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Starfield Thread - now with Shattered Space horror expansion


Undisputed Queen of Faggotry Bethestard
Oct 24, 2018
better be careful with those heat leeches


Dead game
Glory to Ukraine
Apr 15, 2020
Its over starborn.



Mar 16, 2015
Fairly shocked there were people here saying the Crimson Fleet storyline is good, or even the best in the game. It's laughably terrible.
Maybe it's good by comparison? I thought the the UC storyline was mediocre at best and then I did the freestar ranger one and it was complete and absolute shit. It felt like something that should have been a minor sidequest because that's basically what it was.
For me UC gave me two mission paths, one was to infiltrate CF. Both are better than others so far, including main mission. UC Vanguard main is mostly going around shooting at stuff but storyline is kind of cool with war criminals and such.
Infiltrate CF has some missions where you can do them without killing anyone which is cool because it is different but overall story is pretty bad and generic
Pirates looking for legendary lost pirate treasure! OMG so original!
. Felt like Shadowun missions more than usual Bethesda crap.
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Undisputed Queen of Faggotry Bethestard
Oct 24, 2018

(178+ Hour Breakdown) Scaling & Enemy Design, Ground & Space Encounters, Weapon & Armor Leveling, Overall Loot, Bounty Board, Endgame​


First time posting so forgive my formatting and style of breakdown.

Before we can talk about enemy scaling we have to talk about enemy type, these are the following.

Human: The standard enemy in any game, in truth if you have played the game you already know all there is. However the sum of this enemy type is Numbers>Quality, unlike some games typically the answer in starfield is to make certain encounters more 'difficult' by sheer numbers. In certain outposts (Abandoned Mech Factory, Abandoned Robotics Lab, Research Lab) the number of active enemy combatants ranges from 5-14 enemies engaging me simultaneously, in some extremes I have had up to 20+(Including Robots) enemies crowding a hallway to attack me. The design is basic and has little to no difference from faction to faction, from UC Security to Pirates they will use similar if not the exact same weapons.

Robot: Industrial Robot A, Combat Robot A, Combat Robot S these are the most common (if not all) you will find in the Galaxy, there are a few exceptions with faction markings but identical bodies and armaments. The Combat boils down to out heal and face tank because the only goal for these robots is 'close the gap' and push even if alone. Now that wouldn't be a problem if they weren't unbelievable resilient on very hard and absolutely will not move back. This is actually something I am a big fan of, it makes sense to have these unfeeling machines charge and break the line. My only issue is their sheer rarity, they almost are never seen with factions unless it happens to be a robotics factory or special quest and even then they serve a minor roll and are almost never common enough for me to keep a Technician legendary on me.

Alien: I'll be honest there are very few reasons I enjoy the aliens in starfield, they lack any real means of attack, don't rush typically and are just fodder in all means of the word. Their design is lacking albeit vastly strange, their methods of attack are basic and merely an inconvenience and their names are just- odd. The only enemy I found was even fun was a swarming enemy in a level 75+ system that would constantly attack from every direction it felt like starship troopers and of course that is were I made my outpost. These types of enemies are either extremely powerful on attacks or do no damage, there is very little in-between that actually show any threat.

Starborn: Ah yes the Endgame enemies, the transcended that are above all and have the superior powers, weapons and absoletely dominate every fight. Bullet Sponges with the ability to heal, copy and use powers, their damage is a joke most of the time unless you happen to get a Melee one. Idk the melee starborn hit like trucks I don't understand myself. They are so rare i have had maybe 8? encounters with them and they were all from scripted events. I've never had a starborn attack naturally and when the events happen it is a very easy is albeit bullet costly fight. I wish these enemies were more common, aggressive and more consistent on damage.

Enemy Scaling: To my knowledge and from what I have seen around this is a mixed and somewhat hot topic, first and foremost the scaling in starfield is- quite literally atrocious and hinders the 'system leveling' heavily. In a level 75+ system you will encounter Level 1-110 enemies, as far as I have seen enemies do not scale past 110. It seems to be a cap on enemies, on very hard you will find 'legendary' enemies at level 1 and level 110. The level 1 obviously can be 1 tapped and the level 110 are absolute bullet sponges they do massive damage nearly killing me with 1 hit. (These enemies are aliens and not humans.) Aliens scale scale to 110, Humans scale to 98 (Pirate legend). When it comes to scaling the lack of enemies is 'made up' with sheer damage and tank.

Enemy 'Strategy': Enemies are less intelligent the higher level they are, Bold, Confident they walk into open fire and run into their own allies grenades, they never (almost never) heal and instead choose to push when nearly dead. A level 98 Pirate legend will charge with a sniper rifle and go into melee bashing when the gap was only a rooms length, while a level 20 pirate with a Beowulf will stay in cover and use grenades to flush you out, grenades, cover fire and the occasional pull back (if possible). they keep the gap which makes sense, use grenades from cover into mine and yet these Combat Veteran Legends would rather go into bashing and friendly grenades rather then using their Magsniper. If the enemy has elevation on you they will jump down from it, they below you? They will stay there, if they have even ground they will actively search lower ground when they had the advantage. On occasion when you rush a line the and you rapidly drop their numbers a handful will run back deeper into the POI and back into other allies regrouping and alerting them, it makes sense and I love this, it gives you a reason to be more specific on who to take out to keep from alerting everyone completely.

Ground Encounters: What encounters? Seriously I have had little to none, my Wanted Trait kicked in only once on the ground and it was in a preset location at an abandoned pipeline, The bounty hunters landed on the landing pad, asked me if I was their bounty(?) proceeded to attack and were wiped in about 30 seconds from being bunched up in a tower hallway. Immediately after I finished them I heard a ship I thought "Finally here are the reinforcements to come get me! I finally get to see the Wanted Trait to it's fullest!" The ship landed next to the bounty hunter ship and out came 10+ hunters. (More then the first Bounty Hunters), turns out these were Bounty Defenders, Dressed like an absolute mess, mixed faction armor all over and really- ugly to look at the sheer faction mix- spacer top, pirate helmet, ecliptic Boostpack. Beyond this I really wouldn't count ship landings and the occasional hunter or colonist a ground encounter.

Space Encounters & Scaling (Combat): I'm combining these because the space combat is a mess, I play on Very Hard and it boils down to this, Do you have asteroids? Do you have an Ally? Did the enemy spawn close or far from you? Can you spam F faster then you take damage? On Very Hard Space Combat is by far the most challenging feat I have faced in this game. If you are outnumbered by 1-2 enemies and they spawned far away you will lose most of the time, with maxed shields on the market, maxed weapons, maxed crew skills you will only survive if you charge head first and get lucky to take down a ship on every pass. If you can't destroy a ship in a single pass you will lose, you cannot win. A level 76 Ecliptic ship will destroy your shields on a single pass and likely heavily damage your hull. Space Combat is a challenge I welcome if only it wasn't so one sided. Even a level 10 Pirate ship can take down your shields in about 10-15 hits (1-2 Passes), if you have 4-7 enemies and no allies you are forced to run if no cover is available, it's extremely difficult but obviously not impossible. Scaling is weird, in a level 75+ system you will find level 20-76 ships. (loot will be discussed later), ship size varies slightly and there isn't too much to mention. (In my opinion the Wanted Trait is mandatory to keep any space jumping interesting because without it, there's nothing to do.)

Space Encounters (Friendly): Basic Breakdown
GalBank Ships = Not worth the bounty, Very Low Value (It's a transport for a bank, give them better value, the weapons and armor are worth more then the actual credits being transported)
Colonists = Extremely low Value, Terrible Traders, Nothing to Add Unless Pirate
Trade Authority Ships = Extremely Low Value, Low Credit Trades, Nothing to Buy (traders without enough credits to buy anything)
Grandma = Always Amazing
The Trader = S+ Gear, Superior Gear, Legendary Weapons, Armor, etc, Rare Ammo, High Credits (We need more traders like this)
Overall Space Encounters are very lackluster, the occasional event will be new the problem is most of the time the same events occur as if the pilot is following me across the galaxy, some are good (The Valentine, Grandma, Bickering Couple, The Trader) others are very- boring. (Settlers asking for an obscure resources, Ship Repair parts, warning you about a useless threat you wish would attack, Charlie-3)
"Way Oh!, Out in the blackness, Way Oh!, Out in the void, Way Oh!, Give me back to my true love"

Weapon Scaling: Weapon Scaling is tricky, on one hand everyone wants more damage, on the other hand some enemies are very tanky. The weapon imbalance comes from the Enemy scaling issue A solvable solution may be a level 75+ planet ONLY spawned level 75+ enemies, it would be even better if enemies were either a max of 20 levels higher and 10 lower then the player. letting the perks still have a use. As a level 134 perks that raise the level cap on abilities are useless as no enemy will ever out level me (Unless it's The Hunter, Emissary or other special occasions.) The weapons in starfield are great in quality, some are very lacking (Rattler, Lawbringer, Coachman, Novablast, Negotiator, Microgun, Drum Beat, Big Bang, Shotty). Most of the issues come from sheer DPS and health of enemies, a Microgun will use 340+ rounds on a level 110 Legendary enemy to take it down while a burst on a lvl 98 Pirate Legend will melt them. Nova is useless unless you're rping pacifist(?), damage is skewed across the board, advanced simultaneously does too much and not enough. I don't have a solution to this so i cannot really give more feedback on this other then a full rebalance and rework. (Modders Pls)

Armor Scaling: I have played for 178 hours and have very little understanding of this system, I'm aware of the damage reduction but I would need to see some proper testing because an enemy can go from melting me to barely tapping my hp from a foot further away, Armor values are all over as well, Ecliptic a high end merc group has the worst armor in the game (or some of the worst) yet the pirates strap metal all over and paint their face visors yet have equal or better amor stats. Faction armor is a joke, Merc and Bounty Hunter is some of the best. (Starborn armor is great except you are stuck without a helmet, or boostpack and miss 6 legendary effects because of it.)

Loot Economy: We play to loot, we steal, rob and destroy for it. Starfield makes it feel pointless, kill a single high level Ecliptic Merc and you will get a Superior Spacesuit Ecliptic: 17,158, Superior Ecliptic Helmet: 4383, Calibrated Ecliptic Pack: 3,906, Advanced Beowulf: 12,124 = 37,571 This is inv value but still if its a fraction of this you will make more money in a single outpost then an entire questline. You can easily buy your way through the game, I have too much loot so I buy all ammo, resources and throwables from every vendor in hopes of getting rid of weapons. Ammo is extremely plentiful, creds are super inflated so everything is simultaneously extremely cheap and extensive, never buy armor, never buy weapons (Unless Named or Legendary), you never need to loot ammo caches, never need to make an outpost unless your XP crafting, high level pirate ships have about 6k creds for its destruction or just board it and get 30k in gear. Ships are the only credit sink and some of my ships have been 1 million in value. Contraband is an inconvenience rather then bonus, always have scan blockers or deception and get pennies for your risk.

Legendary loot: Typically boring, blue is everywhere, purple is extremely rare, legendries are absolutely impossible to get in high quality. A legendary 98 enemy will drop a calibrated hunters pack. Superior legendries are basically impossible from what I have gotten so far. It's really unfortunate too as getting loot anywhere but the predetermined high level areas is essentially impossible, why be on a level 1 or 20 system if the best is basic or calibrated? it makes quests boring because you know the loot and rewards are going to be very underwhelming. I'm not saying legendries should be more common, but if i am in a lvl 75+ system and attacking legendary enemies I should at least get advanced armor and not refined or calibrated.

Bounty Board: Reward is worthless, use it to find enemies. 9/10 times the enemy 'bounty' will be a low level pirate in an ecliptic base. The bounty will get killed long before you get to them, just clean the base and get the gear. That is all I have to say.

Endgame: Too easy, not enough challenge for ground combat, need legendary difficulty, compounding issues hurt it a lot. Level 75+ systems are your only home essentially and space encounters are extremely difficult due to the lack of shield and hull strength on your ship. Starborn are a myth (Too rare), the gear is typically poor, and superior armor is unbelievable rare even at level 134.


Final Conclusion: I think the game has a lot of issues, yet I still enjoy it. There are moments I really like it but the compounding issues of the system and leveling really hurt the game, after level 40-50 you've unfortunately reached a soft cap. At level 110 you have reached the complete cap of enemies, they hurt, they are tanky and they will run you over if the game decides to calculate the damage correctly. If it doesn't however you can walk through some enemies and if you see anything under 50 just walk up to them double Solar Flare and walk away. Deal over 4k to an enemy you win, they get a lucky weapon (Microgun, Negotiator, Magpulse, Magshear) you better run and hide because they will shred your armor with bleed until you have nothing left. All in all I enjoy the game, not the best but I still enjoy it. I look forward to the modding community to fixing this, and a perk overhaul is needed heavily (Ordinator Please lol). If I am wrong about something or if there is something I don't know let me know, I'm trying to learn more about the game and the stats but info is very unreliable at best from everyone being a bit confused.

TL;DR game is shit, go play Cyberpunk, update 2.0 is out now
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Dec 29, 2011
trying out the cyberpunk patch. nomad start, i am out in the desert, looking over a bunch of shacks, thousands of trees, rocks and cactii. basically everything on high quality dlss. over a hundred fps.
i'm playing starfield, im on a moon, basically i looking at a grey screen, everything low fsr with 50% res scale. struggles to maintain 60.

bethesda really knows how to milk that nostalgia. in this case i am being nostalgic about playing morrowind on a 1.7ghz celeron and integrated gpu. to get from point a to be i had to look at the floor to get playable 13 fps :mad:


Philosoraptor in Residence
Sep 30, 2009
Combatfag: Gold box / Pathfinder
Codex 2012 Codex+ Now Streaming! MCA Project: Eternity Divinity: Original Sin 2
Who cares? I don't even look at her. I just wish they'd stfu about books. I've gotta kick this guy off my ship and stick him on some remote moon colony with his kid. They can talk there.

The best is when he dies.. his bratty daughter starts living in the basement of the Lodge and just screams at you for letting him die.. you can just close the door and let her live the rest of her life there living off a drip flow from a nearby water pipe and eating the occasional heat leech that wanders in.
:lol: That is so dark and messed up. Like classic shenanigans in the Sims. :salute:


In My Safe Space
Sep 13, 2014
Safe Space - Don't Bulli
Who cares? I don't even look at her. I just wish they'd stfu about books. I've gotta kick this guy off my ship and stick him on some remote moon colony with his kid. They can talk there.

The best is when he dies.. his bratty daughter starts living in the basement of the Lodge and just screams at you for letting him die.. you can just close the door and let her live the rest of her life there living off a drip flow from a nearby water pipe and eating the occasional heat leech that wanders in.
:lol: That is so dark and messed up. Like classic shenanigans in the Sims. :salute:

She doesn't actually catch heat leeches in a trap and devour them half-alive.. that's my head larp.
The rest is 100% true though.

Ben Zyklon

Aug 30, 2023
It's weir though, this Vic guy clearly knows the game is dogshit so I don't know why he defends it from time to time... maybe he is trying to justify that he keeps playing it somehow.
I'm not defending it but I'm not binary either where a game is either absolute shit or GOTY. Game has many flaws but at the same time it has a lot of "fast-food" Bethesda-quality quest content and the gameplay is fun and addictive. I've been playing for 143 hours according to my save file and am still discovering news things. Also, mods make the game a lot more enjoyable, I have over 30 mods installed right now and could never go back to vanilla.

Nah dude this game is dogshit seriously, I understand what you are saying but this time this game truly deserves to be called dogshit.


Undisputed Queen of Faggotry Bethestard
Oct 24, 2018
It's weir though, this Vic guy clearly knows the game is dogshit so I don't know why he defends it from time to time... maybe he is trying to justify that he keeps playing it somehow.
I'm not defending it but I'm not binary either where a game is either absolute shit or GOTY. Game has many flaws but at the same time it has a lot of "fast-food" Bethesda-quality quest content and the gameplay is fun and addictive. I've been playing for 143 hours according to my save file and am still discovering news things. Also, mods make the game a lot more enjoyable, I have over 30 mods installed right now and could never go back to vanilla.

Nah dude this game is dogshit seriously, I understand what you are saying but this time this game truly deserves to be called dogshit.
How many quests did you do? I think it has more fun/varied quests than Oblivion, which I think has the best sidequests from their games.

Ben Zyklon

Aug 30, 2023
It's weir though, this Vic guy clearly knows the game is dogshit so I don't know why he defends it from time to time... maybe he is trying to justify that he keeps playing it somehow.
I'm not defending it but I'm not binary either where a game is either absolute shit or GOTY. Game has many flaws but at the same time it has a lot of "fast-food" Bethesda-quality quest content and the gameplay is fun and addictive. I've been playing for 143 hours according to my save file and am still discovering news things. Also, mods make the game a lot more enjoyable, I have over 30 mods installed right now and could never go back to vanilla.

Nah dude this game is dogshit seriously, I understand what you are saying but this time this game truly deserves to be called dogshit.
How many quests did you do? I think it has more fun/varied quests than Oblivion, which I think has the best sidequests from their games.

I don't remember, didn't counted but the ones I did were fucking boring, the writing is terrible, the most interesting one I did was the one where the 2040 humans arrive at paradiso and you have to supposedly mediate with the two sides and nothing interesting happens, at first I thought the guys were going to be difficult to convince or that there were going to be some back and forward but NO, it was completely my desicion what to do with them, thats retarded as fuck and then I had to install the new grav drive and it was such a stupid fetch quest too.

I also remember I stopped a bank robbery in the lamest way possible, nothing in this game feels like its real or that there are real stakes.

If you are going to tell me that the quests are good sorry but you are wrong, the other people here have described other quest and they sound as lame as I expected.


Undisputed Queen of Faggotry Bethestard
Oct 24, 2018
It's weir though, this Vic guy clearly knows the game is dogshit so I don't know why he defends it from time to time... maybe he is trying to justify that he keeps playing it somehow.
I'm not defending it but I'm not binary either where a game is either absolute shit or GOTY. Game has many flaws but at the same time it has a lot of "fast-food" Bethesda-quality quest content and the gameplay is fun and addictive. I've been playing for 143 hours according to my save file and am still discovering news things. Also, mods make the game a lot more enjoyable, I have over 30 mods installed right now and could never go back to vanilla.

Nah dude this game is dogshit seriously, I understand what you are saying but this time this game truly deserves to be called dogshit.
How many quests did you do? I think it has more fun/varied quests than Oblivion, which I think has the best sidequests from their games.

I don't remember, didn't counted but the ones I did were fucking boring, the writing is terrible, the most interesting one I did was the one where the 2040 humans arrive at paradiso and you have to supposedly mediate with the two sides and nothing interesting happens, at first I thought the guys were going to be difficult to convince or that there were going to be some back and forward but NO, it was completely my desicion what to do with them, thats retarded as fuck and then I had to install the new grav drive and it was such a stupid fetch quest too.

I also remember I stopped a bank robbery in the lamest way possible, nothing in this game feels like its real or that there are real stakes.

If you are going to tell me that the quests are good sorry but you are wrong, the other people here have described other quest and they sound as lame as I expected.
that's true but are other Bethesda games quests any better tho? I think Starfield's are pretty decent compared to their previous games. Of course biggest problem is their boring setting, so we don't have cool ghouls, mutants or dragons etc. But the quest design is not bad at all, relatively speaking.

Ben Zyklon

Aug 30, 2023
It's weir though, this Vic guy clearly knows the game is dogshit so I don't know why he defends it from time to time... maybe he is trying to justify that he keeps playing it somehow.
I'm not defending it but I'm not binary either where a game is either absolute shit or GOTY. Game has many flaws but at the same time it has a lot of "fast-food" Bethesda-quality quest content and the gameplay is fun and addictive. I've been playing for 143 hours according to my save file and am still discovering news things. Also, mods make the game a lot more enjoyable, I have over 30 mods installed right now and could never go back to vanilla.

Nah dude this game is dogshit seriously, I understand what you are saying but this time this game truly deserves to be called dogshit.
How many quests did you do? I think it has more fun/varied quests than Oblivion, which I think has the best sidequests from their games.

I don't remember, didn't counted but the ones I did were fucking boring, the writing is terrible, the most interesting one I did was the one where the 2040 humans arrive at paradiso and you have to supposedly mediate with the two sides and nothing interesting happens, at first I thought the guys were going to be difficult to convince or that there were going to be some back and forward but NO, it was completely my desicion what to do with them, thats retarded as fuck and then I had to install the new grav drive and it was such a stupid fetch quest too.

I also remember I stopped a bank robbery in the lamest way possible, nothing in this game feels like its real or that there are real stakes.

If you are going to tell me that the quests are good sorry but you are wrong, the other people here have described other quest and they sound as lame as I expected.
that's true but are other Bethesda games quests any better tho? I think Starfield's are pretty decent compared to their previous games. Of course biggest problem is their boring setting, so we don't have cool ghouls, mutants or dragons etc. But the quest design is not bad at all, relatively speaking.
You are right on that one and I said it before, Bethesda weakes aspects are:
  1. Writing
  2. Presentation
  3. Combat
And the best aspect of Bethesda games is the feeling of a living world that you can explore and dive in and find stuff.

Fallout and Starfield had decent combat.

But Starfield not only does it has the bad Writing and the presentation but also destroyed the only good thing that Bethesda has been doing for years, there is no living world, exploration is ass.

I'm currently palying Gothic 1 becaue I never played those games and it has much better exploration than Starfield.


Undisputed Queen of Faggotry Bethestard
Oct 24, 2018
And the best aspect of Bethesda games is the feeling of a living world that you can explore and dive in and find stuff.
that's true it doesn't really have that. BUT, you can buy multiple houses/apartments and fill it up with stuff you find. Display your unique armour on mannequins, display cool weapons on weapon racks. And certain quests unlock more crafting recipes. Like the quest in Akila with the Ashta, unlocks a mounted Ashta head for your houses and outposts.

(edit: Ah I misread you as "living in a world", yeah, the world doesn't feel like a living world like in the previous games, really. NPCs are static and locations disjointed. But the random encounters that you get during space travel kind of make up for that. There is always something going on. Even during ground exploration you can encounter random events. Yesterday as I exited a cave, an NPC spawned outside who said he was taking pictures of the area, and recommended me another location that got updated on my map.)

There is also a fair bit to explore in the cities and hand-crafted locations. I would say it will take you at least 50 hours to explore all the hand-crafted content. You have:

- New Atlantis
- Akila
- Neon
- Cydonia
- Gagarin
- HopeTown
- The Den
- Paradiso
- Red Mile
- The Clinic
- ???

These are just the ones that I know of off the top of my head. Many hours can be spent exploring these hand-crafted locations and they have many quests that send you to other hand-crafted locations/dungeons. Overall I think there is a lot of hand-crafted content to explore BUT it has no "wilderness" to explore like in previous games. Everything is just within the cities/outposts and then take quests that send you to specific locations. It's not amazing, but it's there.

If you've ever played Planescape: Torment I think it's similar. In that game most of your exploration happens in a city too (Sigil). Daggerfall might've been like that too but I can't remember because I hated the labyrinthine dungeons and never played it much.
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In My Safe Space
Sep 13, 2014
Safe Space - Don't Bulli
And the best aspect of Bethesda games is the feeling of a living world that you can explore and dive in and find stuff.
that's true it doesn't really have that. BUT, you can buy multiple houses/apartments and fill it up with stuff you find.

So fucking what.. Their outpost and home system is literally worse than Fallout and Skyrim.. even your boyfriend Rusty is having an existential crisis with how much shit starfield removes... they actually spent development time - taking away shit.

In exchange we get giant sphere's with grainy textures on them that your ship can fly through... if you spend 12 hours trying to get close to it.

> Make space game
> Literally fast travel everywhere with magic space ghost engine cause actually space is fucking boring


Undisputed Queen of Faggotry Bethestard
Oct 24, 2018
And the best aspect of Bethesda games is the feeling of a living world that you can explore and dive in and find stuff.
that's true it doesn't really have that. BUT, you can buy multiple houses/apartments and fill it up with stuff you find.

So fucking what.. Their outpost and home system is literally worse than Fallout and Skyrim.. even your boyfriend Rusty is having an existential crisis with how much shit starfield removes... they actually spent development time - taking away shit.

In exchange we get giant sphere's with grainy textures on them that your ship can fly through... if you spend 12 hours trying to get close to it.

> Make space game
> Literally fast travel everywhere with magic space ghost engine cause actually space is fucking boring
it's not a space sim, it's a Bethesda RPG set in space and still more fun to play than nausea inducing cyberjank where female cops in uniform wear high heels and invisible walls teleport you back (turn back, nothin' out there for ya... *teleport*)


In My Safe Space
Sep 13, 2014
Safe Space - Don't Bulli
it's not a space sim, it's a Bethesda RPG set in space

Ok, then why did they make it so fucking boring like real space then?

still more fun to play than nausea inducing cyberjank where female cops in uniform wear high heels and invisible walls teleport you back (turn back, nothin' out there for ya... *teleport*)

Yea way better to have 10000 black fat asses all wandering around on space mopeds in every city, clipping through the floor and all gathering in a cut content cell - existing purely to burn out your video card.


Undisputed Queen of Faggotry Bethestard
Oct 24, 2018
Yea way better to have 10000 black fat asses all wandering around on space mopeds in every city, clipping through the floor and all gathering in a cut content cell - existing purely to burn out your video card.
first thing I saw after exiting my apartment for the first time:


the hypocrisy of the codex hivemind is staggering

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