Don't mind me, just bumping this again with another EXCITING UPDATE.
Last time I played DS2 I mostly used Havel's set and his shield and a greatsword or dragon tooth. This time I've generally stuck to the greatshield\greatsword combo, but doing it using very light armour, like the ghostly aurous set. This seems to be working out a lot better. More fragile, but I can dodge the really nasty stuff instead of just tanking it.
I've cleared most of the vanilla game now, which went fairly smoothly. The biggest issue was I consistently fail to spot ladders throughout DS2, which really doesn't help (especially during the giant memories). Managed to clear the Gutter and the Black Gulch with just 1 death each: 1 from falling down a gap I didn't notice, 1 from a poorly-timed dodge at the boss. Cleared Aida's Keep and Shrine of Amana without a single death, probably because I knew what to expect. Those long-range homing spell spamming buggers in the shrine are still annoying, but nothing a few arrows to the face can't sort out, or running up and smacking them about if they've no backup. I think I still need to go back to the keep and nab a few secrets though. In the Dragon Shrine I didn't realise the first time around that the dragon knights wouldn't be hostile unless you ran away from the bigger guys, which is pretty cool. I might have to murder them all later on of course to get their weapons, but for now we're cool. Memories cleared and Vendrick dead, so I think it's just the final boss fight left really.
Before that though, I thought I'd try and clear the DLCs. Finished off Sunken King last night. Had to switch things up a bit since my usual strategy of Hit Things With A Big Sword Until They Die didn't work too well, since almost everything in that DLC seems to have a huge amount of poise; they don't even notice a 1-handed R2 from a greatsword with the stone ring. I ended up power-stancing my greatsword with the greatclub, and that killed the smaller guys in 1 hit, making their poise irrelevant, albeit whilst leaving me vulnerable. I also switched to the chariot lance for the drakeblood knights and the invader since they were a bit tricksy. I'm not really a big fan of the find the hidden switch nonsense, but it wasn't too bad. I kept the power-stanced combo for the bosses, which worked pretty well; took the final one down on the third try. Those bloody wings got in the way a lot though, covering the screen at many points in the fight.
Aside from a few things that seemed to be there just to be annoying rather than challenging (the statue turtles and the acid bug/plants), it was pretty decent overall. Never really got lost or confused over what the next objective should be. Scenery was a bit dull though. Onward to the Old Iron King.