B) Harold's post wasn't offensive. He liked some things and characters, didn't like the others. He explained why. His explanation makes sense and can't be easily dismissed.
The fact that it isnt directly, openly and blatantly offensive is irrelevant.
His personal opinions about PST are thrown out to clearly and directly imply Colin is a bad designer and writer.
He then retardedly expects Colin will defend from it and prove those negatives wrong - which is totally and laughably idiotic, stupidly arrogant and presumptions.
He clearly says he is aiming for butthurt and, in a cheap emotional blackmail attempt, if he doesnt get a reply, he will call someone butthurt.
The game certainly had a lot of parts that "could have been better". We all know that, we dont need harold to elucidate us and all of those have been discussed,
but none of those things mean that Colin is somehow responsible and to blame for how things turned out.
To even think so is extremely stupid and utterly idiotic since it implies Colin had some sort of executive control over that content and game in general.
C) Colin's response implied that people won't back up the game for two reasons: either to be edgy and score "I was right" points or because they are stupid.
No, it did not imply any such thing.
His response related to one of the usual ways in which morons on codex and internets in general try to score a point.
- by calling things shit before they are made and then getting ego points when one of those "predictions" becomes true - in true fashion of a blind chicken hitting that one corn.
It was quite a nice, direct to the point reply about that specific thing.
It's not offensive by the local standards either,
its a very simple, shallow shit licker loop i am not going to repeat this ten times.
but it would have been much more productive if Colin simply shared his thoughts on the game and his ideas on how to do it right.
And i wish tomorrow the rainbows would shine and everyone would be happy.
I dont see why anyone would need to respond positively to a fucking moron like harold.
Expecting that is ridiculous.
Expecting more info is not ridiculous.
I mean, if inXile can share their thoughts on what's most important - the tiers - before starting a ks campaign, I don't see why they can't talk about less important things now.
Kicksterter is starting next week ... so .. business.
BN just told you this too. It isnt rocket science.
Clearly they are aware that there needs to be more info presented.
We will just have to wait a little bit and then see.