So I beat pools of darkness. I'm probably going to catch a few more eyebrows, but overall I think this was the best gold box game. Which was a surprise to me, because after my experience with DQOK, and other epic level games(throne of bhaal ect) I expected to hate POD.
Overall I thought the game was challenging enough to be engaging, but not so challenging to be frustrating(until the final boss, and daves challenge which I'll get to).
Unlike the auraks and other exploding lizard fuckers in the krynn games, there was a really nice variety of enemies. Which brings up a question. I've seen in this thread where people bitch this game is over the top, and my only conclusion is they didn't actually play POD.
There are very few dragon/beholder fights in the game, most of the fights are against humanoid enemies, or later special enemies from the different dimensions(spiders, minions of bane ect), drow, ect.
Frankly, this game would have blown me away if I played it back in the day. I feel like it captured the high stakes epic feeling so well, and how it felt in contrast to the other GB games.
Even the gimmick with needing to find new equipment in every dimension. I thought it was a cool idea and gave some extra challenge, my only complaint was re equipping my guys being a pain in the ass afterwards.
Going area by area
The cave system
temple of tyr
taydomes keep
hill giant/fire giant
dragon aerie
thornes dimension
small keep
zhentil keep
ruins of myth drannor
All those areas felt very high quality and enjoyable. The dragon aerie opening fight(which is obviously where you fight the most dragons in the game) was hard, I got wiped probably a half dozen times at least.
Manshoons tower was ok, but it lead to my last favorite part of the game
I wasn't a fan of kalistes dimension, I thought fighting drow for that long was tiresome. Probably my least favorite part of the game.
I thought the red tower and phalan were good, which lead into my favorite part of the game
I thought Tanetals dimension was the most epic of any area in the gold box games. Good encounter design, good difficulty, interesting body horror type of setting/atmosphere. Obviously the area peaked going through the gods heart. One of the best areas I have ever experienced in any game.
Then Mulmaster was fine, and so were the beholder caves. Oddly enough the beholder caves probably had less than 5 beholders in them.
So getting to Dark Phalan and Gothmenes palace, I thought the areas themselves were ok. Some hard ish fights but nothing so unfair by that point in the game. Until I got to the final battle
(all my characters are full hp because I fix cheated at that point)
Now, I'll be doing some bitching here.
I have beaten all these games on champion(normal default) difficulty. I have no problems with the final bosses being hard
The end bosses in
death knights of krynn
As well as a few non end boss fights in DQOK and treasures have taken me lots of attempts. Sometimes as many as 7-8.
I tried, on champion difficulty to beat the end game of POD 24 times.
In those 24 times, I made it past the opening battle 9 times(and that's with fix cheating my zapped character for like 7 of those wins)
I made it past the beholders 4 times
I had zero successful attempts in the actual end boss.
There were too many things to go wrong, so much instant death, way too many high dps enemies.
So after exactly 2 dozen attempts, with zero avenues for success I gave up and followed gamebanshees instructions
"Note: The final trio of battles required for defeating Gothmenes is stupidly difficult. There are just way too many one-shot things that can go wrong, including stoning, poison, death, and disintegration -- none of which can be corrected while you're in battle -- that your odds of finishing the battles successfully is exceedingly low. After failing dozens of times to complete the battles, we finally got frustrated enough to switch the game difficulty to "novice," where we were finally able to succeed (but even that took a few tries). You can change the game difficulty in the "encamp" menu."
I dropped the difficulty to notice and beat the whole thing on the third try without fix cheating. Minions of bane only have 22 hp on novice so they can't survive a delayed fireball.
This rubbed me the wrong way, beating the game on easy seemed like too much of a bitch move. So I tried again on champion, 2 more attempts unsuccessful.
So I bumped it down to squire, the 2nd difficulty and beat it on the 4th try
There are people probably better at this game than me rolling their eyes in this thread, but at least I can say I beat it on squire.
Daves challenge was kind of a meme. The actual dungeon wasn't really that hard except for 3 fights
1 against these
There was another fight at the fighter bond against like 5 dragons that took like 15 attempts until I got lucky, luckily for me if they wiped me it was always in under 3 minutes. So it didn't take that long.
There was another fight against like 20 vampires that was kind of annoying, took like 3 attempts.
For the end fight I took 1 look at it and figured it was impossible. I tried 3 times and never came remotely close to winning.
So I cheated and won by editing all enemies health down to 1.
I don't have a problem with daves challenge being a meme since it's an optinal end game bonus area.
Game took me 42 ish hours to make it to the final boss, 6.5 hours or so to beat the final boss(lol) and like 2 in daves challenge or something
For a total of 50 hours
No complaints except the drow dimension being repetitive and the final boss being too hard.
Pools of darkness (50h)
curse azure bonds(18h)
por (33h)
gateway sf(19h)
death knights of krynn (21h)
Secret of the silver blades(24.5h)
champions of krynn (15.5h)
treasures sf (23h)
dark queen of krynn (38h)
Really enjoyed this one, wish I could have beaten the final boss on champion difficulty.
If I can figure out how to get dos box working I'll try the BR games.