Not only it's not really an RPG, it's barely a game. Whether you fight a rat, a goblin, a forest trol or a giant ancient lich nothing can really hurt you. And everything dies with a few pokes of your basic spear. Tried this game last year, played for about 7 hours, got to level 8 and never dipped below 50% of my HP. Everything, including minibosses and bosses, just died when I scowled in their general direction.
It's like playing an RPG with a god mode on. What's even the point of playing it? What's there to play? I don't get it.
The world looks great, the quests are sometimes fun....but they don't matter. Your build, levelling, gear, crafting, alchemy....none of that matters. It's literally just cosmetic window dressing because 90% of the game runs on Story Mode.
The PvE content is not an RPG, it's not even a game. It's just a virtual world to run around and sightsee.
Yeah, it's especially jarring since The Elder Scrolls are well-known for their unforgiving difficulty. Especially Morrowind with its underpowered magic and fast paced, reactive Bloodborne-esque combat, and Daggerfall/Oblivion for their carefully handcrafted encounters, Kingdom Come-esque tactical swordplay and challenging AI testing the player to his limits.
Depends on what class you picked actually. Of course the 1-button-wonder templar is banal boring easymode.
Back when I made my char I wasn't really MMO compatible.
Went for a Dwagonknight Nord, envisioning 1h/shield and 2h, because it felt fitting. Also no magic, because magic is for the weaker races.
Terrible choices for this game, but I lived with the consequences. C&C bitches!
But what a NoFun slog it was.
1h does zero dmg, so I had to go for 2h. Even after putting all points in stamina I went through it faster like an US car through gas. Dwagon blood healed for shit, rally comes way too late, so I had to drag myself through the PvP tutorial to get that heal to not die all the time. I actually ran out of soul gems, yes, that IS possible.

Past CP 160 with decent gear combat rarely takes longer than 15 seconds, but still drains stam fast.
Compared to Sorcerer however? Pulsar halves enemy HP, crits heal you, set and that lightning spell returns mana... it's like roleplaying a Duracell bunny. Downtime? Wus dat?
Bethesda games have always been about self limitation, this one is no exception.