Ok i spend about 5 hours with it and i must say i am impressed so far with Starbound + Frackin universe.
Main changes:
- You can customize your ship from get go (though if you don't like it you can choose vanilla ship upgrade system)
- Initial missions are different, you don't need miners mission to get FTL or Breathing pack.
- Most of frackin schematics are on their own workbenches.
- Ton of interesting stuff like subcomponents. For example you use dirt on extractor and you get silicon. From that silicon you can make electronics, coal ? you extract carbon and from carbon you can make graphene etc.
- Planets are not "locked" anymore, you can go anywhere you like provided you can survive temperature/radiation whatever. And unlike vanilla it is not binary dead or alive thing where by having protection you are immune to elements etc. It only depends on your armor.
- Ton of sidegrades with different purposes. Want to specialize in handguns and dual wield two pistols ? Then try making armor that maximalizes damage out of pistols. Sword and board ? Make armor. It seems like now armor is much more than just defense number. Intitial bone armors for example provide fall protection (not all of it) more health instead of energy which is only later needed not at the start etc.
- Ton of new weather effects/planet types/biomes etc. Apperently from what i read it basically doubled amount of stuff in vanilla. I can see that because i already found planets that are like dark worlds, mushroom ones etc.
- Scientist outpost with frackin quests chains.
Overall i have fun so far and remind me a lot of Terraria now, though without terr-aria shitty pigeonholing into one type of armor because every new armor is almost always better at start.
Also LMAO my ride for now, i need to tungsteen to actually build stuff on my "ship":
Reminds me of this from Futurama: