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So, anyone playing League of Legends?

Jun 27, 2010
By the way, what is the kkkonsensus on Taric?

Easily one of the better supports, send him bot with someone like Graves or Cait and just ward/stunbot until your fingers fall off.

In related news, I am very butthurt about Akali and solo queue teammates who can't play against her for shit :x

Yeah, I get that a lot as well, it's either her stupid ass, Vayne being fotm again or Shaco in general. Pub teams just blow a fuse or something and forget how to buy Oracle's or a pink ward.


Apr 22, 2007
Danzig, Potato-Hitman Commonwealth
Regarding mages for mid If I want to win badly I play Xerath or Ryze. Other than that I also play Karthus (which I suck at because I fail at laning against someone with better pokes/harass) and Lux (faggot rainbow lasers for the win also a nice poke but the cooldowns really drag your damage output down).

Xerath is ridiculously strong as long as your team doesn't fuck up and feed an Akali, Kassadin or some other champion that can easily bypass your entire team and rape you at point blank range (which makes aiming shit hard for Xerath). He pretty much guarantees that you take towers in a standoff with his siege mode poke.

Ryze lacks Xerath's range (hell his range is short for a mage only viktor has less) but makes up for it by laughing at assassins. He is a ridiculously strong duelist now, you can kite like a boss, deal consistent huge damage that terrifies squishy champs and you are tanky as fuck so if you get fed they lose regardless if they focus you or not. Either you will rape them or you will only slightly rape them but cripple them so much that your team will mop up with ease even if you die. Arguably his early game is rather shit but once you get a tear and farm it a bit and/or your first tanky mana item you start raping, hell if you just have movespeed advantage you rape most mids with Q harass anyway. Worst case scenario you lane against some annoying bitch like Ahri, Cassiopeia or Leblanc where you just sit back and farm. Even then if your jungler is competent and your lane opponent pushes like a moron you are almost guaranteed to rape him during a gank thanks to your snare. His lategame is godlike, bluebuff+FH means max CDR which means maximum DPS in addition to trolling AD champions, banshee's means "that one ult/CC" that would have raped a lesser ubermensch of a mage is either completely nullified or becomes just a minor nuisance thanks to the mres+bonus health you get from your mana gear. The bad thing is you need a runepage for scaling mana runes for him.

I also bought and played Viktor a bit, he has potential but he needs a buff. If you ask me they should buff either his range on Q (and make the projective faster so you get the shield sooner) or reduce cooldowns on Q and E. At the moment if you build him tanky (with augmenting Q) all you can do is troll by hitting with Q then following up with E as they chase you down and putting down a W for the slow and maybe stun which isn't bad in 1v1 (especially when you have Rylai's, you basically become a kiting demigod then, would have been a kiting god if not for the cooldown on Q). But when team fights start regardless what you build all you can do is lay down W, use all your damaging spells and hope they're all dead or that your team can easily mop them up because you can't do jack because of the cooldowns. Same thing as with Lux really except that Lux can at least stay in the back, Viktor needs to stare in his enemy's face with his cold alien robotic eyes before he rapes them (or rather dies after everything is on cooldown). His W can be a game-changer though and they really should not buff it because even if it was only slightly better the kids that whined about volibear being OP would whine about Viktor. The only thing they should change with W (and R maybe) is that it should stay after you die. Cho'Gath's Rupture stays so why the fuck shouldn't Viktor's W stay postmortem? It doesn't even do damage FFS and it's about as hard to aim if you want a stun.


Apr 22, 2007
Danzig, Potato-Hitman Commonwealth
Yeah, I get that a lot as well, it's either her stupid ass, Vayne being fotm again or Shaco in general. Pub teams just blow a fuse or something and forget how to buy Oracle's or a pink ward.

Pub teams in general have no concept of building/buying different crap to counter the enemy team. That and they have the same map awareness as a blind toddler.

Darth Roxor

Rattus Iratus
Staff Member
May 29, 2008
Pub teams in general have no concept of building/buying different crap to counter the enemy team.

Fucking tell me about it. Last game, a Shen on our team was feeding Nidalee top so ridiculously, she had 14/0/10 by the end of the game. The rest of the enemy team was Kennen, Amumu, Kog, Taric, with Kennen, Amumu and Nidalee raping everything. I was the ONLY one to build ANY mres. AND I WAS THE FUCKING CARRY. FFS!
Jun 27, 2010
Oh boy, those 11-5 defeats, off to a good start today. Went mid as Malz against a Brand, space aids constantly jumped onto him and kept him off me, dropped my silence wall if I needed to poke him, won the lane, things looked good. Then our Ahri decides that she can solo Shyvana and Renekton while her partner (Vayne or Vlad) went B, she had little to no armor/MR and dies miserably to them, then again, and again, then can you guess what she did after? Everyone else did well enough, but that fucking Ahri had to have died nearly 12 times, with I think about 3 kills to her name.

Almost forgot edit: So is Lux worth dropping 3150 for? She's always looked kind of fun, but any time I've asked it's almost always been met with some kind of "She's terrible" or things of that sort. Is she actually a usable champ or is she fun, but one of those lolEve kind of picks?

Grand finale edit: Looking up that Ahri, guess what her games look like. Ahri - terrible Defeat, Ahri - alright Defeat, TF - Left with only deaths, Pantheon - Left with only deaths, Katarina - 0 kills Defeat, then 2 more Ahri losses, then a couple of good wins surprisingly.

Damned Registrations

Furry Weeaboo Nazi Nihilist
Feb 24, 2007
Ahri is complete garbage in bot lane. Without a lead in levels your spells don't hit hard enough to kill people before they can land a full combo on you. That and she can't push/farm worth shit if you're maxxing W first, which you should for hero killing and better sustain from spellvamp. Ideally she should be mid so she can quickly gank people under max health after level 6, but barring that, she at least needs solo top so she isn't trying to assasinate people with more hp than her and same burst all game long.
Jun 27, 2010
Ahri is complete garbage in bot lane. Without a lead in levels your spells don't hit hard enough to kill people before they can land a full combo on you. That and she can't push/farm worth shit if you're maxxing W first, which you should for hero killing and better sustain from spellvamp. Ideally she should be mid so she can quickly gank people under max health after level 6, but barring that, she at least needs solo top so she isn't trying to assasinate people with more hp than her and same burst all game long.

Yeah, I don't know why they insisted on playing Ahri, especially on bot. I had first pick, I said I could handle AP mid, asked if anyone had a problem with that, people said go for it, nothing from them, so I went Malzahar. This person was dead last pick and they said they'll play Ahri when like our 3rd slot was picking their champ.


Sep 24, 2008
Almost forgot edit: So is Lux worth dropping 3150 for? She's always looked kind of fun, but any time I've asked it's almost always been met with some kind of "She's terrible" or things of that sort. Is she actually a usable champ or is she fun, but one of those lolEve kind of picks?

She's fun, she's usable as AP carry, just not as strong as top mage picks right now. Her range is so good that she's one of few champions you can buy Mejai's on. If you don't like it build standard AP carry build, maybe with some cooldown reduction (Morello's Evil Tome is good on her, DFG not so much, as you should never be in range to use it on your target). Get Q first then E, shield on level 4. After that prioritize R>E>Q/W. I like to max shield after E, because it's really good and shines on dragon/baron fights and skirmishes in tight jungle corridors. In lane phase abuse your passive to deal damage. Q-auto-E-auto is great harass early, later in teamfights you shouldn't be too close to your targets though. Kite a lot, lazor everything every 25 seconds (40% CDR is so good) and you are set.

Protip: spam /l constantly.
Jun 27, 2010
She's fun, she's usable as AP carry, just not as strong as top mage picks right now. -Lux help-

Protip: spam /l constantly.

Sounds like something I could get into, I think I will actually pick her up. However, I've also been considering MANtheon and Karthus at a later time, how do both of them fare now? Karthus I'm not so worried about, I still see him around fairly often spamming that fucking ult of his. :x

It's more Panth, I heard he got some kind of buffs a bit back and he's back to chewing people up pretty well. Any truth to this?


P. banal
Aug 14, 2009
Third World
Mantheon is fun as hell. Very strong early game with the Spear Toss. His ult is hard to use right, but when you get the right time to mandrop, it's great. He doesn't scale very well into late game but it isn't much of an issue when the enemy surrenders @ 20!

I saw TheOddOne playing him a few days ago, but he was jungling which is an odd choice indeed.

Fucking tell me about it. Last game, a Shen on our team was feeding Nidalee top so ridiculously, she had 14/0/10 by the end of the game. The rest of the enemy team was Kennen, Amumu, Kog, Taric, with Kennen, Amumu and Nidalee raping everything. I was the ONLY one to build ANY mres. AND I WAS THE FUCKING CARRY. FFS!
Ah yes...It's even more fun when you're facing a malzahar and people only start building mres after you tell them to. And of course, none of them get QSS because wot's dat?


A life wasted
Sep 2, 2009
She's fun, she's usable as AP carry, just not as strong as top mage picks right now.

Mostly this, she can be very strong in the right hands. I was watching one of the Riot game analyzers streaming the other day and he was playing Lux all the time, he would pick CV regardless of his role (bot support or mid) and he would use it, amongst other things, to steal the enemy blue from the lane using her ultimate. Damn, those were really fun games.


Oct 30, 2008
Mostly this, she can be very strong in the right hands. I was watching one of the Riot game analyzers streaming the other day and he was playing Lux all the time, he would pick CV regardless of his role (bot support or mid) and he would use it, amongst other things, to steal the enemy blue from the lane using her ultimate. Damn, those were really fun games.
I watched the same stream! Holy shit was that guy good, master of micro! :brofist:


Oct 12, 2006
Jungle Poppy? A wild yordle has appeared! Slamming someone in to a wall would be easier since you'd be coming from top/bot.
May 22, 2010
Airstrip One
Jungle Poppy? A wild yordle has appeared! Slamming someone in to a wall would be easier since you'd be coming from top/bot.
I support this. Towers are more of a danger to yourself than to a jungle Poppy - she just pins you against them and rams that hammer in deep.


Aug 5, 2009
Project: Eternity Shadorwun: Hong Kong Divinity: Original Sin 2 Pathfinder: Kingmaker
Played some viktor. He's really fun to play, but I find him to be somewhat underpowered.


RPG Codex Ghost
Oct 19, 2009
Poppy scales insanely well, i.e. she needs farm. So jungle isn't the right place to stick her my opinion. However, it's no wonder we can't seem to place her, because the pros have been having the same problem for a long time. It seems to me the consensus is that she is very, very strong but it's difficult to put her anywhere.


Oct 12, 2006
But if she scales well wouldnt even a little bit of farm go a long way? Nasus needs farm, Poppy can be strong without it. All she really needs is a Sheen, and a wall, to become a one-hit-wonder. In lane she is easily denied even that.

Darth Roxor

Rattus Iratus
Staff Member
May 29, 2008
In related news, MANtheon is Fucking Awesome :thumbsup:

Especially at trolling bursty fags like Nasus with the blocks.


Oct 12, 2006
Winning one game = Awesome!

Also Jax has been reworked, no passive dodge but on activating Counter Strike all attacks miss him for a short period and afterwards everyone around him is stunned. Sounds like it can easily be kited, like Trynd's ult, ignore till its over.
EDIT: Downloaded patch, tried Jax, herp derp nothing had changed, only new skins.

Dark Matter

Jun 17, 2007
Viktor is a lot better than I thought. Even with poor farm, I was able to take out an entire minion wave with a single (upgraded) death ray at around level 10-12, and the death ray is a lot easier to land than I expected. His Q is pretty shit though. The range is so short that they can easily attack you well before the shield is activated. My biggest gripe with him is the shitty passive costing 1000 gold and taking up an inventory slot. I'd rather they just made it free once you reached a certain level. EDIT: derp just realized that the item does a lot more than just enhance your ability. The one for the death ray gives a huge boost to your AP.

Also, I played Nasus for the first time. My farming wasn't even that great and I was still pretty much unkillable. Definitely gonna buy him.

Finally, tried jungle Singed and I'm not sure what I'm missing but fuck, he's terrible. Takes forever to clear out creep camps, barely surviving, constantly have to go back to base because of low health and mana, crappy ganks.


Dec 6, 2002
Multikult Central South
Wasteland 2
So, two games in a row where I asked for a leash and explained that I start with wolves but will clear it before or right after blue starts with Udyr and the person helping me stands around attacking the wolves and leeching my precious XP and then doing the same with blue, slowing down my start of the jungle.


Still, Udyr is a fast jungler and is still strong despite the serious nerf to his passive. Not as fun to play as Maokai, but easier.
May 22, 2010
Airstrip One
Finally, tried jungle Singed and I'm not sure what I'm missing but fuck, he's terrible. Takes forever to clear out creep camps, barely surviving, constantly have to go back to base because of low health and mana, crappy ganks.
: x You obviously don't know what you're missing.

On the note of unorthadox junglers - I've been playing Nunu top recently and been getting a lot of resistance to that idea. Works a charm, but people seem to like ":retarded:" when I do it.


RPG Codex Ghost
Oct 19, 2009
Nunu is great in all lanes save mid (and even there he can do some stuff). People give you the ":retarded:" because they saw somewhere he is supposed to be a jungler.

But you need to get something done with him early though. He isn't worth much at all if you get to 45+ mins


Aug 5, 2009
Project: Eternity Shadorwun: Hong Kong Divinity: Original Sin 2 Pathfinder: Kingmaker
Tried Pantheon. Fairly fun to play and pretty good. His ultimate was hilariously shitty though. 3 second casting delay. 3 second circle drawing delay. 2 second landing delay. By the time you land, the enemy will have had time to walk out of it, into it, and then out of it again.

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