Here is a list of characters I remember from Bethesda games:
- Sotha-Sil
- Vivec
- Almalexia
- Fargoth
- St. Juib
- Emperor Uriel Spetim
- The blades guy
- The gray fox
- Manimmarco, The King of Worms
- Martin
- Jaufrey
- Sheogorath
- Lucien Lachance
- I remember the main villain that you fight at the end of the Fighter's guild
- The prophet
- The villain from nights of nine
- The mage's guild guy
- Archmage
- The graybeard guy
- Paarthurnax
- Farxass
Fallout 3:
- Moriarty
- Moira Brown
- Ant Queen
- James
- The Overseer
- Colonel Autumn
- Fawx
- The vampires
Fallout 4:
- Main protagonist
- Shaun
- Nick Valentine
- Curie
- Piper
Fallout: New Vegas
- Cheyenne's owner
- The bomber guy
- Caesar
- The courier
- The ex-courier
- Bennie
- Mr. House
- The White Glove Society
The last time I played most of these games was years ago. I misremember or don't remember many of the names, but I still vividly recall the characters themselves.
So why do I bring this up? Because I was playing starfield jsut a few hours ago to checkout Shattered Space, and here is the list of characters I remember for that game:
- Andreja
This is not satire. I think it's a great testament for how fucking awful the character writing is. I played the DLC for a couple of hours, and stopped playing just 30 minutes ago. I don't recall a single new character.