About 5-6 hours in and I feel absolutely nothing for the game. Not even being Star Wars saves this, it's the same bland feeling I got from the Outer World. Combat is floaty, the areas you traverse feel extremely gamey. Am I to believe stormtroopers have to slide, jump and climb to get around their own bases? The Dark Soul approach to the game does it no favors. It's just annoying and kills the immersion seeing critters and troopers pop into existence before your eyes because you rested for 2 seconds. Also everything I have collected so far has been cosmetics. It's like it was supposed to be sold as microtransaction items, but then EA decided to gain some good will and just added it as flavor, in turn making everything you collect being flavor items.
The bug eyed woman is creeping me out as well, at points in the cutscenes I was certain her eyes would pop out of her head. Story... I don't know. Don't really feel that Star Wars feeling. Maybe a bit from the introduction level, but soon after the rebels turned up my brain just went into sleepy mode.
The bug eyed woman is creeping me out as well, at points in the cutscenes I was certain her eyes would pop out of her head. Story... I don't know. Don't really feel that Star Wars feeling. Maybe a bit from the introduction level, but soon after the rebels turned up my brain just went into sleepy mode.
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