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Elder Scrolls The appeal of Skyrim

Do you like Skyrim?

  • Yes, one of the best games ever made

  • Yes, it was alright, but i got bored with it.

  • Meh, not my type of RPG

  • It was a bad RPG, didn't like it

  • I am a sperg, i don't consider Skyrim to be an RPG, you fucking popamoler

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Feb 27, 2012
2 hours video? No

Bad Sector

Mar 25, 2012
Insert Title Here RPG Wokedex Codex Year of the Donut Codex+ Now Streaming! Steve gets a Kidney but I don't even get a tag.
I watched this for five minutes and he said Skyrim had no impact on the industry.

I'm not sure why the fuck he thinks that, considering how every AAA game in existence essentially went "WOW THKYRIM!" and turned good, linear and well-crafted environments into big fucking empty maps. You think Dragon Age Inquisition or Mass Effect Andromeda or the Witcher 3 went from linear, crafted experiences to "here's a big map you slut"

You should watch more, it is a good video :-P

I do not remember the exact words he used but the point was that Skyrim (and Oblivion) build on the stuff introduced in Morrowind and despite having the formula at their plates and Skyrim being the most economically successful 3rd party single player only game, no other company tried to make a game like it but instead they only copied some parts of it (like the big worlds). I think that a lot of people missed that part though considering some of the comments are about how this or that game is like Skyrim, including even Arx Fatalis :-P.

Also note that the video is really about Morrowind, not Skyrim and honestly judging from the responses i've read i think it is better to just skip the intro part as it seems distracting.


Nov 6, 2010
Skyrim's a mediocre-to-OK Action-Adventure game. Definitely not an RPG. But it lets low-mental-complexity casuals feel impressed with themselves by pretending they're playing an RPG.


The appeal of Skyrim. Nocturnal cosplay.







More cosplay here - Harley Quinn, Thrall, Witcher 3, Game of Thrones.



uooh afficionado
Feb 6, 2016
So that's why arrow in the knees are so devastating to guards.

I know codexers are infantile manchildren who love memes and take them seriously, but really, the reason stealth archery was popular in Skyrim was not because it was the only viable way to play, but because it was so much enjoyable gameplay-wise.

Yeah. Like Alchemy, Enchanting, and Spellmaking in Morrowind.
It's not about efficiency either: you don't need that much efficiency in Skyrim or Morrowind. But between swinging your sword like a retard in unsatisfying first person combat, or doing some sneaking around killing people undetected, which one would you choose?
Last edited:


Feb 27, 2012
I've modded it for many thousands of hours, but i've never really gotten into the actual game apart from the initial 3-4h. I think the setting is pretty meh. Oblivion's setting is also as generic as it gets, but that game at least reminded me a lot of old-school RPG's due to the setting.. it has that cozy, familiar high fantasy feeling to it. They changed the lore from jungle to this more LOTR-like landscape (because of the movie i'm sure, which they knew was going to be a massive hit).

The games are fun if you spend like 2-3 weeks modding it and getting that to work, which is not too fun.

Archwizard Hank

Mar 8, 2017
For some reason almost all the good mods are about being the (female) victim.

Of course, mon frère, that's the idea. The whole goal of this modding experience is to efficiently play the game one-handed. Sex mods don't really put much of an emphasis on gameplay, it's more about how easily you can turn the game into a random porn video generator. Sure, you could play as some idealized version of yourself and be the male victim, but you'd be missing out on all those slider mods.

I should note that I did try to load all of the specifically gameplay-oriented sex mods out of curiosity at one point and it basically turns you into a filthy animal fucker who gains tantric power from nudity. It breaks the gameplay balance in half, I had near-endgame AC at level 2.


Aug 3, 2019
London, UK
Strap Yourselves In
For some reason almost all the good mods are about being the (female) victim.

Of course, mon frère, that's the idea. The whole goal of this modding experience is to efficiently play the game one-handed. Sex mods don't really put much of an emphasis on gameplay, it's more about how easily you can turn the game into a random porn video generator. Sure, you could play as some idealized version of yourself and be the male victim, but you'd be missing out on all those slider mods.

I should note that I did try to load all of the specifically gameplay-oriented sex mods out of curiosity at one point and it basically turns you into a filthy animal fucker who gains tantric power from nudity. It breaks the gameplay balance in half, I had near-endgame AC at level 2.

The most honest post in the history of the Codex :)


Aug 3, 2019
London, UK
Strap Yourselves In

I think all this is more or less on-point, provided one mods up the various systems to one's satisfaction. The emergent gameplay, the plethora of bits and pieces lovingly put in by devs, etc., that's all true of the game. Top it off with Soule's music and you have something that's kind of an eternal just-wandering-about sim, genuine escapism.

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