Some people are irrationally bitter about Beamdog getting paid, ignoring the fact that everyone who gets paid for making these games is still getting paid, whether or not someone buys EE or not.
it's not that, I'm bitter just that they:
> didn't add any good party npc, they are all pretty bad and suck with no consistency in writing.
> People that buy the new game think that BG was a shitload of issues (see later)
> game is bugged and people are still waiting for 2.5, then there will be a 2.6 and so on, because it never gets fixed
> They went over to make Siege of dragonspear, make it official, and actually inflate it with ridicolous dialog
> They didn't care about the consequences of SOD content into BG2 + ToB, so everything you do there is pointless because no one remembers it or there is any reference
> They were able to split the modding community by the two editions
> There are people actually praising the kits, while DD is one of least thought out kit I've ever read