This is a pretty cool tactic. How can you make someone wet? There's a miracle for that AFAIR?
I haven't tried it myself but some people said that Holy Water urns can make the opponent wet. Pharros Mask makes you wet. Of course you can just invade or fight in Shrine of Amana or Sinner's Rise or something.
What are the main differences between straight and curved swords?
Straight Swords have better tracking generally. Some curved swords have bleed and/or higher counter. 1h curved swords are faster. 2h curved sword run attack is OP.
Are poision/bleed builds any fun or viable in pvp?
Poison is pretty good. A Poison Spotted Whip usually poisons the target on riposte. Manslayer is probably the best choice for good damage/poison. Sanctum Gauntlet and Rat Covenant Ring increase poison on weapons.
Bleed is a good bonus, but not worth losing AR for. Bleed Bandit Knife is really good on opponents with no poise since 1h light attacks are really fast and move forward.
Bleed Forlorn GS is supposedly good (if you're fully hollow). Bleed Ivory King UGS has crazy bleed values too. You can use Shadow Gauntlets/Brotherhood of Blood ring to get higher values.
What does that even mean? Those are considered the best choices?
The PvP is arguably more balanced a year after release but light and fast weapons have become too stronk because of Phys. defense nerf and introduction of Flynn's ring. These 4 weapons are just the best overall choices out of each class. Even with lower AR, it takes much less effort to win with these vs medium or ultra weapons. Longsword probably has the most versatile moveset in the whole game. Oh yeah... Bandit Axe is also insane now. The roll punishing 1HR2s are just too much.
Also nearly every weapon in the game has a move that ignores poise and recognizes only hyper armor. It's pretty easy to invalidate poise with fast weapons. Of course, most 2h attacks can't be poised at all.
Poise information here: (i.e. it's not broken, you just have to know which attacks you can poise)
Powerstancing and dual weapons are still a thing? Were they ever?
More damage but less poise damage than 2h. These attacks are also easier to parry because they hit twice. If you can figure out combos that work for you then it can be fun.
What's the standard SL in SotFS? What are the general meta guidelines?
150 has been the meta since release. BoB arena now has SL priority matchmaking so you'll see a lot of spazzers at 150.
200 is a less popular choice but you'll find people there too. Being mindful of your soul memory is more important though