omg, this Sam Cole guy's writing. "Let's talk business...", "It's rough country..." This is Obsidian-level drivel. A waste of a good voice actor.
You are a pathetic retard with an agenda. You find a way to complain about the one white dude. Not the homosexual black guy. Not the saccharin sweet mommy who talks like you are special needs student. Not the mutt Andreja with a voice like nails on a chalkboard. Not the beat up old mongolid Lin who nags and demans you. No no, you want to shit on the white dude. For being normal. Go fuck yourself, freak.
Has anyone tried any melee focused combat?
Did they improve that aspect or is it still just bonk or punch?
The combat, while similar to Fallout 4, is worse. That includes melee. Everything feels lighter, less grounded. Someone made a good analogy earlier. It's like the guns are all airsofts. No gore, no vats, no limbs being shot off, no heads explode. The same applies to melee. It feels like you are swinging a wiffle bat, or a retractable blade. Very light, very unsatisfying. It's pretty bad.