Waster of Time
So, turning back from getting all emotional over a game we know fuck-all about. Let's comment something that's already there: Graffix

The static screens look like shit. I only say this because I think the game looked ok/good in motion in the teaser. Anybody know how long this has been in development? Would you expect significant improvements till Q3 2015?
And I get a strong "broad-corridors-of-Daaoh"-vibe from the glimpses of the minimap. Not a good thing. I always thought the "corridor"-syndrome was due to consoles' defective genes. Not a pretty sight in a "PC exclusive".
Oh, and I'll definately look at their DLC policy when it's out before I'll even consider putting down any money. (If it's even available in drm-free versions and no other red flags.) If it turns out as money-grubbing as it looks so far (250$ for a collector's ed. LOL), I'll wait for a complete Diamond Edition thingy at bargain price.