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Elder Scrolls The Elder Scrolls VI - officially announced but you'll have to wait

Guess the Province/Location

  • Hammerfell

  • High Rock

  • Valenwood

  • Elsweyr

  • Black Marsh

  • Summerset Isle

  • Daggerfall

  • Akavir (kingcomrade)

Results are only viewable after voting.


Nov 15, 2015
Assisted Living Godzilla that old lady isn't going to stick around for much longer, so Bethesda scanned her into a photogrammetry model in advance.


Don't believe his lies
Sep 1, 2017
Gotta wait at least 4 years after the game releases for all the best mods to be out. So for me it'll be 2030? 20 years....


Village Idiot
Oct 12, 2016
I thought the space game was gonna be instead of ES6. I forgot they already announced this.


Village Idiot
Oct 12, 2016
  • koala.png
    what? x 2
I thought "Starfield" was gonna be their next big release and ES6 would be a way off. I forgot ES6 was even announced!


Nov 18, 2015
  • koala.png
    what? x 2
I thought "Starfield" was gonna be their next big release and ES6 would be a way off. I forgot ES6 was even announced!
But that thought is correct. Starfield is their next release and TES6 IS way off. You'll have to wait >5-6 years for TES6.


Dec 27, 2020
The guy whom they hire to replace George R. R. Martin when he dies will write the final installments of the Game of Thrones novels and release them before TES VI releases.
Nov 23, 2017
  • koala.png
    what? x 2
I thought "Starfield" was gonna be their next big release and ES6 would be a way off. I forgot ES6 was even announced!
But that thought is correct. Starfield is their next release and TES6 IS way off. You'll have to wait >5-6 years for TES6.

Five or six years would be like skipping the current console generation too. They aren't skipping the PS4 and the Xbox Series X when it comes to getting a new Elder Scrolls out. Microsoft isn't just going to let them basically skip the Series X. I'd think like 2024, maybe 2025 for ES6...but not 2026 or 2027. Starfield comes out next year. They've seemingly been working on assets for the game already because they showed someone modeling environments back in 2019, but the game will probably only enter full development once Starfield is ready to ship; after that I'd think it's just a couple years of full development before it ships around the end of '24 or like the end of the first quarter of '25.

That's also 15 to 16 years between Elder Scrolls games.


Good Sir
Feb 12, 2009
Swedish Empire
The Elder Scrolls 6: Release Date, Platforms, Setting & More

Are you desperately waiting for The Elder Scrolls 6 and don’t know where to go for reliable news? EarlyGame, of course. Here is an article that will be constantly updated once new Elder Scrolls 6 news drop. Let’s get into it.

Just like with Dragon Age 4, it’s hard to find one article that includes all the questions and answers that you might have in regard to The Elder Scrolls 6. So we thought: let’s make one.

Let’s play a little Q&A on the most frequently asked questions that people have in regard to The Elder Scrolls 6. Maybe the one burning in your mind is on here as well?

Who Is Making The Elder Scrolls 6?
The Elder Scrolls 6 will – of course – be made by Bethesda again, and honestly? We wouldn’t have it any other way. There is no Elder Scrolls without Bethesda, there is no buggy game that we like to make fun of without putting Todd Howard’s face on it. It’s part of the charm, and The Elder Scrolls 6 will forever be Bethesda’s baby.

What Is The Elder Scrolls 6 Called?
Currently, there is no news about what The Elder Scrolls 6 is going to be called. There have been rumors flowing around the web at some point that The Elder Scrolls 6 was going to be called Redfall, but that turned out to be false. Official news on the name are not out yet, but once they are, make sure to come back to this article and this part will be updated.

Which Platforms Will The Elder Scrolls 6 Release On?
What we can safely say, is that The Elder Scrolls 6 will release on PC and Xbox, but after Microsoft bought Bethesda, we can’t safely say whether The Elder Scrolls 6 will release on PlayStation. The new Bethesda RPG Starfield will be PC/Xbox exclusive, but in regard to the Elder Scrolls 6, Todd Howard said that he wants everyone to have the opportunity to play The Elder Scrolls 6. So don’t give up hope yet, Nintendo and Sony lovers. The Elder Scrolls 6 will probably also release on PS5 and maybe – if you’re super lucky – on Nintendo Switch (though there might just be a new console by the time The Elder Scrolls 6 releases).

What’s The Elder Scrolls 6 Setting?
Let’s start off by saying that Todd Howard has confirmed that there are hints at where The Elder Scrolls 6 will be set within the teaser trailer that was released at an E3 in the past. Before we continue, here is that teaser again:

The most popular theory out there, is that The Elder Scrolls 6 will play in High Rock and Hammerfell, which would make sense looking at the rocky terrain from the teaser trailer (if you want to know more details on this, we have a separate article on it).

Also, back on December 31, 2020, the official The Elder Scrolls Twitter account tweeted something, that made everyone in the replies scream: HAMMERFELL.

What do you think about this? Do you agree that The Elder Scrolls 6 will be set in Hammerfell? Let us know on Facebook or Twitter. But now, let’s get back into the Q&A.

What Engine Is The Elder Scrolls 6 Using?
The Elder Scrolls 6 is built on Creation Engine 2, as confirmed by Todd Howard himself. It’s currently in “design” stage and is the same engine that Starfield is built on. So once Starfield is out, we will have a pretty good idea of how good The Elder Scrolls 6 will look.

When Is The Elder Scrolls 6 Release Date?
We’ve actually written an entire article about this, and we’re not sure whether or not you’ll be happy to read it or not, so let’s just rip off that bandage straight away: according to a known industry insider, The Elder Scrolls 6 will release either 2026 or 2027. I’m so sorry to be the one that has to tell you that today.

But hey… Starfield will come out soon! If that excites you.

If we hear anything more that might interest you, we will update this article. Until then, make sure you come back anyway!



Apr 8, 2015
That's 15 years between installments
Shit, if this is really the case then why even annouce it this soon (i.e. 9 years before the supposed release)?
Are they hopping this will be their next Morrowind or something?
Last edited:


Village Idiot
Oct 12, 2016
They don't need new games while they can keep releasing Skyrim with slightly different names. Skyrim GOTY, etc. I prefer the Skyrim Legendarily Naive Audience Edition.


Jul 13, 2013
Shadorwun: Hong Kong
At least they're not rushing it or pumping out games every year.
No they're just releasing new F76 expansions every year. I think that's a better use of resources but I'm not super happy about it.

As for ESVI,
Shit, if this is really the case then why even annouce it this soon (i.e. 9 years before the supposed release)?
I imagine they want to give Starfield the most amount of time for a AAA release while having ESVI not only as a backburner during that time - but also to integrate the improvements from Starfield's development into ESVI. So Starfield gets 2-3 full expansions like before. It releases on 2022 and the expansions last until 2024? They release patches, make a "now it runs good" GOTY version, and ESVI gets the kickback. Then ESVI gets a full 3 year development time perhaps.

If it is coming out in 2027, that is. That's how I'd see it working out, and the B-Team makes a Fallout 76-2 or some kind (for Gamepass, since its doing well on that) in the meantime. To give people enough Fallout shit before they start on an inevitable Fallout 5. That's super far into the future though, and I'm just speculating, at that point we'd near the end of the PS5/XSX lifecycle, sheesh.
Nov 23, 2017
That's 15 years between installments
Shit, if this is really the case then why even annouce it this soon (i.e. 9 years before the supposed release)?
Are they hopping this will be their next Morrowind or something?

I don't think any insider saying this game comes out in 6 years should be taken all that seriously. They may as well be saying they believe Elder Scrolls 5 will be a lunch game for Microsoft's next console. The idea the game's release is that far off just sounds incredibly stupid to me, especially after being bought up by Microsoft.

Microsoft is trying to bounce back from their disastrous Xbox One generation, they want to be back on top like they were during the 360 era and they didn't just buy Bethesda for $7.5 billion so Bethesda's biggest franchise could sit their Xbox Series X generation out.


Feb 5, 2013
That image has been around since at least 2016 and can nowadays be found mostly at online key shop websites. Most likely fan-made.


May 31, 2018
Even if the image hasn't been around before, it resembles Skyrim art far too closely.

Sure that wasn't the case's art but this art was on a ton of shit.

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