Manjuice Nutella
I'd play on EU if I could. PC-NA has absolutely ridiculous trading guild requirements for areas that are far more reasonable on PC-EU. Some of them are like 400K/weekly sales minimums. Even if I no life'd the game I'd hardly scrape by at that level. 400K is a lot of gold. There's a reason why crowns sell for as much as they do.
I can only imagine how much gold those Rawl'kha guilds on PC-NA make in guild trader taxes every week. Good lord.
Funnily enough, the first thing I checked about NA-PC was the Praxis for that aforementioned Hlaalu Salt Lamp (just to have a general idea how it goes with those minuscule legendary drops, in the community). While I bought mine for 80k (and at that rate I'll make it up in a week or 2), and it wasn't even the best deal or anything, just average, I see that on NA it averages from 200-300k

Btw, what does "Rawl'kha guilds" mean? From my perspective, that's when often you get good deals for many items. And besides, even little guys have their own traders easily in DLC zones.