I must admit that I'm a tad disappointed
The whole eat & drink thing is carried over from the TES series, likewise is the 7 primaty skills as well as the eat & drink restoring some small amount of health...
The game takes place in the mean streets of D.C. in a urban jungle setting, sort of like GTA? or something like that. Then there's the dungeons, eh, the metro stations and the sewers --- eh, that worked really well in Oblivion didn't it??
If you read the article, I think Emil P (again) says something like 'so you get the feeling you're really there'. wtf?? I have just one thing to say: STOP making [censored] friggin' SIMS-games!!!
As for the combat options, it could be good or it could be bad, depending on how's it done. However, I feel that this VATS system won't satisfy the TB-fans nor the RT-fans as it seems like hybrid between the two.
I was skeptical at first when the codex predicted the role of Liam Neeson. Sadly, it all now (probably) turns out to be true. Qui Gong (Liam Neeson) will be your Father, your Mother will die, and your Father will be your guide, until he mysteriously disappears. Then you will set out to find him.... (hmm, where have I seen this before, maybe in a cross between star wars and bg1 --- hmmm....).
Also, I think there will be level scaling, not just Oblivion style level scaling which means that at level 1 or 5 you'll probably die rather quickly if & when you take in supermutants. Speaking of supermutants and the BOS, why are they even on the east coast??
Let me remind you of the hype up to Oblivion's release where PR_hines also said that you could do quests multiple ways etc. etc. & etc. None of this turned out to be true. In the quest snippet we gor from the article, you (still) couldn't turn down quests, and the dialoque options seemed very limited...
As for the nuclear laucher(??) WHY?? There's no need for this weapon, imo. Fallout isn't about blowing things up.... It is about people scattered around the urban jungle or wasteland, and then the main character stumbles over these people by accident that may or may not help him find his (or her) father...
It seems more like a game similar to STALKER or Gears of War than the Fallout series. Stalker is a pretty good game (or so I hear
) but it isn't Fallout. Neither is Fallout 3 -- it seems