Fucking Great
I started new char, played for 3 hours got into Sun Convenant, then i helped people near that pharos or something halbard boss got like 10 sunlight medals.
Then i thought well lets just kill old dragon slayer and get those miracles. Then i got invaded by some dark spirit clown. Quick fight and i get almost 800k souls just like that.... souls which could get me from lvl 35 to almost 135.. So i jump of clif two times te get rid of that shit and guess what. I still have it in my souls counter. Which means that instead fucking 20 signs on ground to get help now there is like 1 or 2.
Wasn't that supposed to be lvl req not souls got req ?
And fucking devs should fix that shit with dark spirits which hoard shit ton of souls because devs don't give a shit about game balance...