I wonder what Todd will be streamlining this time around...
Armors will be one piece, no more boots gauntlets and helmets.
There was this game called "Ascension to the Throne". And this game had only 4 equipment slots for the character, and only 1 of them was for armor. That's right. The armor was always a full set. I found it hilarious back then - but...
...BUT... meanwhile I don't find it that hilarious anymore. In fact when I look at various RPGs again I often come to the conclusion that the many armor pieces (individual protection for hands, lower arms, upper arms, feet, lower legs, upper legs, lower body, upper body, head) are more of a "show" than have a real effect. You don't really feel the impact of 15 armor pieces in combat, unless you replace your whole armor with something of higher value anyways. Thus I came to the conlusion that the so called "fidelity" is kinda redundant. You might as well just buy a whole new set of pieces... or have only 1 armor piece anyway. I realized this even more in party based games, when you have to repeat this equipment procedure for every character, but your resistance in combat hardly improves when you just exchange 1-2 pieces.
So I actually endorse this idea...give me that full leather armor, that full elven armor, that full steel armor, that full daedra armor, that full glass armor, that full dwarven armor all in one piece.