
Will demon souls be ported to PC? I don't care about weebo dex souls aka sekiro.
If it's like their recent shadow of colossus remake the graphics will be completely changed but mechanics will be the same."remake" rather than "remaster", does that mean there will be changes?
you don't have to explain yourself, drakesword is a prestigious weaponYou can cut off the Hellkite Drake's tail in 3 shots (doing this for the achievement)
Prestigious, but also weirdly underrated. It got stuck with that "noob weapon" label by a tryhard community (I'm as guilty of this as anyone) and is now usually ignored despite being a fantastic choice for a solid third of the game.
This is news to me.I've been playing this for 8 years and only now I have learned that Ingward moves to Firelink when you talk to him after defeating 4K.
nothing, he just complains that the bright light hurts his eyes and that he wants to relocate back to new londo ruins.This is news to me.I've been playing this for 8 years and only now I have learned that Ingward moves to Firelink when you talk to him after defeating 4K.
What does he tell while there?
I've been playing this for 8 years and only now I have learned that Ingward moves to Firelink when you talk to him after defeating 4K.
Prestigious, but also weirdly underrated. It got stuck with that "noob weapon" label by a tryhard community (I'm as guilty of this as anyone) and is now usually ignored despite being a fantastic choice for a solid third of the game.
nothing, he just complains that the bright light hurts his eyes and that he wants to relocate back to new londo ruins.This is news to me.I've been playing this for 8 years and only now I have learned that Ingward moves to Firelink when you talk to him after defeating 4K.
What does he tell while there?
Talking about Tomb of Giants in other thread and I realized it's one of the few levels that still makes me dread even after so many playthroughs.
I had to memorize it perfectly to finish a 100% no death run and now, after more than a year, I'm still confident that I could go through the Tomb of Giants with my eyes closed. Playing pure melee, the room with the giant skeletons orgy was one of the biggest obstacle in the entire run and I had to plan my build to tackle that more than any boss in the game.Talking about Tomb of Giants in other thread and I realized it's one of the few levels that still makes me dread even after so many playthroughs.
I agree. I did many playthrough and even a SL1 run and Tombs is the only place I'm still unsure of the layout, if I explored everything in it, etc.
Elwro thanks for sharing I didn't know either lol.
"Oh, hello. The sunlight made me wince, and now I've come back to this dark hole! So what brings you here? I will help you in any way I can."This is rather funny, "hey guys I discovered this amazing secret in the dark souls game! This old man moves up with me and constantly complains he wants to go back hide under a rock! I'm glad I didn't miss this, even though the old man sure is missing his shithole"