Looks bad
Thanks, Infy. I appreciate the fact that you took a direct interest in news regarding this game.Steam demo is out.
How do you get Hidden Agenda these days? It looks cool, but is it vaporware or can you buy it somewhere?Sounds like KoDP. Could be pretty cool.
Looks more like Hidden Agenda, the best political simulator ever made. Suzerain seems to take inspiration from it but I could be mistaken. Will follow closely, it could be great.
DOSHow do you get Hidden Agenda these days? It looks cool, but is it vaporware or can you buy it somewhere?Sounds like KoDP. Could be pretty cool.
Looks more like Hidden Agenda, the best political simulator ever made. Suzerain seems to take inspiration from it but I could be mistaken. Will follow closely, it could be great.
Based, thanks fren. I heard might be f*cked legally so I will grab it asap. I should be getting as many old books from there as I can but my hard disk is already filled to the brim. (╥_╥) Someone archive already~DOSHow do you get Hidden Agenda these days? It looks cool, but is it vaporware or can you buy it somewhere?Sounds like KoDP. Could be pretty cool.
Looks more like Hidden Agenda, the best political simulator ever made. Suzerain seems to take inspiration from it but I could be mistaken. Will follow closely, it could be great.
Suzerain at Indie Arena Booth
Indie Arena Booth is going online this year from August 27 - 30, and Suzerain is a part of the line up!
The event features an in-browser game, where you can walk the digital convention floor and explore digital booths, and play our demo!
You can visit the Suzerain booth here![]
You can also check out our publisher, Fellow Traveller's booth! []
There's also an Indie Arena Booth sale on Steam, and Fellow Traveller, is having a sale during the event as well!
Below is our events schedule for Indie Arena Booth, as we take you developer playthroughs of Suzerain so you can immerse yourself in Sordland politics.
August Monthly Report
“Laceriten, Ecciniten, Bretreniten - Liberty, equality, fraternity.”
The month of Emperor Augustus is behind us and it is a good time to take a look at the tasks we accomplished and the road ahead. This report will include a few teasers towards the middle so if you don’t want to know anything about the late game please don’t read further.
A new writer joined us! Rachel has joined the team to help with writing, editing, and finalising the personal storyline. She is a very skilled writer who has already improved a dozen scenes and the overall narrative design of our two exciting story flows.
Our narrative review continues and we are tackling societal elements that were lacking consistency and prevalence throughout the game. The world of Suzerain is different and old, and we needed to make this obvious to the player in order to achieve full immersion. Moreover, some of the gaps between decisions and scenes are being slowly mended to increase the interconnectedness of the story elements in the game.
Guess what these flags represent and respond in our Discord server here:
The conclusion of the main political storyline is near thanks to Ilke’s design efforts and we are taking a final look at the late game decrees, the media influence and police actions. Other key choices are also considered before we take a step towards the finalised endings as they are connected with a portion of these actions. We have also finalised the design of the decrees panel and implemented the functionality. You can find an older mockup of it below.
[CONCEPT - Contents Subject to Change]
The Oligarchs storyline ended along with the range economic expression of planned, mixed and market economy doctrines with additional economic choices being near to completion. Ozgun has excelled in executing the final storyline. Key characters like Walter Tusk and Marcel Koronti are as expected playing a big role.
We have added a key choice of either nationalizing, privatising or not changing the big four corporations in the story with a bespoke UI. In the interface the player can further determine the percentage of ownership being bought or sold by the state. There are also a set of choices depending on previous player decisions that are very exciting. Will you eat the rich or feast lavishly with them?
[CONCEPT - Contents Subject to Change]
We attended Gamescom 2020 through the Indie Arena Booth. This cool digital event drove attention towards our game and increased our presence on Steam. Next up is PAX Online from September 12 - 20! We’d love it if you share your experiences with Suzerain on social media to spread awareness and support our election campaign!
Additionally, our Producer and Managing Director Ata has been working on the next business step in the evolution of Torpor Games. We will make a press release on the exciting subject when the time comes!
See you next time in the September report and thank you for your support!
Want to keep a closer eye on the development? Sign-up to our newsletter to get the latest breaking news for Suzerain.
Share this game with your friends and head over to our Steam page to wishlist Suzerain.
Thank you and see you next time citizen, Glory to Sordland!
President Anton Rayne’s Term Begins December 4!
Play as newly elected president in Suzerain, coming this December
The votes have been counted, and today Anton Rayne has been elected the fourth President of Sordland. His four year term in office will commence on December 4.
President Rayne must decide where his priorities lie. The tasks ahead include stimulating the economy to pull Sordland out of the two year recession, advance foreign relations and heeding the cries to reform the constitution.
Tune in to the following announcement on the Sordish Broadcasting Corporation as they cover the presidential election:
As the presidential race was called, Anton Rayne had this to say: “My fellow Sords! Sordland is struggling to recover from a difficult past: bloody coups, a civil war, and a decade of tyranny has left our country in a delicate state. I will do everything in my power to lead Sordland to repair.”
President Rayne’s party, the United Sordland Party, won the election, earning a total of 130 seats in the Grand National Assembly. The People’s Freedom and Justice Party won 70 seats, making them this term's opposition. Led by Frens Ricter, The PFJP have been steadily increasing in popularity among the Sordish population, advocating for a more democratic constitution.
The National Front Party led by Kesaro Kibener won 40 seats in the Assembly, the best results in their history, becoming the third biggest party in Sordland. Finally, the Independents represent 10 seats in the National Assembly, led by Mansoun Leke, a Bludish politician and previously the leader of the Workers Party of Bludia.
Our new President is faced with many challenges ahead, and the choices he will make will impact our great nation forever.
Visit Sordland Today to keep up to date on Sordish news before the President-elect's inauguration:
October Broadcast
The votes have been counted and Anton Rayne has been elected president! His term will begin on December 4th. Watch our release announcement trailer here:
The development journey of Suzerain that began many years ago is coming to an end. We are very excited to share what we have worked on for so long. It is an emotional journey for the team who have put their heart and soul to this and managed to get it across the finish line. A special thanks to Fellow Traveller and everyone who has supported us every step of the way.
Let’s talk about what we have accomplished in October. This month saw the game near scene completion all the way up to Turn 11 (the last game turn) with one of the ending scenes and the different epilogues being actively worked on moving into November. Our design implementations are complete. Special shoutout to Tung who has led the effort and brought it to the finish line.
Chief Justice Orso Hawker is preparing the inauguration ceremony for Anton Rayne.
A final effort is being made on finishing the news, reports and some misc narrative support content for the later turns. This helps ensure the player experience has the narrative feedback on their choices that make the game feel alive. This work will end soon, marking the game fully content complete!
Meanwhile, we have also begun testing the game with voluntary testers to make sure the most critical bugs are taken care of for release. Our special thanks to the more than dozen people who dedicated their time to help us find issues so we can increase the quality of the game at launch. Our development team has already made nearly a hundred fixes and many more improvements are still to come.
Our Original Soundtrack Composed by James Spence has also made its way to Steam!
So what is next in November? More testing, more bug fixes and the final implementations of narrative support. There will also be the final balancing passes after collecting data from the testing runs. We are ensuring that all the numbers that are being calculated in the background add up to meaningful content changes. The last ticket item will be the Steam achievements design and supporting our marketing campaign for the release.
Want to see the latest version of the game? We are going to be a part of the upcoming Escapist Indie Games Showcase! There will be a livestream on November 12th at 8pm CET / 11am PT, where you can directly ask questions to the developers. You'll be able to watch the livestream on their Twitch or YouTube channel. The Suzerain demo will also be available throughout the festival so if you never had a chance to check it out this will be a perfect time to do so.
This is our big moment and if Suzerain appeals to you in any shape or form we would love it if you shared the game with your friends and wishlist it on Steam. See you next time at the launch of the game! The Maroon Palace is waiting for you on December 4th.
Want to keep a closer eye on the development? Sign-up to our newsletter to get the latest breaking news for Suzerain.
Share this game with your friends and head over to our Steam page to wishlist Suzerain.
Thank you and see you next time citizen, Glory to Sordland!
You got a review copy of the full game?Heh, the game contains something similar to the current Nagorno-Karabakh conflict. Two states are fighting over a strategic island, one having conquered that island 30 years ago while the other is its previous holder (and the majority of the island's population ethnically belongs to the second state), both claiming it is "their rightful land". All of this incorporated into the pseudo-Cold War theme of the game, of course.
My first playthrough took almost 8-9 hours, surprisingly enough. I expected it to be a 4-hour game.
Good to know. Played the demo, but was afraid that those choices might've been just fluff with no real C&C.Of course. One of the main overarching narratives is the direction you want to steer the economy towards in order to overcome the recession, as well as whether you will align yourself with one of the two superpowers or attempt to remain neutral.
Can u become a superpower too or u get to stay a minor nation for the rest of the game?Of course. One of the main overarching narratives is the direction you want to steer the economy towards in order to overcome the recession, as well as whether you will align yourself with one of the two superpowers or attempt to remain neutral.
Can u become a superpower too or u get to stay a minor nation for the rest of the game?