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Stellaris - Paradox new sci-fi grand strategy game

Jonathan "Zee Nekomimi

Hoarder of loli kats./ Funny ^._.^= ∫
Mar 4, 2019
Codex+ Now Streaming!
But must say it got some good autism mechanics. Plus i find the macro division management of hoi3 better (Too bad it can't run on w10).


Jun 9, 2019
Strap Yourselves In
But must say it got some good autism mechanics. Plus i find the macro division management of hoi3 better (Too bad it can't run on w10).
HoI3, despite its all downsides, is still a vastly superior game to that meme trash hoi4. What makes it worse than HoI2 is the copious amounts of micromanagment with all those tiny provinces, which makes wars like eastern front a microhell for a player. The division builder and the techs were nice though.
Jan 7, 2012
No, play HOI3 black ice.
Terrible mod. Autism for the sake of autism.

It also fucks with the game mechanics so much that the AI can't even begin to play it (not that it could play HoI3 vanilla well anyway). To compensate the AI just cheats with a maddening amount of free event troops spawning in constantly.

But must say it got some good autism mechanics. Plus i find the macro division management of hoi3 better (Too bad it can't run on w10).
HoI3, despite its all downsides, is still a vastly superior game to that meme trash hoi4. What makes it worse than HoI2 is the copious amounts of micromanagment with all those tiny provinces, which makes wars like eastern front a microhell for a player. The division builder and the techs were nice though.

I've never really found the micro in HoI3 to be all that bad.

(Too bad it can't run on w10).

Works fine for me if you apply the 4gb patch.

La vie sexuelle

Jun 10, 2023
La Rochelle
No, play HOI3 black ice.
Terrible mod. Autism for the sake of autism.

You seen nothing.


Current Features:

  • Many lewd leader/species traits, such as Huge Breasts, Dominant/Submissive, Natural Anal Lube!
  • Some traits have synergy bonuses with each other and more will be added with time.
  • Origins, Civics and Sexual Technologies., which have various special mechanics, policies and decisions.
  • Lots of anomalies and events, many of which have been updated and integrated from MASSA, but also new ones unique to LV.
  • Hybrids system with inspiration from other mods like Sexual Gameplay and MASSA.
  • Mono-gender and Futanari mechanics with the ability to convert entire planets to one or the other with the right tech.
  • Lots of sexual jobs from Milk Cows and Whores to Gem Incubators and Sexologists. All which are affected by LV traits in some way!
  • Lewd Megacorp branch office buildings and civics which can change by combining them with certain base game civics.
  • All non-leader traits affect LV jobs, usually in the form of a bonus or negative to production (bigger breasts give more milk ofc).
  • Breeding tradition (first of many!)
  • Lewd (and optional) rooms.
  • Lots of optional loading screens as a way to say sorry for taking so long (all credit goes to the actual artists!)
  • Many things I can't remember! lol
  • Lewd Advisor (voiced by LalaLexxi).
  • Dominant Advisor (voiced by PhoenixTuft).
  • MASSA is now for the most part integrated. (Thanks Darkspleen!)
  • Sexual Gameplay integrated for the most part.
  • Sexopolis fully integrated. (Thanks Buttson117!)
  • Kinky Void fully integrated. (Thanks Beelzibob!)
  • LVEx integration in progress!


Jan 25, 2016
Wandering the world randomly in search of maps
I start a new game, haven't played in awhile, even though I chose no clustered start I am totally boxed in from three sides with only the starter free planets to settle. No biggie, one of my neighbors is already claiming my systems, so I go to war, smoke his fleet, and rampage through his systems. Now I'm grinding down his colonies, it's barely been a year or two and....

FORCED PEACE. He keeps all his planets. My war exhaustion was 100% despite winning everything and having no substantial losses. He was devastated and only had 50%. Complete bullshit. Ten year forced truce and now he has double my fleet. Well that's what I get for playing on Admiral.

Is there a mod that disables this garbage? I've played this game over the years and they keep tweaking the war system. I remember the old lame warscore BS and while this is an improvement it still sucks. It wouldn't be so bad if the metric they used to calculate war weariness wasn't so stupid. How am I exhausted from winning a super fast and easy war? At least give me the option to spend money to spread propaganda to delay or reduce it, or just crush dissent with an iron fist. America lost wars for 20 straight years and no one even really knew or cared.


Dec 26, 2014
On the internet, writing shit posts.
I start a new game, haven't played in awhile, even though I chose no clustered start I am totally boxed in from three sides with only the starter free planets to settle. No biggie, one of my neighbors is already claiming my systems, so I go to war, smoke his fleet, and rampage through his systems. Now I'm grinding down his colonies, it's barely been a year or two and....

FORCED PEACE. He keeps all his planets. My war exhaustion was 100% despite winning everything and having no substantial losses. He was devastated and only had 50%. Complete bullshit. Ten year forced truce and now he has double my fleet. Well that's what I get for playing on Admiral.

Is there a mod that disables this garbage? I've played this game over the years and they keep tweaking the war system. I remember the old lame warscore BS and while this is an improvement it still sucks. It wouldn't be so bad if the metric they used to calculate war weariness wasn't so stupid. How am I exhausted from winning a super fast and easy war? At least give me the option to spend money to spread propaganda to delay or reduce it, or just crush dissent with an iron fist. America lost wars for 20 straight years and no one even really knew or cared.
Did you make claims first? Usually in a White Peace you keep whatever claimed planets you've occupied. Its a pretty silly system, imo.
But yeah, war exhaustion is weird. I also noticed it goes up faster if you take systems for some silly reason.


Feb 20, 2021
I start a new game, haven't played in awhile, even though I chose no clustered start I am totally boxed in from three sides with only the starter free planets to settle. No biggie, one of my neighbors is already claiming my systems, so I go to war, smoke his fleet, and rampage through his systems. Now I'm grinding down his colonies, it's barely been a year or two and....

FORCED PEACE. He keeps all his planets. My war exhaustion was 100% despite winning everything and having no substantial losses. He was devastated and only had 50%. Complete bullshit. Ten year forced truce and now he has double my fleet. Well that's what I get for playing on Admiral.

Is there a mod that disables this garbage? I've played this game over the years and they keep tweaking the war system. I remember the old lame warscore BS and while this is an improvement it still sucks. It wouldn't be so bad if the metric they used to calculate war weariness wasn't so stupid. How am I exhausted from winning a super fast and easy war? At least give me the option to spend money to spread propaganda to delay or reduce it, or just crush dissent with an iron fist. America lost wars for 20 straight years and no one even really knew or cared.
The war exhaustion system is trash because from what I remember it runs on percentage of loses from your naval capacity. So if you are a normal player and optimize for efficiency you will have relatively low naval cap(for example 50) but you will fully use it up. The AI however is stupid and cheating it will build a bunch of docks giving it stupidly high naval cap(say 250) and use up maybe 25 of it.

The end result is that when you win a battle with ten corvettes down you lost 20% of your naval cap but the AI losing the same amount lost only 4% of its cap. This way unless you literary curb stomp the ai its always losing it way towards victory.


Jan 25, 2016
Wandering the world randomly in search of maps
From what I see it's a flat cost per lost ship regardless of size. So it punishes corvette spam, which sucks, esp in the beginning when that's all you can build. I guarantee you the US military could lose dozens of planes or PT boats and not care, but if we lost a single carrier we'd totally shit our pants.


Sep 10, 2021
FORCED PEACE. He keeps all his planets. My war exhaustion was 100% despite winning everything and having no substantial losses. He was devastated and only had 50%.
Most probably you were relatively smaller than an enemy empire so you suffered a higher war exhaustion than the bigger enemy empire which is logical. Bigger empires have bigger economy, bigger fleets, more population and manpower.
I had about half his systems claimed, including his colonies. So he lost about half his territory but since the planets hadn't been invaded yet they were not considered fully captured, and thus he kept them.
Since you didn't capture his planets you have no one to blame than yourself for not winning the war.
War exhaustion goes up from suffering losses during space and ground warfare, destruction of planets (either from Colossus weapons or Bombardment armageddon.png Armageddon Bombardment), and a passive accumulation over time called Attrition. When a side's war exhaustion hits 100% they can be forced into a status quo peace after 24 months.


Jan 25, 2016
Wandering the world randomly in search of maps
Since you didn't capture his planets you have no one to blame than yourself for not winning the war.
It was impossible, the war exhaustion shot up so fast I had no chance to even attempt invasions (transport fleet was on its way), and corvettes and destroyers cant bomb planets fast enough. Silly me for capturing all his starbases so he couldnt make more fleets, no strategic value there. :eyeroll: playing on admiral you really can't let the ai have a chance to rebuild fleets because the losses are meaningless to them.

It's dumb because theoretically this system is intended to allow players to come back from a loss or prevent smaller ai empires from being steamrolled, but in this case it cost a smaller blocked in empire from their one and only breakout chance.
Last edited:


Dec 26, 2014
On the internet, writing shit posts.
Since you didn't capture his planets you have no one to blame than yourself for not winning the war.
It was impossible, the war exhaustion shot up so fast I had no chance to even attempt invasions (transport fleet was on its way), and corvettes and destroyers cant bomb planets fast enough. Silly me for capturing all his starbases so he couldnt make more fleets, no strategic value there. :eyeroll: playing on admiral you really can't let the ai have a chance to rebuild fleets because the losses are meaningless to them.

It's dumb because theoretically this system is intended to allow players to come back from a loss or prevent smaller ai empires from being steamrolled, but in this case it cost a smaller blocked in empire from their one and only breakout chance.
Yeah that's some bullshit. Did you have the war exhaustion buffs? There are ways to limit exhaustion build up.


Sep 10, 2021
Don't you get a HIGH WAR EXHAUSTION prompt 2 years before the forced peace?
Yeah, you get 2 years before the forced status-quo peace. More than enough time to invade and capture some planets, with the planetary bombardment being good enough now to snap up some planets if you concentrate your fleet.


Dec 12, 2012
Entre a serra e o mar.
Now I'm grinding down his colonies, it's barely been a year or two and....

FORCED PEACE. He keeps all his planets.
Did you have no claims on his systems? Because a status quo peace would have given all the claims you had occupied.

edit: yeah you should have occupied those planets you had claims on maan.


Dec 26, 2014
On the internet, writing shit posts.
Isn't surrender through orbital bombardment a thing now? I had that prompt show up in my current Necroid game.
The game seems a lot harder now. I'm on captain difficulty and I had to restart a few times.
Not sure I like the new starburst map. It seems to be a real cluster fuck.


Jan 25, 2016
Wandering the world randomly in search of maps
I had 100% war exhaustion before his fleets were even dead. This was real early in the game. It was an empire that only had 4 planets to my 3, and only a 2k fleet vs 6k. Every time I attacked his fleet it would emergency FTL out after like 5% damage, so I had to chase it all through his systems to finish it. The AI generally loves to run away and avoid fights now.

The whole argument is stupid, because this was a 100% contained opponent like hitler in the bunker. It's beyond retarded that anyone would be forced to give up at that point. The only possible hope he would have would be to get another Empire to come in on his side.

Isn't surrender through orbital bombardment a thing now?

This works great when you have a 100k fleet, not so much with an early game corvette squad. The time it took to eliminate defense armies was way too slow.

There are ways to limit exhaustion build up.
I was playing militant ethics with a government agenda for power projection; didn't matter. There are edicts and such that help too but it snuck up on me so fast it was crazy.

I could have played tall, gone the appeasement route with my neighbors, rushed habitats, and attempted a breakout later. But in my experience playing on Admiral you go wide ASAP or you die.

I don't think the war exhaustion mechanic itself is bad, it's the hard stop and sudden forced diplomacy that's stupid. WTF is a ten year forced truce? Who is enforcing that? Make it so the player gets stacking penalties to infinity over time, but I'll decide when I'm done.

I had one game before this, playing Lithoid with Calamitous birth, Technocracy and Fanatic Materialist/Egalitarian, Admiral difficulty. Went pretty good even though I forgot the fleet manager existed or how to efficiently use shipyards, I was attacked by a superior neighbor at one point and I was building fleets from just a few shipyards. Still overcame the attack and grabbed about half his planets, I was gearing up to take the rest when another neighbor attacked. This one had about the same fleet power of 300k, but the border was so wide it was hard for me to defend. The AI loves to split their fleets and attack five places at once, and while I was able to repel all their assaults it was difficult to make any progress. I eventually gave up some space back to a choke point and took a decent bite out of his territory before the forced peace, but that dragged on for so long it felt reasonable. The war was mostly a stalemate, some borders were redrawn, revenge sworn, and life goes on. I ended up abandoning that game when I saw I was really falling behind the rest of the galaxy and wanted to restart and play more efficiently.

I love this game but it enrages me sometimes. It's always either way too easy or impossible, kinda just how it is.


Jan 25, 2016
Wandering the world randomly in search of maps
This was my "Krogan" build I tried out some time ago. Note the post-apocalyptic origin and tomb world preference (because Krogans nuked themselves.)


They turned out pretty strong and I did the 'become the crisis' option and destroyed the universe. Fun.


Jan 25, 2016
Wandering the world randomly in search of maps
I'm on captain difficulty and I had to restart a few times.
Playing on Admiral, I concur. I think I'm going to have to notch down the difficulty. The AI seems to build bigger fleets now. Corvette spam is as bad as ever, I did have on opponent whose fleets were mostly cruisers and battleships. My standard tactic of super fast expansion and blitzkrieg is not good enough anymore.

I realized they reworked all the weapons, rushing plasma is now a bad strategy and letting the ai auto-design ships is a mistake. Now the meta is lasers, disruptors, and missiles, interestingly enough. I've beaten bigger fleets now by using this strategy.

I don't like that federations are all locked behind tradition trees now since those trees are generally not good, but not having federations puts you at a disadvantage. I attacked one neighbor without realizing he was in a 5 empire federation, still managed to beat them all but it was rough. While I was chipping away at his systems with claims I took Nihilistic Acquisition and vacuumed pops off his planets. I noticed there's a 100% penalty to making claims during a war, not sure if it was like that before or not.

I'm playing the Aquatic species with the hydro ascension perk which essentially makes Ocean worlds into Gaia planets for your race, plus lets you expand the size by 3, so it's like 2 ascension perks in one. It also gives you the Super Soaker Colossus which seems cool. I took the Payback origin this time which is specifically more difficult since it gimps all your starting techs and ships, but in return you either get a free battleship ~10 years in or a free habitat. I took the hab since fleet power is fleet power but pops are king, I don't have issues rushing early opponents but having a battleship that early can be lulzy.

Every so often your benefactor race shows up and demands money or slaves until you kill them, and they get an advanced start so it essentially gives you a third major enemy to defeat besides a crisis and the FEs.

I was confused when a neighbor with fleet power 'pathetic' attacked me out of the blue until his 'superior' ally showed up with 100k more than me. I have had starbases defend unattended systems which is probably a first in the entire history of the game, so that's cool. Currently trying to bait him into splitting his fleet so I can ambush them seperately around my starbases. The AI is way less likely to throw its fleets away now which is smart but annoying.


Dec 26, 2014
On the internet, writing shit posts.
Yeah there was always a 100% modifier when making claims while in an offensive war. If you're in a defensive war there is no modifier.

I'm not sure about Necroids. When you get them rolling they are really strong, especially when paired with the new bio ascension options, but you have to micromanage them because paradox has an odd obsession with making free pops take the jobs of slaves, especially in the clerk job slots. And you need clerk jobs as a necroid to have a nice supply of slaves to keep filling necrophyte jobs. I found that its better to not build chamber of elevations everywhere for that reason, as ideally most of your necrophage pops will be coming from abductions (if you take barbaric or nihilistic acquisition), war, invading primitive worlds or the slave market.

I really wish paradox would just let you define what class your pops can be in. Like, just an option saying "can only take specialist jobs" or "can only ever be workers".
Having to go through 50+ planets to pick out your primary race to fill specialist jobs because the game keeps putting them in worker slots isn't great.

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