J_C Are you playing a review copy,right?
tell us more plz
Yes I do, although I only started it a few hours ago, and I haven't progressed much. Maybe I can give a few first impression:
- character generation is more detailed when it comes to face costumization. Default character modells are metrosexual guys, which look silly. Other parts of the chargen are similar to DS1. You choose class, body type, bonus item.
- First few minutes are the tutorial, movement and combat system are 1:1 copy of DS1. I haven't seen anything new.
- The dark, moody atmosphere is spot on.
- Framerate on PS3 if unfortunately barely keeps 30fps. It is not bad, certainly not as bad as Blighttown in DS1, but you feel that it is not fluid and it is just below 30.
- Camera control in tight spaces sometimes messes up
- As said before, weapons are repaired immediately at bonfires, except if they are broken.
- You can travel between bonfires, and you can burn stuff there, but I don't know what the latter means, since I don't have anything to burn yet.