Fuck off, FAGlorn.
It seems to me that a great many of the situations in this game essentially force you into melee-style tactics. The hardest-hitting enemies and bosses tend to be very fast, aggressive, and have impressive range. I've frequently found myself wishing I went pure melee simply because I'd be able to take more hits, both directly and in terms of shield-blocking stamina, and with more Poise to boot. Hitting them with spells is oftentimes no easier or safer than just using a weapon, and even the most basic spell is slower, even with a Bluestone Ring.
To be fair though, sorcery does give you some breathing room in certain situations. If there's a pack of three enemies, you can most likely take out at least one from medium range, and possibly also retreat while continuing your barrage, or even escape to a vantage point. Against some bosses and enemies (ogres being a prime example), you can really break out the cheese. Then again, pure melee characters can do this too to some degree with bows, although I've noticed they use far more stamina and of course you have to buy arrows.
I squeaked in 3 more points of STR in order to wield a 100% physical resist shield and a light crossbow. The versatility is pretty great, and the crossbow is in my opinion a fairly satisfying way of having backup in the case of spell exhaustion.
Unfortunately I'm severely over-leveled due not to farming but to spending far too much time fucking around and looking and re-looking in every nook and cranny, so (I'm assuming) no one is able to summon me for bosses and when I get invaded, it's even more skewed in the invader's favor. Speaking of which, edgelords like to claim that invaders are disadvantaged, but I really don't think they are unless the player has human summons and/or a Seed. In most cases invaders will find people partly Hollow, possibly engaged with an enemy or in a place where they can easily aggro enemies, low on Estus, not specifically geared or built for PvP, etc. Being able to use Estus isn't that great of an advantage when fighting invaders because you're as likely to get skewered while using it as you are to heal yourself.