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Starfield Pre-Release Thread [GAME RELEASED, GO TO NEW THREAD]


Nov 4, 2012
The Satellite Of Love
There's a lot of unmarked stuff in Fo3 and settlements tend to have weird little subplots going on. The aircraft carrier for example, Rivet City, has:
- two major, marked quests: The Replicated Man and Stealing Independence
- is visited as part of the main quest, Strictly Business, The Wasteland Survival Guide, and probably a couple others
- an unmarked quest to gather shotguns for the guard commander (I can't remember if there's anything interesting about this or if it's as boring as it sounds)
- an unmarked quest to either arrange or ruin a wedding
- an unmarked quest to donate to the church
- an unmarked quest to either frame or absolve a council member of crimes, with different rewards depending on who you pick
- an unmarked quest to save a woman from slavers or turn her in, with different rewards
- an unmarked quest to talk an old guy out of suicide (iirc there's a couple different ways to do it, including getting him to adopt one of the random homeless kids who's running around)
- an unmarked quest to bully one of the homeless kids into running away, which then opens a second unmarked quest to go find him and convince him to return home

I like these as a way to build flavour - it's like Junktown in Fo1, where you've got two big quests (Help Gizmo/Help Killian and Stop the Skulz), and then a lot of little things like mending or ruining the relationship between the waitress and the boxer, taking and restoring Neil's urn, convincing the Skulz's doorwoman to leave the gang, helping the woman who is taken captive by the raider if you stay at the Crash House, stopping or blackmailing the doctor who sells human meat, recruiting Dogmeat, etc


Nov 4, 2012
The Satellite Of Love
In TES you never had anything so stupid as little lamplight, the survival guide or the superheroes.
Lamplight is irredeemably shit but I'll go to bat for the other two - the surivval guide isn't particularly dumb, you just have to accept that Moira is out of her mind. She's meant to be eccentric and off her rocker in-universe, and the book often turns out shit precisely because she doesn't know what she's doing and hired some random dickhead to walk on mines for her. Appropriately, you can immediately tell her she's an idiot and that her book is going to suck the first time you meet her, and convince her not to bother with it at all.

The Superheroes immediately put people off but I think it's redeemed somewhat by the town's reaction: like with Moira, everyone in-universe thinks the superheroes are retarded, to the point where they just want them gone because they're getting in the way of everyone else. The mayor guy explicitly says that he doesn't really care which one of them you side with, as long as it stops the LARPing that's making the town into a laughing stock and preventing people from going outside.
Jan 5, 2021
Fallout 3 is better than Fallout 4, but only in the same way that eating McDonalds is better than eating literal shit.

Still, No Fallout game is particularly good. Of the FPS ones, New Vegas is the best but it never gets to masterpiece status.

I hope Starfield will be better than Skyrim at least, but if Bethesda's track record is anything to go by, it will be even more dumbed-down cookie-cutter garbage.


Dec 4, 2019
is visited as part of the main quest, Strictly Business, The Wasteland Survival Guide, and probably a couple others

It's incorporated into You Gotta Shoot 'Em in the Head (kill some dude or get his key) and Those! (hook the orphan up with a place to live).


Jun 30, 2019
Let's not forget that FO3 let you kidnap town NPCs and sell them to slavery, or the fact you could nuke a major settlement (quest NPCs and all). FO3 had good quest structure. It's just the writing was all around horrendous, retarded shit, the world building nonsensical, and even the open world design ala themepark so garbage that it completely obscured that fact. But I still played it from start to finish. In FO4 I clocked in 4 or 5 hours and uninstalled. It had the same issues FO3 had, but worse, and with none of the good parts. All it had going for it was better combat, but even then it was worse than in any generic FPS. Also the whole town building thing was executed in such a terrible way it left me speechless. If you enjoyed it, please consider making use of Canadian healthcare.


Aug 1, 2013
Claiming your game is so good it will make the player wet their pants is a bold claim.

Claiming your game will wet the player's pants for them is a threat.


Dec 3, 2008
Jan 5, 2021
It's typical Bethesda, so it will be low-mid in terms of quality. Probably decent presentation and okay writing for some side quests, but barebones gameplay and lots of bugs, and shit-tier writing for the main quest.

Bethesda has been the harbinger of RPG decline and have made it worse with each release, and I don't expect to see them stop now.


Jul 16, 2020
The First Gloom
They revolutionise decline with each release. From the creators of horse armour DLC and the magic quest compass, what bad trend in RPGs will Bethesda come up with in Starfinder that will be here to stay for years to come?


Nov 26, 2022
I liked most of the Fallout games. The first one was amazing when it was released. Obviously it hasn't aged that well but at that time there was nothing else like it. Fallout 2 is still my favourite. Tactics was adequate, and Brotherhood was so bad it ended Interplay. When Fallout 3 came it I was pretty impressed to see the entire world re imagined in first person. Like all Bethesda games while it created a really fun environment to mess around in the writing and story was atrocious. New Vegas is great fun with the only decent writing in any Bethout game, but still has the same major issues that comes with been a rushed out the door buggy game that is Bethesda's trademark.

As for 4 I hated it on release. Took everything out of the game that I liked, freedom to tackle quests whichever way you wanted, emphasizing skills to progress and any actual Fallout feeling from the original games. Having said that I went back to later and played it as a FPS and actually enjoyed it. Has the best gunplay of the series. There are quite a few varied locations and actually has a couple of decent companions which was a first for Bethout games. I even enjoyed making the best/worst settlement ever. Bear in mind that Each game I've played recently has been heavily modded so I couldn't even tell you how good/bad the originals are.

Hence me looking forward to Starfield. Only brought one game this year so far, Zelda. While I enjoy it I really don't get the insane love it receives. I have a Underworld Ascendent collector's edition hanging right by the door for whenever I really want to hate myself, I really can't see Starfield been that bad. And after Daikatana came Deus Ex so there is always hope.

Lyric Suite

Converting to Islam
Mar 23, 2006
There was some lefty dude who made a review of Fallout 3 that showed just how dreadful the writing in that game was. Anybody remembers who it was? I want to refresh my memory as to just how bad Bethesda really are.

Lyric Suite

Converting to Islam
Mar 23, 2006
No problem, i can see it anyway. Didn't remember it being that long though lmao, but boy, some of the shit he talking about made the game look truly atrocious.


Jan 10, 2007
Searching for my kidnapped sister
Do you really consider Fallout 3 to be better than Fallout 4?

Yeah, absolutely no question about it. Fallout 3's quest structure for the sidequests is actually really good at times, occasionally better than NV's, even if the content (story and dialogue) is typically pretty bad. Every sidequest in the game has several solutions, including non-combat (or very limited combat) ones. Fallout 4's quests are virtually all linear from what I remember - I genuinely cannot actually remember a single quest from Fo4 other than the one with the 1950s gangster guys in that one vault.

Most locations on the map have some kind of backstory to uncover or some hidden unique thing to find, and have a pretty clear start and end point, the latter of which contains your reward (usually the end of the mystery you've been investigating plus a special item). In Fallout 4, a lot of locations just feel completely empty, with the combat itself being the whole motivation to enter a location.

The only appeal of Fallout 4 is that the combat mechanics are theoretically better, but in practice it still feels like the usual clunky bullshit to me, only with the addition of "legendary" enemies who have stupid health bloat, and a weapon modding system that you're forced to engage with if you don't want combat to become a massive chore. I prefer Fo3/NV's combat just because it's usually over quicker.

I would seriously argue that the gulf in quality between Fo3 and Fo4 is equivalent to the one between FNV and Fo3. Fo3 is generally a worse version of New Vegas, but Fo4 is generally a worse version of Fo3, the result being something really profoundly bad IMO.
Eh, shortest answer should be: Fallout 3 no matter how bad it is, is still a Fallout game. Fallout 4 is not a fallout game, so no matter how good it is in your opinion, is still not in same category to be compared.
Fallout 4 look and feel more like COD/PUBG with some Fallout-dressing as some fake product~
In TES you never had anything so stupid as little lamplight, the survival guide or the superheroes.
Lamplight is irredeemably shit but I'll go to bat for the other two - the surivval guide isn't particularly dumb, you just have to accept that Moira is out of her mind.
Moira is out of her mind. Her high pitched and fake cheerfulness is one of the sign she's being stressed but eat her stress for breakfast...
Eat it or not stress is still there.
So lead to her attitude.
In early years I didnt actually realize that, thus she feel a bit annoying. but after some acquaintance with psychology and behaviours, her acting does show a bit~

It's like Ulyssess in LR. Standing alone he's one type of man. But standing together with Fallout3's history (aka Courier is Lone Wanderer) then you will find that Ulysess is off his rocker~ Absolutely schizo. He talked about his past doings as if talking about another person.
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Aug 1, 2013
Claiming your game is so good it will make the player wet their pants is a bold claim.
To be precise, the statement didn't specify liquid or solid.
Starfield be like:



Sep 13, 2021
Okay guys, sure, Oblivion and Fallout 3, and Skyrim, and Fallout 4, and Fallout 76 are terrible games, but THIS time, Bethesda Game Studios will finally learn from their mistakes and make a good game! After all these years!


Jan 1, 2021
Daggerfall was still their most "magical" game for me. Although that might be due to novelty and the era of PC gaming at that time.

Fallout 3 was still pretty fun but very different and dumbed down compared to previous Fallouts.

For some reason I have a gut feeling they will delay Starfield to next year for more polish.

MSFT and Bethesda can NOT have another Redfall on their hands. Going from online reactions, that game seriously shook the faith of Xbox fanboys to their very core lol.


Aug 3, 2019
London, UK
Strap Yourselves In
Daggerfall was still their most "magical" game for me. Although that might be due to novelty and the era of PC gaming at that time.

I'm torn between Daggerfall and Morrowind. Daggerfall indeed felt magical back then but Morrowind felt "alien" for me. Spend many fun hours with both.

The art design for Morrowind was really top notch.

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