs, I always get frozen heart on Kassadin because everything it has profits him. The mana gives you more riftwalks (+ a small ap boost from archangel's), the CDR gives you more frequent riftwalks (and Qs and Es and shit), the aura is good because you are always in someone's face and it has twice the armour of Zhonya's. Meanwhile, the hourglass is like, what, five hundred gold more expensive, gives you an active that you shouldn't be ever using, twice as little armour and an AP boost. Completely and totally not worth it.


RPG Codex Ghost
Oct 19, 2009
I disagree strongly on Tear (especially since the ult nerf). I simply don't see the use - you have infinite riftwalks with a blue. On Zhonya's I also disagree to an extend - BUT, I can certainly see the sense in Frozen Hard. However, you'd have to be doing very well to afford buying Heart instead of Zhonya's. It puts you further behind on AP if you are behind already or simply just on par with the enemy AP.

However I will try it.

Darth Roxor

Rattus Iratus
Staff Member
May 29, 2008
I disagree strongly on Tear (especially since the ult nerf). I simply don't see the use - you have infinite riftwalks with a blue.

No. You have infinite riftwalks every 8 seconds with a blue. But the tear gives you the possibility to use them a shitload of times consecutively without suffering that much from the increased mana cost with each jump. A fully charged tear of the goddess essentially gives you a jetpack with 5 free jumps, which means nobody should ever be able to chase/escape you. Without massive +mana, you run out of mana insanely fast if you are running away/chasing with riftwalks, which, in turn, transforms proportionally into more deaths and less kills.

Also, I don't know which ult nerf you mean, but if you mean the latest, it didn't do shit to lessen its effectiveness.
Jun 27, 2010
I don't find Viktor much interesting. His E looks easy to miss.

It is pretty easy to miss or just misfire the first time or two, but once you get the hang of it, setting it on the very edge of the ring and going outward, it can get some pretty good range and catch guys you wouldn't otherwise be able to. That and being able to use it entirely on the move, without having to stop is nice.


A life wasted
Sep 2, 2009
I've been playing Poppy a few games after picking her randomly in one match and I'm think I'm falling in love with her... that fucking MASSIVE DAMAGE with his combo it's just great to kill every carry out there.


P. banal
Aug 14, 2009
Third World
Where do you lane as Poppy?

It is pretty easy to miss or just misfire the first time or two, but once you get the hang of it, setting it on the very edge of the ring and going outward, it can get some pretty good range and catch guys you wouldn't otherwise be able to. That and being able to use it entirely on the move, without having to stop is nice.
Yeah, I'll have to give him a try when he goes free.

By the way, what is the kkkonsensus on Taric?


A life wasted
Sep 2, 2009
I've just been dicking around with her in blind pick where meta's not endorsed, but she belongs to the bot lane. I think you can do p. well with a competent support, she doesn't quite fit the meta but her farm isn't as TERRIBLE as everyone makes it seem.


Jan 10, 2010
I've just been dicking around with her in blind pick where meta's not endorsed, but she belongs to the bot lane. I think you can do p. well with a competent support, she doesn't quite fit the meta but her farm isn't as TERRIBLE as everyone makes it seem.

I'm only 1400 ELO, but I can tell you that if I'm Graves with a Sona/Soraka/Alistar/Taric that's even halfway decent and I lost to a Poppy bot, then I fucked up horribly, or you're Doublelift.


Oct 30, 2008
I've just been dicking around with her in blind pick where meta's not endorsed, but she belongs to the bot lane. I think you can do p. well with a competent support, she doesn't quite fit the meta but her farm isn't as TERRIBLE as everyone makes it seem.
I think you are overlooking the obvious choice with Poppy, which is putting her top. When I play Riven top I usually win my lane, in fact except for certain heroes that I just seem incapable of beating (fucking Gragas...) I never lose my lane, however I faced a Poppy top for the first time a couple of weeks ago and I found it very hard. Her burst did indeed do massive damage, usually 40-50% of my health bar, and it's that kind of punishment that makes me very paranoid of making any kind of mistake. I can see a skilled Poppy player wreaking havoc up there against what's considered to be standard meta top laners, like Nasus, Irelia, Riven, Renekton, maaaaybe Gangplank if you practice, so give it a try and tell me how it works out.


A life wasted
Sep 2, 2009
My first guess too was the top lane, but I quickly dismissed it because she has no sustain, I know she's probably going to get raped in bot lane too but at least she has a chance there if the other champion provides the sustain. The guide I've been using supports using her in bot lane though I'm not really confident about that (that's why I said she doesn't fit the meta).

But I will have to try what Reject's says, I guess you have to play really carefully in top lane as you don't have any sustain, but in the other hand you can easily punish the enemy with your insane combo.
Aug 5, 2009
Poppy's practically tailor-made for Dominion. She rocks there so hard it should be illegal. Built in mini-Ghost for rushing that top CP, plenty of surfaces for her to smack someone into, and her Ult makes CP diving or defense (against several opponents naturally) a breeze.

But even in the Crystal Scar I remember playing against this ninja ganker Poppy who positively wrecked us.

Darth Roxor

Rattus Iratus
Staff Member
May 29, 2008
In related news, I am very butthurt about Akali and solo queue teammates who can't play against her for shit :x

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