Now, I'm gonna say I'm not exactly in full agreement or disagreement with the criticism regarding combat that's being discussed here. Yes, you think much less about how you handle combat if you fully focused on making a combat character, that much is obvious. But at the end of the day, you still use different moveset, instead of just click-click-click to win, like Jason Liang said (and this is something I assumed based on VD's asking him to make a video where he make a 4/4 character and attack spamming the Outpost fight to win). Even you admitted it yourself, right? You use shield bash, whirlwind, fast/normal/power attacks, utilizing those, managing AP, positioning, and timing is vital to reach victory and still counts as tactics and not just attack spamming. Although, perhaps your definition of attack spamming is different than mine or Jason Liang's, but if you ask me, I think attack spamming is just clicak-click-click to win, instead of watching what kind of attacks you're using nor paying attention to AP management.
No, this is just wrong. I barely gave a shit what I was doing. I was just hitting shit. My "positioning" consisted of me occasionally taking a step or two back to force the other 3-5 guys to take another two steps to follow me, making their group waste more AP than me. Bashing was just another way of creating distance without provoking AoOs. The most attention I spent in combat was to murder/bash hammer wielders so they wont dent my shit up. I would frequently stand in the middle of 5 enemies and just whirlwind and attack without moving, since I have no mobility penalties unlike dodge and couldn't give a fuck about archers with my massive shields. All I cared about was how to hit as many times as possible and occasionally I would hit heavier attacks just to overcome DR. If I find myself with a 2 AP surplus it just means I walk a step or bash someone. The only fights that involved careful positioning were Widowmaker and Agathoth. Widowmaker was just running around in circles until he walks up to you and ends his turn without attacking you, then you swing, bash, and run. Rinse and repeat, Widowmaker dies without ever attacking you. He's liable to crit two-shot you even with 10 block, 12 str, and 10 con, so letting him melee you is not recommended unless you use shit like nets, bolas, or aimed strikes, which I wasn't using. Aimed strikes would've trivialized the game further (and spamming legs and arms is pretty brainless too). As would just leveling crit or crafting my own gear. Even using whetstones with the 3 crafting I'd gotten for free as IG auto-training would've helped.
When you have 10 str and 10 con you have stupidly high block rating and you can afford to take hits and poisons. I didn't even remove bleeds, let alone poison.
Hence, and this is assuming you know about Jason Liang's posting all those crazy 1 point in Bow challenge where he wipe the shit out of the game, then relate it to his criticism about how AoD's combat is broken (or something like that) just because you can spam bolas, it really doesn't make any sense. Now, let's try to apply the criticisms and accept that the game is indeed too easy. What can be improved, then? Tweaking and adjusting all the stats and numbers involved? Changing the combat encounters like adjusting the amount of enemies and/or their equipment? Remove bolas completely (or at least tweak the amount available in a single playthrough)?
Honestly, a lot can be improved about AoD's combat system. A lot of design ideas have been implemented on top of each other that new mechanics make old ones shitty. Between fast attacks and aimed strikes to the legs, for instance, aiming for the legs is frequently a more appealing option since a good hit will cut an opponent down to size and let you stack penalties until he becomes a joke. Attribute synergies also have shit effects. For instance, 1 dex gives 3 daggers/swords/spears/dodge. If I'm going dodge+swords, 1 point of dex is worth more than 1 point of perception
even if there were absolutely no AP bonus for dex. Stat synergies have caused this shit and imo should not exist as they encourage extreme min-maxing to fix your defense. The 10str-8dex-10con build for instance has a full fucking +30 block rating over a 4-10-4-10-8-4 crossbowman build just from its stats, for instance, and that's not counting the bonus block rating you get just for using shields and the extra block rating you get vs ranged weapons. Basic builds like dodge dagger assassin
do not work due to how unreliable dodge is even outside of mobility penalties, aimed strikes to the legs, nets, and the extreme likelihood of getting crit for massive damage and losing DR due to the abysmal vsCrit and hardness on light armors. Dodge essentially assumes you have crafting and ideally alchemy too to make some kind of decent DR score with hardness and vsCrit behind it. I think hardness was honestly a mistake as was hammer denting. Originally heavy DR armors were supposed to be counterbalanced by their low defense score and the ability of power attacks to overcome them. Now it's countered by DR denting and aimed strikes horribly crippling you with ludicrous ease along with extreme crit now plowing you open. Incidentally, hardness denting seems like the kind of mechanic designed to make it more viable to damage heavily armored foes, yet ironically you have a much, much easier time denting light DR enemies in crap like leather than heavy armor users which have massive hardness scores. It's ass-backwards design even in terms of its intention. I also think crits shouldn't bypass damage reduction. It's brainless and stupidly powerful. I think crits should've been set up to make aimed strikes viable instead of letting everyone aimed strike out of the box in addition to improving crit rate and that crit skill should give you a bonus to your vsCrit and a minor bonus to THC. As it stands shields are the best way to avoid getting crit because a crafted armor with a crafted shield has a much better vsCrit than anything a dodge build can come up with. Dodge builds are resigned to getting crit for damage, esp. when you factor in their tendency to wear light armors. Axes and hammers both need a different weapon mastery effect and I think you should be able to collect a weapon mastery and crit on the same attack. For some reason, right now you can't, which makes crit swords awful (used to be good back when weapon mastery for swords was extra crit chance). Incidentally, the latest axe rework resulted in axe-wielding NPCs without proper crit, which is ridiculously bad, whereas previously axe and crit was the bad combination. I also think that antidotes shouldn't just lower the current poison intake but basically give you extra poison resist for a limited duration. Right now antidotes are fucking useless if you're liable to get poisoned all over again each turn. Just a bloody waste of precious APs. I also don't agree with the combat training you get for killing shit. Combat SP are already a reward for murder. If I'm making the Thief escape from Teron and I get to choose between killing everything and talking my way out of everything, it's a little silly that it's plainly more rewarding for me to go murder everything that moves just for the bonus combat training rewards that stack up there. I also think Liquid Fires need a rework since the way they provide damage bypassing DR on top of barriers to shoot behind makes ranged combat too easy. I can hole up in a corner and liquid fire the tile diagonally in front of me and only big spears will be able to melee me. Bolas I think should be more dependent on throwing and crit rate to be effective. Nets should be more demanding on your throwing skill too. I also think healers should be less expensive and that you shouldn't get to make healing medicine until at least 3 alchemy and that they should start with healing 5 or maybe 10 points. Atm healers are a straight waste of money. I only used them in my last playthrough because I had too much money to burn and to get the Maadoran healer quest, a sidequest players are liable to never discover if they just opt to use their own much cheaper alchemy heals like everyone recommends instead of her services. I also think you shouldn't have your starting SP divided into combat SP and social SP. It was a rather bad division from the start. I can understand getting combat SP from combat but dividing skill points the way the game does strongly suggests that you're supposed to hybrid towards both combat and noncombat which is a fucking terrible message to send newbies. Social skills like Crafting and Alchemy are also plainly more combat skills than social skills and Perception is also a combat stat despite giving social SP. Also the F1 tutorial is out of date giving incorrect explanations of mechanics, character creation shows the wrong critical rating for your character when you rank crit, and a number of subtler mechanical features (constitution's vsCrit effects and poison scaling aspects, str and per's bonuses to aimed strikes, dex's initiative score, armor AP limitations vs dex and the ability to raise the limits through crafting) have to be discovered rather than being explained to you during chargen. The combat tutorial is also shitty in terms of explaining how combat really works. The most it offers is a practice opportunity and some painfully basic advice like skilling your attack and defense skill. AoD lacks a proper manual on this shit too.
Overall there are too many ways to cheese enemies and a number of intuitive builds just don't work as well as they should. If you ask me maxing weapon+block+crafting would be my basic advice for newbies (along with using whetstones). You can't really lose that way.