-soul level. It doesn't matter if you put your souls into gear, leveling or even lose them your soul level will decide who you connect with which basically means multi is fucked up unless you wear rings that anihilate souls gained.
- controls. By far the worst DS controls. Without mods on pc you can't even move 360 degree on pad and you need to use mods to get proper analog support. It works exactly the same on consoles so those people are fucked
- janky hitboxes. Often you will get hit in single where you shouldn't. Though it only depends on enemies attacks
- If you are playing SotFS edition prepare for gank squads npc mobs.
- level design. There are great areas like Shrine of Amana but overall vanilla game is pretty mediacore all around
1. Soul Memory, you mean. You can either wear the ring to prevent increases in SM, or you can duel in the Arenas, which are based on SL.
2. No idea what you're talking about. Has far tighter controls than DS1, and DS3 has repeated rolls and attacks on me from a single button press.
3. It had the best hit detection in the series, save for maybe Bloodborne. No idea what you're bitching about. Most of the bitching about hit boxes were crybabies who lost a PvP match and don't understand latency.
4. No, you're just careless. Every area with multiple monsters in a small vicinity allows you to either bottleneck, or pull 1 (MAYBE 2) at a time. If you can't handle 2 enemies, it's your fault. If you're going to complain about enemy design, complain about the inexhaustible Dragon Shrine Knights that rape you with a great hammer.
5. Shrine of Amana was literally a straight line with 2 paths that deviate - one for an Estus Shard, one which you needed to kill Vendrick. The level's structure was dogshit, but what they did with trudging through water, having deadly falls under the water, and using your torch to illuminate the way aggro'd the anklebiters was probably the single most creative zone in the series. Speaking of shitty enemies, this area is actually full of 2 of the biggest bullshit monsters in the game. Another infinite stamina enemy in the Shrine Knights, and the pre-nerf tracking of the Amana Sages Homing Missile was BRUTAL. It was the one area where the crying was somewhat justified. But as someone who cleared it pre-nerf, without a bow, I say to those people - git gud casul. It also has the Invisible Forest, Duke's Manse, Dragon Shrine, No-Man's Wharf*, Iron Keep, The Gutter, Belfry Tower**, and the Lost bastille***.
* - I don't give a fuck what ANYONE says, this level is awesome. Shortcuts, multiple pathways, lots of enemies and surprises, and pain that can be spared with proper use of a torch. Shame it had a mediocre boss with an interesting mechanic that wasn't used to its full advantage as a hard time limit. All of the crying is from pussies who refuse to use a second weapon, or repair powder.
** - If you can't have fun with Bell Bros now and again, fuck you.
*** - I consider this and Sinner's Rise the same area. Mostly in SOTFS because of 2 Pursuer spawns in shitty areas, less exploding corpses, and the ass raping waiting for you in the water on the way to Lost Sinner.
It seems like every month you post this blatantly false information to try and sway people from playing an extremely solid, if flawed, game and it's getting pretty tiresome.