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The Elder Scrolls Online


Oct 23, 2017
I'm interested in this. NA servers? What factions are we rolling? I'm not knowledge aboutgame.
I recommend North America/Ebonheart Pact. Aldmeri Dominion dominates the three faction Dark Age of Camelot-inspired PvP mode but it's fun to play the underdog.


Oct 23, 2017
Picked up Blackwood's collector's edition upgrade for $25 off a Russian key site (region free key)
If I didn't already have all the chapters, I could've gotten Tamriel Unlimited+Morrowind+Summerset+Elsweyr+Greymoor+Blackwood for $30

I'm on PC-NA and run the Bethesda.net launcher version. The keys are really region-free and do work.



Dec 20, 2005
Uninstalled it a while ago, but recently received the following message:
This account is receiving a 72-hour suspension due to violating the Code of Conduct with your character name(s). We cannot allow names such as Amren the Racially Loyal and Still-Fights-Vietnam-War , as it is in direct violation of the following sections of our Code of Conduct:
2.1 You may not create an account name, persona or avatar that is in any way discriminatory, sexually graphic, hateful, harmful, or excretory in nature. A name, persona or avatar that promotes self-harm, glorifies suicides or belittles physical or mental disability will be considered as harmful. You will not reference, claim affiliation or otherwise express sympathy with any hate groups. Any other names, text or chat that ZeniMax considers offensive is also in violation of the Agreement including the Code of Conduct.
2.2 You may not create any name, text or chat that negatively references a 'Protected Category' under applicable law. These include any name, text or chat which references or includes age, race, disability, sexual orientation, national origin, pregnancy, religion or gender. You may not create an account name that is defamatory, impersonates, breaches the privacy or attempts to defame the reputation of another account holder, an employee of ZeniMax, any natural or legal person or entity, property of ZeniMax, or ZeniMax and/or its affiliates.
2.4 Derogatory, defamatory or offensive content used in conjunction with names of famous or important historical, political, religious figures or website URL's are not allowed. You will not create an account name that is in reference to or contains proprietary names, popular characters, or the names of modern era serial killers, individuals or groups who have committed crimes against humanity in the past. You will also refrain from participating in conspiracy theories, misinformation or fallacious comments. We expect all users to remain respectful and constructive at all times when using ZeniMax Services.
2.5 You will not attempt to, use misspellings, phonetic spellings, homonyms, word combinations, or alternative spellings to mask inappropriate material in any communication on ZeniMax Services. This includes but is not limited to text, chat, voice, in-game messaging or any other medium of communication or interaction between users.
Further violations of any part of our Terms of Service may result in additional suspensions or even a permanent deactivation of this account. The next time you attempt to load the character(s), you will be prompted to change the character’s name. Please take a few moments to review the Terms of Service and Code of Conduct, which must be acknowledged to participate in The Elder Scrolls Online service.
Terms of Service - https://account.elderscrollsonline.com/terms-of-service
Code of Conduct - https://account.elderscrollsonline.com/code-of-conduct

If you believe this decision was made in error, directions for appealing account suspensions can be found here
The Elder Scrolls Online Team

Amren the Racially Loyal hit CP 580 and was fine since August 2019, but it seems they got inspired by Big Tech to start purging. It strikes me as a pretty RP name. Still-Fights-Vietnam-War was a throwaway mule for storing items and I barely ever logged in with him. At least they had no trouble with Oy'Svart Gevaalt and Skingrad Curbstomper.
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Nov 28, 2011
Digger Nick
I've given ESO another chance since Feb 1st, and I gotta say I find it to be really fun.

Of course as always, I created a Dunmer, Dragonknight in order to of course, be a Tank :obviously: 33lvl so far, and I managed to complete majority of my outfit (heavy Hlaalu+Redoran "Bonemold") since it goes very cheaply.

Also in the next days Morrowind Ordinators are out lmao:


Well, couldn't be anymore tragic than those :prosper:in Mournhold


NecroCatic Games
Feb 10, 2021
I play a little of this ESO you speak of and a Guild Master of a decent-sized (daedric themed) trading guild on the NA server with about 420+ players and currently in Hollow City, Coldharbour (although Bandaari Trading Post, Malabar Tor is our backup spot). Our record is 85M in one week at Belkarth, Craglorn guild trader. If anybody is interested in doing something -- I have a healer with some raiding gear and a craftblade (she is garbage at DPS) but knows almost every pattern in the game almost.

So can we start an NA RPG Codex guild? Are they faction locked? I want to be a Khajit
If that is something you all decide to pursue I would be more than happy to help in any way I can. :) You can be in (up to) 5 guilds and I have a few spots open.
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Mar 10, 2011
I bought this when it was 60% off. Word of advice to any other fellow new players. Don't bother with crafting, just quest, level up your character and earn gold. You need A LOT of inventory space for crafting especially if you try to do everything like some dumbass. Your best bet is to join big guild and ask people with already maxed out crafting characters to make stuff for you in the meantime.


Nov 3, 2007
Strap Yourselves In Codex Year of the Donut Codex+ Now Streaming! Torment: Tides of Numenera Wasteland 2 Steve gets a Kidney but I don't even get a tag.
I bought this when it was 60% off. Word of advice to any other fellow new players. Don't bother with crafting, just quest, level up your character and earn gold. You need A LOT of inventory space for crafting especially if you try to do everything like some dumbass. Your best bet is to join big guild and ask people with already maxed out crafting characters to make stuff for you in the meantime.
or you can just focus on crafting stuff useful for your class...


NecroCatic Games
Feb 10, 2021
I bought this when it was 60% off. Word of advice to any other fellow new players. Don't bother with crafting, just quest, level up your character and earn gold. You need A LOT of inventory space for crafting especially if you try to do everything like some dumbass. Your best bet is to join big guild and ask people with already maxed out crafting characters to make stuff for you in the meantime.
or you can just focus on crafting stuff useful for your class...

Or JUST crafting furnishing and decorating your house! lol. Some people think that is end game content!

Commissar Draco

Codexia Comrade Colonel Commissar
Mar 6, 2011
Привислинский край
Insert Title Here Strap Yourselves In Divinity: Original Sin Project: Eternity Torment: Tides of Numenera Wasteland 2 Divinity: Original Sin 2
I bought this when it was 60% off. Word of advice to any other fellow new players. Don't bother with crafting, just quest, level up your character and earn gold. You need A LOT of inventory space for crafting especially if you try to do everything like some dumbass. Your best bet is to join big guild and ask people with already maxed out crafting characters to make stuff for you in the meantime.

Why not craft? It brings me more gold than the puny rewards I got from quests and selling loot, Game is really addictive I started new MC which is Warden, the bear you got is so OP you can Solo most of Daily quests and such, someone pointed me also for Game original start and faction campaign... and its quite the ride so far.

Playing on NA server with my wifu, more players there, we found ourselves a guild which is helpful when you need help but not forcing you to do group dungeons or such, really impressed how good quests are, plenty of C&C there while SWOTOR was forgettable aside from rare moments.
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Mar 10, 2011
Why not craft?
Because as a brand new character with no backpack or bank upgrades you simply won't have enough space for all that junk.

At some point I caught myself spending more time on inventory management and trips to bank than actually playing the game. I adjusted and I'm actually having fun with it again. I'll pick up crafting once more when I have inventory space available.

Commissar Draco

Codexia Comrade Colonel Commissar
Mar 6, 2011
Привислинский край
Insert Title Here Strap Yourselves In Divinity: Original Sin Project: Eternity Torment: Tides of Numenera Wasteland 2 Divinity: Original Sin 2
Arms and Armor of the Imperial Champion, Hall Steward Longinus Attius
Submitted by Lady N on Mon, 10/27/2014 - 00:24
Longinus Attius

Though the Rimmen Fighters Guild battles formidably under my tutelage, I cut my teeth (and the heads from my enemies' shoulders) as a centurion of the Third Legion.

Colovian blood runs thick through my veins, and in keeping with the other attainments of my culture, the artisans of my people toil to create not simply armor, but protective artistry, unmatched in its solidity, practicality, and formality. While each piece is truly an accomplishment to announce with joy from the highest battlement, these fair pages attest to the excellence of our warrior's attire. Though the high Imperial silks are usually too expensive and are favored only by the mage or the elaborately dressed murderer, the undercloth is always elegant and never gaudy.

From the arrow's bodkin to the plumage atop the comb of our helms, the regimented leathers and steel of our military are often reclaimed and reworked by citizens of the Empire, resulting in a similar quality that recalls the nobility of the great Empire. Ancestral suits of armor of landed families are carefully preserved, and soldier irregulars don equally disparate pieces, whose ages sometimes differ by decades. Most common, though, are the shining symbols of legitimacy known to friends and foes alike: Classic horsehair helms with flexible cheek guards, deep red cloth, and gold clasps, and leather sandals tanned from the finest cattle. A miscellany of golds, shining silver steel, and crimson or purple hide work are a marvel of suppleness and vigor.

Our weaponry is a vicious vision of red, silver, and gold. Shields may bear the Imperial crest or a fine ruby encased in bronze, gold, and the lacquered wood felled in our bounteous forests. Wherever possible, red leather is wrapped around grips, to further realize the uniformity 'tween arms and armor. The axe heads, whether double bladed or not, have designs of red and copper, pommels embossed with intricate carvings, sometimes extending to the surfaces of our maces and axes, where the animal symbols of our major cities may be seen (such as the wild stag of Bravil or the prancing horse of Leyawiin). Our Empire is most glorious.

Swords, daggers, axes, maces, and bows: all wielded on the battlefield during our golden age and used to propagate the will of Akatosh. The Empire shall never be sundered!


Made similar PC only with mustaches (beards are for soy boys) and longer hair (Nobles and Warriors wore them long, short hair was for priests and slaves).
Nov 28, 2011
Digger Nick
Or JUST crafting furnishing and decorating your house! lol. Some people think that is end game content!

Keep laughing but selling Hlaalu Salt Lamps ain't a joke. Hell, I recently sold a blueprint for some single Alinor bed for 40k alone :takemyjewgold:

I bought this when it was 60% off. Word of advice to any other fellow new players. Don't bother with crafting, just quest, level up your character and earn gold. You need A LOT of inventory space for crafting especially if you try to do everything like some dumbass. Your best bet is to join big guild and ask people with already maxed out crafting characters to make stuff for you in the meantime.

Trying to do "everything" isn't "dumbass", it gives you a significant advantage when it comes to moneymaking, in many ways. And pretty much only alchemy, food and runestones are annoying, the rest is 1 type of ore/cloth/wood, plus 1 of home decor item like Heartwood which are worth a lot as well. And since you don't have ESO plus, it's not like you're going to sell crowns instead. Well, you can farm Perfect Roe, I guess :lol:.


Nov 5, 2007
This is a good moment to mention this game has one of the worst trade systems ever designed in an MMO and literally doesn't work without user-made addons, just another example of trying to "balance" something by making it a pain in the ass to use.
Jan 14, 2018
Codex Year of the Donut
This is a good moment to mention this game has one of the worst trade systems ever designed in an MMO and literally doesn't work without user-made addons, just another example of trying to "balance" something by making it a pain in the ass to use.
Couldn't imagine playing ESO without tons of addons. The default ...everything... sucks. Even the default control scheme and UI settings are awful.


Aug 1, 2013
This is a good moment to mention this game has one of the worst trade systems ever designed in an MMO and literally doesn't work without user-made addons, just another example of trying to "balance" something by making it a pain in the ass to use.
Couldn't imagine playing ESO without tons of addons. The default ...everything... sucks. Even the default control scheme and UI settings are awful.
Did you really expect an Elder Scrolls game to not require modding to make it playable?
Nov 28, 2011
Digger Nick
Playing on NA server with my wifu, more players there, we found ourselves a guild which is helpful when you need help but not forcing you to do group dungeons or such, really impressed how good quests are, plenty of C&C there while SWOTOR was forgettable aside from rare moments.

Are you sure? Looking at TTC mainpage, EU seems much more busy and active, which I guess translates to overall activity.

But enjoy, and the best is yet ahead of you. For me the highlight of the game is Clockwork City/everything involving Sotha Sil, and confirming :obviously:Kirkride's metaphysical backbone of TES.

Also, join in the Tribunal event while it lasts - with the third attempt, they got the Ordinator armor right. Somewhat, at least the helmet, I guess.

Couldn't imagine playing ESO without tons of addons. The default ...everything... sucks. Even the default control scheme and UI settings are awful.

Btw, did anyone dabble in changing the font successfully? The only "lead" (sweet Mohammed, this game is getting into me) I managed to find is from some outdated "pawsickles" addon from 2016. Which of course, either doesn't work or I'm too dumb to follow the extremely vague, pieced-together-from-the past compilation of posts (and still not working while following it to the letter).
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Oct 23, 2017
I'd play on EU if I could. PC-NA has absolutely ridiculous trading guild requirements for areas that are far more reasonable on PC-EU. Some of them are like 400K/weekly sales minimums. Even if I no life'd the game I'd hardly scrape by at that level. 400K is a lot of gold. There's a reason why crowns sell for as much as they do.

I can only imagine how much gold those Rawl'kha guilds on PC-NA make in guild trader taxes every week. Good lord.

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