I'm thinking of trying a no death run soon. What do you suggest for this?
Other than knowing the game well, and where to go at which point... and taking things slow and steady...
Thought 1:
I guess "the least risk" approach to Dark Souls would be the Artorias style(?). Shield with great stability + weapon with good poise damage = less risk. Also getting Fall Control, Heal and Magic Barrier can help a lot. Wolf Ring for poise if you do get hit, but otherwise naked, so as soon as you get enough END you can fast roll, if necessary.
Alternative: Use spears. With max END, MoC & Cloranthy you can (technically) turtle for a while. You can even use Magic Shield as you enter a fight so that you "get into the groove" easier, but be wary that 15s go by fast. Use Green Blossoms as needed.
Thought 2: If nothing can touch you, you cannot die. INT/FTH build (with pyros for good measure) and you keep everything at bay. The DLC will suck though.
Thought 3: A variation of the idea above is the DEX/FTH ranged build, using Gwyndolyn's Bow. Problem is, while you are generally safe, some bosses will have leaps *and* the ammo for the bow costs a pretty penny. Each shot matters.
Thought 4: If they cannot see you, they cannot hit you: Slumbering Dragon Crest + Ring of Fog = little issues. Be wary though that there are enemies that 100% block paths, and need to be taken out. Most often in the Duke's Archives, from what I remember.
Thought 5: Path of the Dragon roar can tilt pretty much anything but bosses. If you're good enough to get +3, and you're good enough to take on bosses with your bare hands then the run will be simple: roar - kill, roar - kill.
These are all thoughts. It's really just up to you and your skill. Technically you can beat this game with no deaths, while being naked and just slapping bosses down, if you really want to/have the stamina for it.