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Game News Solasta: Crown of the Magister is a 5E OGL RPG with a focus on verticality and dynamic environments


I'm liking what I'm hearing. I hope they stay focused and don't bloat. Nail the translation of turned-based 5e mechanics into a compelling dungeon crawler and they've got my money.
May 31, 2018
The Present
They better have their camera movement well tuned, as the levels resemble the tangle rope of appearance of Descent maps. I'll be curious to see how they modify the rules to encompass their emphasis on vertical orientation, cover, and visibility. If they stay true to the material, it'll likely just amount to more advantage/disadvantage dice--not necessarily a bad thing. Hopefully this won't be another D&D in name only, like Sword Coast Legends.


Sep 4, 2013
For the full french D&D 5E experience the necessary requirements:
1 Baguette, 400g Comté and 0.75L Beaune 1ER CRU Belissand 2016.
Jul 8, 2006
Fun gameplay doesn't involve micromanaging your players up and down ladders, ropes, and ledges.

Agreed, this seems like the weirdest thing to push as a feature.
I'm tentatively looking forward to more info, but it does sound stupid. "Tactical CRPG: Each encounter can be handled in multiple ways. Will you use the high ground to strike your enemies from above as a Darkweaver Rogue, or shove your enemies into deep chasms as a Mountaineer Fighter? Your choices alone will determine the destiny of your party."
So my options are push people into a hole or shoot them from a raised platform? Hopefully this is just a weird thing they decided to market and not actually a focus of their gameplay, since it's basically like saying "You can move your units left... OR RIGHT!!" It has very little influence on whether the combat will be fun and varied or not.

edit- and pushing people into chasms determines the destiny of my party?!

its weird what some people get hung up on. For Sven its barrels of green goo all over hell and gone. For this guy, its ladders and pushing people off ledges and cliffs. Maybe its something like whatever events occurred during a persons first couple of adventures playing table top DnD 30 years ago become some sort of obsession they want to constantly try and recreate, but nothing can ever quite live up to the first experience so they just keep adding more and more in hopes that quantity will fill the void. And so we end up with tens of thousands of exploding barrels, no matter how far off the beaten path.....they are everywhere. Even in demon pits in the depths of hell there were barrels of goo to be exploited and exploded.

Sort of like how back in the day some middle school boys might find a stash of books or magazines in the woods, one of which might have a name like "My Nieces Pony Passion" or something and then one of them might go on to develop some strange sexual fetish in relation....just as a random for instance lets say....

Apr 3, 2013
Amplitude's whole schtick is just being 'different', while they usually deliver on that front it's usually a pretty sterile experience overall. Hope we'll get mechanics and narrative with some actual depth to it.


RPG Codex Boomer
Nov 23, 2016
There are times i think if developers went by posts on this forum they'd just say FUCK IT! and not put anything out. I'd probably laugh if no games came out for 30 years.


Jul 16, 2009
edit- and pushing people into chasms determines the destiny of my party?!

You can be known as a "shooter" or a "pusher". It's all up to you.
Pushing people into a chasm will shift your alignment towards "down"
Firing from aboce will shift it towards "up".
But it is more complex than your standard Chaotic/Lawful, Good/Evil alignment, because it may also shift your alignment towards Left or Right, and Front or Back, depending on your relative position.

Maybe they took some inspiration from this comic, and you improve the "up" and "down" skill by doing:


(In Dungeon, The main character kills so many goblins that he gets an insane level in the "killing green opponents" skill, but he struggles against opponents of a different color).
Do you mean during the training quest? You need to get a crown of goblin king. They enter doors defeat 2 goblins, then go to next door and defeat 4 goblins.

- So you meant there would be 2 more after each door?
- No I meant twice as much after each door. And you because you are training are allowed to use only these two things. A stick, and a feather.

Behind next door there were 8 goblins.
- Wow I managed to hang out on that feather and stick fighting style, you tickle him with feather and slam him hard with stick when he's flat footed.
- No you are doing it wrong. You hold them with stick, and remove flesh from bones by the feather.

I thing there were something like 18 door, and they took about 2-3 weeks to kill them. Then they found goblin king is on vacation and not in the castle.


May 26, 2017
Just thought I'd interject to point out that this game isn't a fully-featured RPG, it's just some low-budget barebones tactical shit like Blackguards, game only has 4 classes and 4 races, what a joke.
Last edited:


Jun 10, 2013
They're saying all the right things. I want to get hyped but I'll wait for the demo.

Will it be better than BG3?

At least it won't have Larian's shitty middle school campy slapstick humor.
Did you actually watch the animated trailer?

Yeah and I thought it was much better than any attempt at humor I've seen from Larian. Way less over the top.

But I also didn't take that trailer to necessarily be representative of the tone of the actual game's narrative. Could be wrong but I simply interpreted it as a light-hearted way to illustrate how the party members work together (or don't). From the behind the scenes video and general description I got the impression the actual game could have a more serious tone. Maybe it's the art direction.

All they've revealed about the story is "learn the truth of an age-old cataclysm - and stop it from happening again." Not much to go on, so I suppose we don't know if it will have talking inanimate objects everywhere or stealth mode will be putting on a barrel or a bush just yet. I hope not.


Dec 11, 2016
RPG Wokedex Strap Yourselves In Steve gets a Kidney but I don't even get a tag. Pathfinder: Wrath I helped put crap in Monomyth
edit- and pushing people into chasms determines the destiny of my party?!

You can be known as a "shooter" or a "pusher". It's all up to you.
Pushing people into a chasm will shift your alignment towards "down"
Firing from aboce will shift it towards "up".
But it is more complex than your standard Chaotic/Lawful, Good/Evil alignment, because it may also shift your alignment towards Left or Right, and Front or Back, depending on your relative position.

Maybe they took some inspiration from this comic, and you improve the "up" and "down" skill by doing:


(In Dungeon, The main character kills so many goblins that he gets an insane level in the "killing green opponents" skill, but he struggles against opponents of a different color).
Do you mean during the training quest? You need to get a crown of goblin king. They enter doors defeat 2 goblins, then go to next door and defeat 4 goblins.

- So you meant there would be 2 more after each door?
- No I meant twice as much after each door. And you because you are training are allowed to use only these two things. A stick, and a feather.

Behind next door there were 8 goblins.
- Wow I managed to hang out on that feather and stick fighting style, you tickle him with feather and slam him hard with stick when he's flat footed.
- No you are doing it wrong. You hold them with stick, and remove flesh from bones by the feather.

I thing there were something like 18 door, and they took about 2-3 weeks to kill them. Then they found goblin king is on vacation and not in the castle.

I'm pretty sure that they cheat at the end by using the dragon's fire to kill the last group. And the main character has to use a stick and a feather since he's wearing a belt with a magical sword which he can't use and prevent him to wield normal weapons (which left him with a stick and a feather)


Aug 30, 2012
The Crystal Mist Mountains
Just thought I'd interject to point out that this game isn't a fully-featured RPG, it's just some low-budget barebones tactical shit like Blackguards, game only has 4 classes and 4 races, what a joke.

If you draw your attention to the game's character information page, you will see that the elf, dwarf and halfling races each branch to two locked polyhedrons, likely suggesting further sub-races that will become available. The developers also mentioned the possibility of expanding the selection of classes. It's hardly a leap of logic to envision new classes introduced as kickstarter stretch goals.



Aug 30, 2012
The Crystal Mist Mountains
Solasta will be to Baldurs Gate 3 what PF:K was to PoE: Deadfire. Calling it now.
I doubt it. Solasta seems to be very small in scope.

I don't think the comment was about a comparison in scope, as certainly Solasta will be more focused and smaller. But rather an analogy to how a new studio making Pathfinder is perceived to have outclassed industry veterans Obsidian's Deadfire. Just so, Crown of the Magister makes the developers of baldurs gate 3 look like chumps, with their aversion to a dedicated implementation of 5E rules and discussion of gameplay.

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