
That Crowdox system is confusing as hell with jumping in on the second page when you're supposed to make a choice on page one...
That shit isn't confusing. It's retarded and whoever runs it is incompetent af.
I sent them several tickets regarding the fact that I never got the beta key for which I paid extra. It took them about 4 fucking weeks to answer, at a point when beta keys had already been going out for a month. Because I hadn't caught wind of the whole CrowdOx scam, I expected to get a mail from InXile. Now Outlook fortunately or unfortunately sorts non-spam mail into two folders, 'relevant' and 'other'. InXile mails always go into the relevant folder. When I found a mail from 'CrowdOx' in the other folder, I opened it on a whim. It had a trivial header and I expected it to be something that should have ended up in spam. Turned out it was InXile's new contractor for the totally taxing task of sending out pledge rewards

Anyways, because my original pledge contained a beta key (which wasn't mentioned on the kickstarter frontpage), I now had 2 beta keys

I only have digital rewards but they still retained a delivery address until recently, which made me double check if I had any physical rewards incoming. They just recently got their shit together, and the survey now informs you you only have digital rewards and don't need to confirm your address.

And now this page skipping business just takes the fucking cake. First they just erase the beta from your Steam account instead of updating it

Conspiracy theory incoming gize. This shit smells so rancid, I think together with InXile's other problems we can be sure we're dealing with a case of sabotage here. There are fucking moles working for InXile

Torment's development was a trainwreck and I really can't see this as Brian's fault. He was legit passionate about that game. Really stupid design decisions were made during the development of that game, starting with the fucking setting. Numanuma is not a mishmash of things, it's just plain fucking nonsensical. Since everything is a gazillion babillion years old potentially, and you have no idea where the fuck you are or what goes there, there's no sense of place and time at all. And then they twist that shit further by calling things that happened or existed a few thousand years ago 'ancient'. Seriously, everything in the game is either as old as the universe, or 1000-10000 years old. Very rarely the add another 0 to spice things up, but that's it. And cyphers are the dumbest shit ever. They have been around for more millenia than you can shake a stick at, but they have exactly one 'charge' left... all of them. ALL OF THEM. Like, even fucking beam weapons. Hey gize, can you tell me how many 'charges' there are in a flashlight with a fully loaded battery? Are you telling me none of those gadgets perform some continuous function instead of firing fucking charges? Not to mention that in the game, all cyphers are healing/ raw damage/ CC gadgets. Not that it gets any better in the PnP where cyphers can do 'literally anything'. That's right... cyphers are actually cheap old one-use D&D spell scrolls

And the decision to have all these writers, Jesus Christ. Ludicrious considering the dev cycle and how many there were. Not to mention the flavour text could just as well have been written by fucking interns.
At least the sappers have now come out of the woodwork with getting Brian to open that studio in Nu Owlins. Like, how good of a decision is it for a developer of this size to have a studio far away from the studio head? Jesus fuck. Same story with Larian, but that's beside the point. When Brian stopped over every now and then they showed him some UE4 razzle-dazzle, talked about some awsum ideas they've been throwing around about where to take things in the game, filled him up with Po' Boys dipped in rohypnol, and sent him staggering off into a hotel room with two hookers holding his arms. Next day he wakes up with a hell of a hangover and some memory gaps but he's convinced he had a swell time and everything's going to be great.
Communication on that project was abysmal ever since the kickstarter ended, but that's how it is when you're a Cali beachboy and you have a bunch of people doing their thing in a swamp on the other side of the country.
And now this CrowdOx bullshit. That thing is just a letterbox company, calling it now. CEO, proprietor and sole employee being that puffy weirdo they also make do the BTIV presentations in a fucking skirt. It's a natural choice, that dude is always running around in a skirt. Occasionally on the weekend, Zyklon Beekers takes over the daunting task of sending out keys to people, sleeping on the office floor and eating cold poptarts while snickering madly to himself about being the dark menace he always wanted to be and one of the machinating puppeteers who make ol' Brian dance like the head in the clouds, eager to please kid he still is at heart.
There's only one way. Let the whole thing fizzle out. Shove BTIV out the door, announcing some grand plans for an expansion while secretly just working on patching that shit up. Then set both places on fire with the most suspicious and unproductive employees still inside. Let God sort em out.