Do not want blobber.:S
Thanks for the correction! I'm glad at leas she's not talking about that awful ARPG thingyShe's actually not talking about that god-awful ARPG prototype, but an actual cancelled Bard's Tale sequel by EA that was in development in the early 90s. Bill/Becky wasn't involved with that one, but some people at her company apparently were.
Sort of what I was saying, minus the butthurt of course. Although I think preference plays a larger part than age, the majority of the games I play were released before my time, first person blobbers are just shit to me, regardless of when they were made.Clearly it isn't. It's marketed towards actual old school gamers not poser tweenagers who weren't even born when the original trilogy came out.
I love people coming into a BARD'S TALE thread and complaining how it's going to be a blobber.
I agree.Poser
I never claimed to be a part of the aged vocal minority of nostalgic sacks of shit that fap over ancient games that would barely qualify as RPGs by modern standards.I agree.
modern standards
Not really confused, just getting a good laugh.What's wrong with that? Is "modern" your hipster faggot trigger word?
Modern standards are more refined probably for the same reason you see the word with negative connotations. More shit, more watering down of the genre, more need for clearer genre distinction. Otherwise any game with items, stats, and dungeons to clear would be considered an RPG, which would probably be most adventure and FPS games.
Not actually interested in having that argument though, just helping clear up your confusion.
That Bards Tale includes the original trilogy. At least it does in Steam+GoG versions.
I doubt she has any expectation of being hired for the project, but this is a good opportunity to call attention to herself and her little company. I sure as hell never heard of her before today.