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The Dragon Age: Inquisition Thread


Sep 1, 2013
Fuck Kumar, I want the LP to continue.

I am gonna try to give it a fair chance and be open minded, you know, do my best to embrace the decline and enjoy myself.
Well, if some fair codexer says he finished the game (it's supposed to be 100+ hours, good luck!) and that it is the same MMO-like shit the whole time, I'm done with the company. I think BG2 is probably the best RPG of all time and I hoped this might actually be its successor. This was the last chance for BioWare to prove they're still the same company (when given enough resources etc.)...
Well, if the MMO structure with fetch quests and "resources" is present at the beginning (and it really is present), I sincerely doubt that in the middle of the game it will suddenly change and DA:I will transform into a BG2-like game.

I know, but it seems like it according to lot of reviews.


Jul 6, 2008
Codex 2012
You should model your Inquisitor after Mr. Kumar, since he could not save your refund, let him save Thedas.


May 3, 2012
Poor Pramod Kumar. Someone contact him and invite him to the Codex. We will cheer him up.

Abu Antar

Turn-based Poster
Jan 19, 2014
Enjoy the Revolution! Another revolution around the sun that is. Shadorwun: Hong Kong Divinity: Original Sin 2 Pillars of Eternity 2: Deadfire Pathfinder: Wrath I'm very into cock and ball torture I helped put crap in Monomyth
He's probably a The Witcher fanboy. I'm going to report him to EA for being a CDPR spy.

Space Satan

May 13, 2013
Space Hell


Eater of Apples
Feb 1, 2009
Mêlée Island
Codex 2014 Make the Codex Great Again! Insert Title Here Codex Year of the Donut Codex+ Now Streaming! Codex USB, 2014 Shadorwun: Hong Kong Divinity: Original Sin 2
You are now ready to chat with Pramod Kumar.
Pramod KumarThanks for contacting EA Customer Experience, my name is Pramod Kumar. How may I assist you today?
youI'm asking why isn't Dragon Age Inquisition isn't eligible for refund on my account
youI read your great game guarantee
Pramod KumarHello!
youso I pre-ordered it knowing if it's not a great game, I can get a refund.
Pramod KumarDo you want to get the refund for this game?
youjust remove it from my origin account.
youthis is not a great game.
Pramod KumarAlright!!

Will you still finish your LP? :M

When are games eligible for return?
You may return any EA full game digital download (PC/Mac) purchased on Origin for a full refund:
  • Within 24 hours after you first launch the game <--- This has passed. :lol:
  • Within seven days from your date of purchase, or
  • Within seven days from the game's release date if you pre-ordered
Whichever comes first. This is in addition to your standard return or refund rights.

And hence:

The LP Lives. Yay? :lol:



Sep 18, 2012
Pramod kumar will gas the biodrones and hang the shills

He fights the decline from the insides of the beast.

The heroe of the codex that we deserve but not the one we need.
Feb 13, 2011
So now it's pretty clear reviewers didn't lie when they said that the first 10-15 hours is just a boring filler with MMO-like design philosophy. A lot of them say the game gets much better after that and some even said it's possible a lot of players won't see that because of boredom. I'm interested if it's actually true, otherwise, I think I won't bother with the game...
well it was around 8-9 hour for me but i rushed with main quest. did not bother to do any of those fetch quests only main quest/companions recruitment quests and closed all rifts cause its easy exp and is less cumbersome than closing gates in Oblivion. I also tried to find all those planetariums but thats because i am sucker for any kind of puzzles in crpgs :oops:

Shit hits the fans when main anatgonist(well he is more like "Saren" so actually the pawn of the big bad faggit)
raides your temporary base
and around that time you have to make quite big choice
mages or templars / two different quests, they exlude each other
. So when shit goes down in Redcliff they finaly move on with the fucking plot and you get your own stronghold and games actually opens up. And i really mean it. Out of nowhere you can go to 5 or more different locations and they all look as big as Hinterlands.
I spent last 3 hours fucking around with Skyhold, upgrading it, passing judgement on traitors, conquering another keep and than was looking for specializations trainers. This time you have to do actual quest to unlock them. I still remember playing my pro-mages warrior with templar spec in DA2 and i still dont know how the fuck Hawke learned it :M

Also regarding Hawke if you left Alistair with wardens in DAO...well lets say you will not like the choice you have to make in DAI that involves them.
Was surprised to see Conor in Redcliff and even more when game did not fuck up my choices from Redcliff quest in DAO. Anyway poor boy. Lets say that All is not lost that is delayed :lol:

I am not gathering any of the crafting materials or collectibles since you can play after the main quest is finished and i do not have autism so there is fuckton of shit i am skipping. Like that dragon in Hinterlands. He is 12 lvl i met him when my team was around 5 or 6? He raped me easily with fireballs on hard but since i unlocked actual dodge ability for my warriors/rogues i think i could solo him in 3rd person camera by humping his leg and dodging all his AoE attacks while hacking with my two handed sword:smug:. I just dont have patience for his 9k hp and it would feel cheap. Like killing Firkraag with wand of cloudkill or finger of death...Its either collective work of me team or no go :|

Also i am playing on PC with xbox pad:hahano: sue me i dont give a fuck
Controls are surprisingly tight and effective...well not really surprised its pretty fucking obvious that kb+m was afterthought. Probably Laidlaw begged EA for it and they decided that aditional 500k of sales on pc are worth it:salute:


backlog digger
Sep 10, 2010
Codex 2012 Codex 2013 Codex 2014 PC RPG Website of the Year, 2015 Codex 2016 - The Age of Grimoire Make the Codex Great Again! Grab the Codex by the pussy Insert Title Here RPG Wokedex Strap Yourselves In Codex Year of the Donut Codex+ Now Streaming! Enjoy the Revolution! Another revolution around the sun that is. Serpent in the Staglands Divinity: Original Sin Project: Eternity Torment: Tides of Numenera Divinity: Original Sin 2 Bubbles In Memoria A Beautifully Desolate Campaign Pillars of Eternity 2: Deadfire Pathfinder: Kingmaker Steve gets a Kidney but I don't even get a tag. Pathfinder: Wrath I helped put crap in Monomyth
A couple of Polish reviews.

gry-online - 95/100

Google translate said:
Dragon Age: Inquisition is not only the best and most extensive installment in the series, but also one of the best games in the history of the studio BioWare. Can proudly stand alongside such giants of the genre such as Baldur's Gate II, Mass Effect II and Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic. An interesting scenario, interesting characters, sensational Skyhold fortress, a huge world ... could be a long time to replace the advantages of this title. There are admittedly minor bugs and shortcomings, the combat system is not perfect, and some of the script could be written better, but it's easy to forgive, considering the scale of the game and the quality of the other components. The review did not mention, among others, with a perfectly executed two-dimensional graphics, sensational songs of bards and crafts developed system, but describe all the advantages of this title would take not a few, a dozen pages. Top all discover yourself, and believe me, even after many hours of playing Dragon Age: Inquisition will find something new and interesting.
Dragon Age: Inkwizycja to nie tylko najlepsza i najbardziej rozbudowana odsłona serii, ale również jedna z najlepszych gier w historii studia BioWare. Może dumnie stanąć obok takich gigantów gatunku, jak Baldur’s Gate II, Mass Effect II czy Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic. Ciekawy scenariusz, interesujący bohaterowie, rewelacyjna twierdza Skyhold, olbrzymi świat… Można by długo wymieniać zalety tego tytułu. Zdarzają się co prawda drobne błędy i niedociągnięcia, system walki nie jest idealny, a część scenariusza mogłaby zostać lepiej napisana, ale wszystko to można łatwo wybaczyć, biorąc pod uwagę skalę gry i jakość wykonania pozostałych elementów. W recenzji nie wspomniałem m.in. o świetnie wykonanych dwuwymiarowych grafikach, rewelacyjnych pieśniach bardów czy rozbudowanym systemie rzemiosła, ale opisanie wszystkich zalet tego tytułu zajęłoby nie kilka, a kilkanaście stron. Najlepiej wszystko odkrywać samemu, a możecie mi wierzyć, że nawet po wielu godzinach grania w Dragon Age: Inkwizycja znajdziecie coś nowego i interesującego.

gram.pl - 8/10 - they claim it took them 128 hours to finish the game

Google Translate said:
BioWare finally managed to create a truly rich, long (100% is probably over 150 hours, seriously ...), and as a diverse role-playing game. The Inquisition is true does not make anything especially insightful to the genre, but I like experimenting with new studio gameplay elements, giving us a clear signal that Canadians still have ideas for attractive fun. Interestingly, despite the enormity of the various elements, one gets the impression that the whole is very coherent and fits well with each other. Surely this is not a game for people who appreciate freedom in creating and running the form, too much here we arbitrarily impose certain solutions. It is rather a position aimed at those who prefer to follow than to create stories, in addition to holding the line explorer. Such players can Inquisition recommend with a clear conscience. The others let him play on his own responsibility.
BioWare udało się wreszcie stworzyć naprawdę bogatą, długą (100% to pewnie powyżej 150 godzin, serio...) i w miarę zróżnicowaną grę cRPG. Inkwizycja nie wnosi co prawda niczego specjalnie odkrywczego do gatunku, jednak podobają mi się eksperymenty studia z nowymi elementami rozgrywki, dające nam wyraźny sygnał, że Kanadyjczycy wciąż mają pomysły na uatrakcyjnienie zabawy. Co ciekawe, mimo tego ogromu różnorodnych elementów, odnosi się wrażenie, że całość jest bardzo spójna i dobrze ze sobą współgra. Na pewno nie jest to jednak gra dla osób ceniących sobie swobodę w kreowaniu i prowadzeniu postaci, zbyt wiele tutaj narzucania nam odgórnie pewnych rozwiązań. To raczej pozycja skierowana do osób wolących śledzić, niż kreować historie, dodatkowo posiadających żyłkę eksploratora. Takim graczom mogę Inkwizycję polecić z czystym sumieniem. Pozostali niech zagrają na własną odpowiedzialność.


Sep 1, 2013
So now it's pretty clear reviewers didn't lie when they said that the first 10-15 hours is just a boring filler with MMO-like design philosophy. A lot of them say the game gets much better after that and some even said it's possible a lot of players won't see that because of boredom. I'm interested if it's actually true, otherwise, I think I won't bother with the game...
well it was around 8-9 hour for me but i rushed with main quest. did not bother to do any of those fetch quests only main quest/companions recruitment quests and closed all rifts cause its easy exp and is less cumbersome than closing gates in Oblivion. I also tried to find all those planetariums but thats because i am sucker for any kind of puzzles in crpgs :oops:

Shit hits the fans when main anatgonist(well he is more like "Saren" so actually the pawn of the big bad faggit)
raides your temporary base
and around that time you have to make quite big choice
mages or templars / two different quests, they exlude each other
. So when shit goes down in Redcliff they finaly move on with the fucking plot and you get your own stronghold and games actually opens up. And i really mean it. Out of nowhere you can go to 5 or more different locations and they all look as big as Hinterlands.
I spent last 3 hours fucking around with Skyhold, upgrading it, passing judgement on traitors, conquering another keep and than was looking for specializations trainers. This time you have to do actual quest to unlock them. I still remember playing my pro-mages warrior with templar spec in DA2 and i still dont know how the fuck Hawke learned it :M

Also regarding Hawke if you left Alistair with wardens in DAO...well lets say you will not like the choice you have to make in DAI that involves them.
Was surprised to see Conor in Redcliff and even more when game did not fuck up my choices from Redcliff quest in DAO. Anyway poor boy. Lets say that All is not lost that is delayed :lol:

I am not gathering any of the crafting materials or collectibles since you can play after the main quest is finished and i do not have autism so there is fuckton of shit i am skipping. Like that dragon in Hinterlands. He is 12 lvl i met him when my team was around 5 or 6? He raped me easily with fireballs on hard but since i unlocked actual dodge ability for my warriors/rogues i think i could solo him in 3rd person camera by humping his leg and dodging all his AoE attacks while hacking with my two handed sword:smug:. I just dont have patience for his 9k hp and it would feel cheap. Like killing Firkraag with wand of cloudkill or finger of death...Its either collective work of me team or no go :|

Also i am playing on PC with xbox pad:hahano: sue me i dont give a fuck
Controls are surprisingly tight and effective...well not really surprised its pretty fucking obvious that kb+m was afterthought. Probably Laidlaw begged EA for it and they decided that aditional 500k of sales on pc are worth it:salute:
Ok, so it got better after obtaining the Skyhold, because of Skyhold itself and plot kicking in. But how about the side quests/new areas? Are they still MMO-like like Hinterlands or better? And if so, what do you think led BW to make Hinterlands this way?

Also, Delterius and Kris, don't fuck up the reviews please, you're gonna determine whether I'm gonna buy this shit or not...
Last edited:


Nov 11, 2014
Water Play Catarinense


Jul 19, 2012
Shadorwun: Hong Kong Divinity: Original Sin 2 BattleTech


Apr 10, 2013
If you can still not decide to buy the game, I can recommend this totally serious 10/10 Metacritic review:
I bet this is one of those fake account EA makes to review their games on Metacritic.
I bet you didn't even read it.
Stopped at "In my opinion, this is the best RPG in the modern gaming world".

It's a sarcastic review that makes fun of the hype. Yeah it "cost" a free 10 but it's worth it.


Jul 19, 2012
Shadorwun: Hong Kong Divinity: Original Sin 2 BattleTech
If you can still not decide to buy the game, I can recommend this totally serious 10/10 Metacritic review:
I bet this is one of those fake account EA makes to review their games on Metacritic.
I bet you didn't even read it.
Stopped at "In my opinion, this is the best RPG in the modern gaming world".

It's a sarcastic review that makes fun of the hype. Yeah it "cost" a free 10 but it's worth it.
10's and 0's should regarded as outliers on metacritic imo
Feb 13, 2011
shilling hard :salute:
Ok, so it got better after obtaining the Skyhold, because of Skyhold itself and plot kicking in. But how about the side quests/new areas? Are they still MMO-like like Hinterlands or better? And if so, what do you think led BW to make Hinterlands this way?
I am doing now more companions quest...need more approval from Cassandra to buttfuck her :M I have no idea why there are so many fetch quests in Hinterlands. Maybe because their game designers actually sucks? Or they thought that copying Radiant Quests from Skyrim without actual random part was good idea:hahano: On the other hand Bioware games exluding BG2 and its 2nd chapter had always shit beginning. DAO until you leave Lothering is shit. ME1 and Citadela? Borring!! Taris in Kotor? Ugh...


Nov 11, 2014
Water Play Catarinense
If you can still not decide to buy the game, I can recommend this totally serious 10/10 Metacritic review:
I bet this is one of those fake account EA makes to review their games on Metacritic.
I bet you didn't even read it.
Stopped at "In my opinion, this is the best RPG in the modern gaming world".

It's a sarcastic review that makes fun of the hype. Yeah it "cost" a free 10 but it's worth it.
10's and 0's should regarded as outliers on metacritic imo
I see. Well, now I can understand why the guy gave the game 10/10.


Mar 30, 2013
Kingdom of Bohemia
Codex+ Now Streaming!
Kwans already have this? For Europe it's staggered by two days? This practice is still a thing, in this day and age?

I wish we haven't trolled out all the developers and industry outsiders from the Codex. I'd love to know what possible reason can there be for shit like this.


Nov 20, 2012
PC RPG Website of the Year, 2015 Grab the Codex by the pussy Codex USB, 2014 Shadorwun: Hong Kong Divinity: Original Sin 2 BattleTech Bubbles In Memoria
Apparently a bug feature causes the character creator to randomly fuck up gender wise (how difficult can it be to get that right...apparently too difficult).

So although you made a male toon, all npcs react to you as if your toon was female.

This maybe a service to the bsn crowd, although their romance options will not going to be as they expect (lol). If you find out and want to change it, you can. By restarting.


Mar 1, 2014
Copium Den
Was just about to tag RK and tell him I run out of videos to watch. Good guy RK-lah.

Is it just me or the game looks even worse than Witcher 2? Also wierd face designs, none of them look "normal".
Yet Twitcher 2 "runs okayish" on my computer, while CISquisishun is so greedy for resources that it wouldn't even start. What does that say about Bioware's programmers?
I will never again speak bad about potato coding skills again! Evah!
Wouldn't even be surprised if Twitcher 3 ends up with lower reqs than this.

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