I fucking did it. After 5 hours and Idk how many deaths, Raime is dead. Being naked is totally viable, fuck everyone who complains about bikini armor.
I fucking did it. After 5 hours and Idk how many deaths, Raime is dead. Being naked is totally viable, fuck everyone who complains about bikini armor.
Yeah Iron Passage blows.Iron Passage is indeed cancer.
Whoever thought it would be a good idea to give those mages that much health and a slow is a cunt. Likewise for the cunt who designed the murder corridor, with its glitchy gate hit box.
Yeah Iron Passage blows.Iron Passage is indeed cancer.
Whoever thought it would be a good idea to give those mages that much health and a slow is a cunt. Likewise for the cunt who designed the murder corridor, with its glitchy gate hit box.
Fortunately you can just run past all the enemies there fairly easily since they won't follow you after you drop down.
Damn, I am hooked on this game. I found myself trying to play it at every opportunity, which is very rare for me these days. I only wish I had more time to enjoy it.
Currently trying to figure out how to beat The Pursuer - he proves to be a much tougher nut to crack than The Last Giant.
Heh I don't think I've ever beaten the first Pursuer in a fair fight, I think I've always crossbowed him, including the first time.
Yeah, using the ballistas is also viable, but its a bit hard to do when soloing him.
Try to parry him with the buckler and then shoot with the balista. Took me 20 seconds.Huh, when I tried doing that he either destroys the ballista or immediately recovers and rushes me. I guess it depends on luck.
II can't decide whether to fully hybridize moving forward, or to keep the basic Fire Longsword investment and go full-on Sorcerer with a smattering of survivability/adaptability now and then.
II can't decide whether to fully hybridize moving forward, or to keep the basic Fire Longsword investment and go full-on Sorcerer with a smattering of survivability/adaptability now and then.
All caster-type builds are definitely more efficient and fun to play with some melee weapon alternating with your staff. Playing purely pew-pew style is more like a challenge run.
Forget the Fire Longsword, long-term you want someting with INT scaling. You can use the Moonlight Greatsword or basically any weapon infused with a fainstone. I think a mace scales well after the infusion, or an estoc. You can even throw a bow in the mix, when something is too far for a spell.
Forget the Fire Longsword, long-term you want someting with INT scaling. You can use the Moonlight Greatsword or basically any weapon infused with a fainstone. I think a mace scales well after the infusion, or an estoc. You can even throw a bow in the mix, when something is too far for a spell.
Fire Bonus, like Dark Bonus, is based on the lower number between your Intelligence and Faith. There's really not much of a reason to not level both as a caster in this, since Hexes are extraordinarily powerful.
The Fire Longsword does get indirect fire scaling from INT, which is nice.
Fire Bonus, like Dark Bonus, is based on the lower number between your Intelligence and Faith. There's really not much of a reason to not level both as a caster in this, since Hexes are extraordinarily powerful.
Fire Bonus, like Dark Bonus, is based on the lower number between your Intelligence and Faith. There's really not much of a reason to not level both as a caster in this, since Hexes are extraordinarily powerful.
Don't forget you can have multiple copies of the same spell equipped to double your casts so long as you've the attunement slots for it.
Anyway, you obviously CAN play and finish the game with just a Fire Longsword. Even unupgraded. It's possible to punch through the game just with your bare fists. In Souls games the question is never "what is viable", since everything is, but rather "what is most efficient".
Don't forget you can have multiple copies of the same spell equipped to double your casts so long as you've the attunement slots for it.
Oh, I know. If I couldn't, I would have restarted as melee or something by now, because God damn. I know you can hit shit with the staff and I often did, but spells deplete its durability also. I've heard rumors however that the Wharf has by far the beefiest run between bonfires (at least I hope there's a bonfire somewhere at the end of this shit), and I'm doing okay. Down to 23 casts and half durability on the Broadsword and I think I've cleared most of it, including the spindly black creepazoid shack.