A rather curious turn of event : I replayed the old BG series after maybe 10 years or more, and I am struck with how fast-paced it really is. It really has this deep connection with RTS gameplay, with all the running around, the kitting, vomiting incomprehensible effects on the screen and so on. I actually like it a lot. Secretly I am veteran of these games (I play with the SCS mod and all the nonsense), something I wouldn't admit because of how low brow it is. I mocked this stupid series for years, because of course, I played through it seven times and, like Viconia scorns you in the romance, I have to show hate to what I'm attached to. So yes, I like this stupid frantic RtwP gameplay. Now that TB is becoming more and more popular, I'm starting to regret it. Whatever becomes common loses value, as the big moustache said. At any rate, the idea that TB was somehow more sophisticated always had the fact that developing real time systems is much harder. Fixed states in a TB system are easy enough to determine at any given point. The readability argument is rather weak ; most distaste the Codex expressed for RtwP was really mostly just a skill issue, when you think about it.