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The Dragon Age: Inquisition Thread

Jul 11, 2010
Wow i must say most of the haters group seems to be overreacting children with 1st world problems, like "oh now my iPad is blue, not yellow" etc.
And what is more fascinating why they are spending so much time to hate this game if they are not going to play it? It's crazy, if i don't like something i could criticize 1 or 2 times and let it be, while stay away and forget.
But buying the game that i don't like and then making shitty movies after is just sick. So i wish you a lot of mental health, peace.
My 5 cents [ i don't care about other reviews as always, becouse it tells nothing for me and in this case a lot of people just hate becouse its "trendy" to hate EA, and Bioware ]:


So if you want bitch about it further but truth is that DA:I will be remembered as one of the finest crpgs in modern history of that genre, period. So my answer for "buy it or not" is: Buy, You won't regret unless you are retarded kid or just sad and "too serious" for games old dick, who hates everything but Torment and Fallout ;) .
I think you deserve a custom tag, Cisquisitor.

And I have just the thing!


Dec 8, 2011
Reading around seems the game crashes on most systems, so it's not just me.

Probably will put it on-hold if it crashes again until EA releases a patch, don't wanna risk frying PS3 HD with forced resets.

I got to admit, the desert area with the temple is actually neatly designed. Multi-level structure with DS-like shortcuts and tunnels to access to the superior levels. Certainly an improvement over the first are that basically was "here are trees... have fun!" It's also not large for the sake of being large, making the exploration more tolerable. I wonder if it had different designer?

And yea, the PS3 looks like garbage. It also freezes, though I can't say whatever that fault of my LEGALLY PURCHASED COPY or actually Bioware fault.
How about the Skyhold and quests there?

Just got it, so dunno. Seems ok, at least.

Are you really forced to do the MMO quests, or can you just skip most (or all) of them and get on with the main story?

You have to do at least some of them, each quest gives you "points", to proceed into the main quest you need 10, 20, 30, etc points every time.


Aug 28, 2013
Hahaha sure ban yourself and then join Isis ;) only proper way of writing here is to criticize everything else than fallouts and call other faggots he he he.
Just be a caveman it's so much fun.
Never seen anyone more deserving of a dumbfuck tag in my time on this site.
Possibly Retarded The Real Fanboy
Jul 9, 2014
Ancient Aliens Spaceship
Sure tags is your world ;) But anyway, like it or not Inquistion fully deserve positive notes. It's solid crpg with massive scale and fine gameplay. Much better than Wasteland2 in terms of crpg soul.
I wonder why Wasteland 2 don't get so much hate here as it is biggest let down in years.
And for my grammar, please forgive me but english is not my native language and i don't have much time or really need to polish such primitive language.


In My Safe Space
Jan 1, 2011
Apparently a bug feature causes the character creator to randomly fuck up gender wise (how difficult can it be to get that right...apparently too difficult).

So although you made a male toon, all npcs react to you as if your toon was female.

This maybe a service to the bsn crowd, although their romance options will not going to be as they expect (lol). If you find out and want to change it, you can. By restarting.


hell bovine

Sep 9, 2013
Secret Level
So now it's pretty clear reviewers didn't lie when they said that the first 10-15 hours is just a boring filler with MMO-like design philosophy. A lot of them say the game gets much better after that and some even said it's possible a lot of players won't see that because of boredom. I'm interested if it's actually true, otherwise, I think I won't bother with the game...
well it was around 8-9 hour for me but i rushed with main quest. did not bother to do any of those fetch quests only main quest/companions recruitment quests and closed all rifts cause its easy exp and is less cumbersome than closing gates in Oblivion. I also tried to find all those planetariums but thats because i am sucker for any kind of puzzles in crpgs :oops:

Shit hits the fans when main anatgonist(well he is more like "Saren" so actually the pawn of the big bad faggit)
raides your temporary base
and around that time you have to make quite big choice
mages or templars / two different quests, they exlude each other
. So when shit goes down in Redcliff they finaly move on with the fucking plot and you get your own stronghold and games actually opens up. And i really mean it. Out of nowhere you can go to 5 or more different locations and they all look as big as Hinterlands.
I spent last 3 hours fucking around with Skyhold, upgrading it, passing judgement on traitors, conquering another keep and than was looking for specializations trainers. This time you have to do actual quest to unlock them. I still remember playing my pro-mages warrior with templar spec in DA2 and i still dont know how the fuck Hawke learned it :M

Also regarding Hawke if you left Alistair with wardens in DAO...well lets say you will not like the choice you have to make in DAI that involves them.
Was surprised to see Conor in Redcliff and even more when game did not fuck up my choices from Redcliff quest in DAO. Anyway poor boy. Lets say that All is not lost that is delayed :lol:

I am not gathering any of the crafting materials or collectibles since you can play after the main quest is finished and i do not have autism so there is fuckton of shit i am skipping. Like that dragon in Hinterlands. He is 12 lvl i met him when my team was around 5 or 6? He raped me easily with fireballs on hard but since i unlocked actual dodge ability for my warriors/rogues i think i could solo him in 3rd person camera by humping his leg and dodging all his AoE attacks while hacking with my two handed sword:smug:. I just dont have patience for his 9k hp and it would feel cheap. Like killing Firkraag with wand of cloudkill or finger of death...Its either collective work of me team or no go :|

Also i am playing on PC with xbox pad:hahano: sue me i dont give a fuck
Controls are surprisingly tight and effective...well not really surprised its pretty fucking obvious that kb+m was afterthought. Probably Laidlaw begged EA for it and they decided that aditional 500k of sales on pc are worth it:salute:
Oooh, if there are some nice epilogues to the evil quests in Origins I'll give the game a try (since the Origins epilogues decided to bugger off and never appear). Won't have time to play before December anyway, maybe they'll patch some bugs until then. I was thinking of having either team make up (all rouges), or team dressed up (all mages) - is magic still as overpowered as in Origins?


RPG Codex Ghost
Oct 19, 2009


Jun 29, 2014
I see a hint of black at the top, so it might as well be the flag of the good old German Reich.

I could see an Ubersturmfuhrer endorsing that. :)


Aug 18, 2014
So I'm a bit further into the game now, but not that far. I just got done talking to pretty much everyone in the first town, so there are still plenty more impressions to be had.

My main complaint is what everyone complains about, the tactical camera on the pc needs serious work. More zoom is needed, and simple tweaks like being able to scroll around by the mouse touching the edge of the screen.

As far as the ambiance and general gameplay and story so far though... it is worlds better than da2. As such, any and all people here saying this is worse than da2, either have terrible TERRIBLE taste, or are flat out lying. I assume the latter is true, I assume most people don't have taste that bad to actually prefer da2 to this. The lying part seems to have more to do with the general hate everything bioware that pervades here, people having not played a damn thing taking snippets of dialogue and asserting writing is terrible, or that writing is terrible because X writer is associated with it. And of course, like most insecure people looking to fit in, those who enjoy latching onto the opinions of others rather than making their own parrot the same view. The last time I saw an example of this was with an insecure little girl going along with whatever her gaggle of "friends" said. I recall reacting with internal disgust at the willful disregard for her OWN critical faculties and views to better try to blend in with the hive.

I have not encountered Dorian yet, but so far I have not been hit over the head with a "gay agenda" (fun hearing the type of slack jawed screed usually reserved from social conservative troglodytes pop up here and there). We'll see if I am being "hit over the head" with it later on. But so far, I am pretty unimpressed with the general shade this game gets from the echo chamber of nihilism that fills these threads.

Deleted member 7219

I've just met Dorian for the first time and he doesn't seem stereotypically gay at all. He actually looks quite the ladies man, with a Han Solo / Mal Reynolds / Star Lord kind of swagger about him.


RPG Codex Ghost
Oct 19, 2009
Give them maracas and the Polish flag? It's totally awesome.

I was thinking of choosing companions' build but maracas' are cool too.

So I'm a bit further into the game now, but not that far. I just got done talking to pretty much everyone in the first town, so there are still plenty more impressions to be had.

My main complaint is what everyone complains about, the tactical camera on the pc needs serious work. More zoom is needed, and simple tweaks like being able to scroll around by the mouse touching the edge of the screen.

As far as the ambiance and general gameplay and story so far though... it is worlds better than da2. As such, any and all people here saying this is worse than da2, either have terrible TERRIBLE taste, or are flat out lying. I assume the latter is true, I assume most people don't have taste that bad to actually prefer da2 to this. The lying part seems to have more to do with the general hate everything bioware that pervades here, people having not played a damn thing taking snippets of dialogue and asserting writing is terrible, or that writing is terrible because X writer is associated with it. And of course, like most insecure people looking to fit in, those who enjoy latching onto the opinions of others rather than making their own parrot the same view. The last time I saw an example of this was with an insecure little girl going along with whatever her gaggle of "friends" said. I recall reacting with internal disgust at the willful disregard for her OWN critical faculties and views to better try to blend in with the hive.

I have not encountered Dorian yet, but so far I have not been hit over the head with a "gay agenda" (fun hearing the type of slack jawed screed usually reserved from social conservative troglodytes pop up here and there). We'll see if I am being "hit over the head" with it later on. But so far, I am pretty unimpressed with the general shade this game gets from the echo chamber of nihilism that fills these threads.

bro, you're not VentilatorOfDoom


Apr 10, 2013
So I'm a bit further into the game now, but not that far. I just got done talking to pretty much everyone in the first town, so there are still plenty more impressions to be had.

My main complaint is what everyone complains about, the tactical camera on the pc needs serious work. More zoom is needed, and simple tweaks like being able to scroll around by the mouse touching the edge of the screen.

As far as the ambiance and general gameplay and story so far though... it is worlds better than da2. As such, any and all people here saying this is worse than da2, either have terrible TERRIBLE taste, or are flat out lying. I assume the latter is true, I assume most people don't have taste that bad to actually prefer da2 to this. The lying part seems to have more to do with the general hate everything bioware that pervades here, people having not played a damn thing taking snippets of dialogue and asserting writing is terrible, or that writing is terrible because X writer is associated with it. And of course, like most insecure people looking to fit in, those who enjoy latching onto the opinions of others rather than making their own parrot the same view. The last time I saw an example of this was with an insecure little girl going along with whatever her gaggle of "friends" said. I recall reacting with internal disgust at the willful disregard for her OWN critical faculties and views to better try to blend in with the hive.

I have not encountered Dorian yet, but so far I have not been hit over the head with a "gay agenda" (fun hearing the type of slack jawed screed usually reserved from social conservative troglodytes pop up here and there). We'll see if I am being "hit over the head" with it later on. But so far, I am pretty unimpressed with the general shade this game gets from the echo chamber of nihilism that fills these threads.

Dear EA plant,
when said snippets sound like this:

"My father never understood. Living a lie... it festers like poison."
*kisses loving and understanding man*

..you can be fucking sure I don't need further analysis.
Call it "confidence in my critical skills", but I don't think that's even needed.


In My Safe Space
Jan 1, 2011
Sammael7 you seem upset. Why are you bothered by others' peoples' opinions.


all caps, rainbow colors, SOMETHING.
Jun 16, 2007
, people having not played a damn thing taking snippets of dialogue and asserting writing is terrible, or that writing is terrible because X writer is associated with it.

You're not even trying. Your wall of text is far too small, your attempts at impersonating VentilatorOfDoom is pathetic, and your analogy to a little girl story gave away what little troll stealth you had.

I give you a 0/10, please see me in my office this Saturday for a good spanking.


Oct 5, 2010
New Vegas
As far as the ambiance and general gameplay and story so far though... it is worlds better than da2. As such, any and all people here saying this is worse than da2, either have terrible TERRIBLE taste, or are flat out lying. I assume the latter is true, I assume most people don't have taste that bad to actually prefer da2 to this.

Depends on what you want. DA2 is still a tactical, party-based RPG... it's just a realllllllllllllly shitty one. This game is a console style action RPG with shitty MMO quests. I guess it would be a good Assassin's Creed game. I dunno.

Personally I would suggest playing neither.


Dec 1, 2013
Land of Bier and Bratwurst
Divinity: Original Sin 2
I didn't play it and don't intend to but this is what Luibl (4players.de) critizises - and I quote only the stuff I deem important:
- nonexistant evil path
- no direct way to increase character attributes, party covers all skills early on and skill checks are a joke - hence you can do everything everywhere without giving a single thought about your chars and their builds (this is a huge letdown imo)
... and you can respec in the middle of the game? Really? :lol:
- story and NPC actions/reactions contradict each other too often, NPCs feel lifeless (daily routines and interaction between them is much worse than in Skyrim and the Gothics)
- too few towns/settlements, not much live in them (he compared it to all the stories/NPC banter unfolding in front of your eyes when visiting a Skyrim settlement)
- tactical battles cumbersome because of the low maximum zoom level, but there are no tactics except for some combo abilities anyway (like: one char freezes an opponent, the other hits him for huge damage bonus)
- nearly no planning involved in fights, the most you can expect are fights where you have to kill some conjurer first before you can handle the summoned demon, nearly everything else is mindless button mashing and levelgrinding. (dunno what difficulty lvl he was playing at)
- party member deaths are not a problem at all as long as at least one party member survives, they just play dead, you know, after all this is an RPG *larpedylarp*
- strategic map nearly without meaningful decisions, just another huge grind
- the wilderness/rural areas are full of MMO fetch quests and retarded treasure hunts (press button to follow marker or sth like that), side quests in general are subpar (he didn't mention the stronghold and companion quests, maybe they are an exception?)
- lore is presented in a very unimmersive way through sterile codex menus (I remember that being a problem in DA:O too)
- game doesn't reward exploration because you just have to get near something interesting to get codex entries and quest triggers fired, after a while you just ignore the noise
- side content dialogues are often badly written (sometimes too silly or just uninteresting)

Also he writes that even the main story is nothing to write home about (disappointing intro with lots of missed opportunities and the rest is worn out standard fantasy fare) so in résumé for him this is a disappointing main story wrapped in an incompetently crafted open world.

Since I don't care that much about lore and great stories in open world games, and more about if the mechanics are satisfying this sounds beyond atricious to me.
Last edited:


Mar 31, 2008
More to the point on date simulators: in what Bioware games have become, all dialogue is about grinding relationship meters - that's dating sim territory. Grinding relationship meters runs omnipresently throughout the entire game - also dating sim territory. A high relationship meter with a character leads to a personal background encounter - dating sim territory. The background encounter, if options are selected properly, ultimately leads to partial nudity and sex - dating sim territory. Sex can be had at any time with any "unlocked" character - harem sim territory. You choose one from amongst your bed partners to have a special romance with - waifu territory. Or to sum up, harem dating simulator with partial nudity and waifus.
Does anyone know how this is handled in the new game? I'm not too keen on this pattern, as it's so artificial and feels like work.


Oct 5, 2010
New Vegas
Also he writes that even the main story is nothing to write home about (disappointing intro with lots of missed opportunities and the rest is worn out standard fantasy fare) so in résumé for him this is a disappointing main story wrapped in an incometently crafted open world.

Speaking of story disappointment, I can't believe the game is not about the Mage/Templar war. That is instead backdrop, and at least in the first 7 hours amounts only to randomly spawned mage or templar bad guys in the open world. The central story is about something else entirely and only glances at the mage/templar thing. Don't they know their rather good setup for mages in this world is the series' biggest asset?

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