Started NG+ and left the character in Majula so he can watch the sea for eternity.
150 has been the meta since release. BoB arena now has SL priority matchmaking so you'll see a lot of spazzers at 150.
200 is a less popular choice but you'll find people there too. Being mindful of your soul memory is more important though
the idiots still insist on the nonsensical SL150 thing? wow, i suspected most Souls streamers/"pros" are dumb, but i didn't know they were diabolically dumb. at 150 dex/fast weapon builds are even more powerful relative to everything else than at higher SLs (200 is too much, imo, but 175 seems like a good medium point)
stats and stuff
Butthurt. Q about pvp. If I want to find more players should I not beat Gwyn + final boss of DaS2? Or are there more than enough pvp players in NG+ early areas?
In DaS2 your Soul Memory is what matters -
You can still get invaded even though the area boss is dead (you just have to disable the effigy effect at bonfire). 200k-400k is a good spot for Belfry Luna stuff. Community meta is 1.5-2m at SL150. 2m-6m+ is end-game PvP SL200+. Iron Keep bridge, Dragon Shrine and Belfry Luna/Sol are the most popular PvP spots.
did Heide drop out of favour because of the SotFS changes?
manikin falcatas
I wanted to level up Blue Sentinels but it seems impossibru without grinding a ton of BCEOs... Such a shame they didn't fix the convenant.
as usual, use what you like, everything is good for PvE (yes, the longsword is really good, even in PvP, as undetectedasspain already pointed out). i'm partial to weapons with fun movesets so santier's and whipsword always rank pretty highlytry dual wielding scimitars/falchions/manikin falcatas or claws
Anyway I've started the game again because I want to try the Lost Sinner's sword.