The EE does have other less avoidable issues. Like the use of BG2's proficiency table and the addition of spells that the game wasn't balanced around. The former requires using CDTweaks to revert, the latter requires occasional googling to see if the spells you want to use were in the original.
Charm Person and Horror are broken, just off the top of my head. Charm dissipates after like ten seconds, Horror doesn't work at all. If they can't even get starting-level spells right, who knows what else isn't working like it should.You say there's a bunch of bugs that haven't been ironed out though? Can you elaborate on that at all? I thought this was pretty stable - with that nagging collision issue being resolved by Bubb's Pathfinding Fix (if it even shows up at all).
Charm Person and Horror are broken, just off the top of my head. Charm dissipates after like ten seconds, Horror doesn't work at all. If they can't even get starting-level spells right, who knows what else isn't working like it should.You say there's a bunch of bugs that haven't been ironed out though? Can you elaborate on that at all? I thought this was pretty stable - with that nagging collision issue being resolved by Bubb's Pathfinding Fix (if it even shows up at all).
From 2015: Person and Horror are broken, just off the top of my head. Charm dissipates after like ten seconds, Horror doesn't work at all. If they can't even get starting-level spells right, who knows what else isn't working like it should.You say there's a bunch of bugs that haven't been ironed out though? Can you elaborate on that at all? I thought this was pretty stable - with that nagging collision issue being resolved by Bubb's Pathfinding Fix (if it even shows up at all).
It's funny because right after I posted this I found your thread asking the same thing.
Anyway - I'm undecided on SCS. Given how IWD is structured I have a feeling it might REALLY make for some crazy uneven spikes in difficulty - given how different the encounter designs in IWD are (a LOT of melee with very few casters). I feel like this would make little change to something like the Vale of Shadows while making Dragon's Eye even harder than it is. DavidW has a good pedigree but I'd probably want some other people to test this thing out before I go all in on it.
Although Better General AI might be nice all around. Better Calls for Help might work assuming one group of mobs doesn't attract the entire dungeon at once.
did anyone (Lilura) review Icewinddale 2 Enhanced Edition aka Red Chimera?
How does Trip work in the game?did anyone (Lilura) review Icewinddale 2 Enhanced Edition aka Red Chimera?
a couple pages back I made some comments and posted some pictures.
It's very good IMO, actually its impressive. They've managed to implement things that people used to assume were engine limitations - for example grappling works, trips, AoOs. The way they've implemented AoOs without having the AI just eat shit all the time is really rather elegant.
Theres some dumb arbitrary changes, but overall I think they've taken the half baked product that was IWD2 and turned it into a finished one.
I don't remember how it was in the official rule book and I haven't used trip specifically, but I did use grapple and knockdown and they work as intended, that is I didn't notice any bugs in the implementation.How does Trip work in the game?did anyone (Lilura) review Icewinddale 2 Enhanced Edition aka Red Chimera?
a couple pages back I made some comments and posted some pictures.
It's very good IMO, actually its impressive. They've managed to implement things that people used to assume were engine limitations - for example grappling works, trips, AoOs. The way they've implemented AoOs without having the AI just eat shit all the time is really rather elegant.
Theres some dumb arbitrary changes, but overall I think they've taken the half baked product that was IWD2 and turned it into a finished one.
I'm guessing not quite as in the oficial rulebook?
After finishing BG2 again for the 7th time, I've returned to IWD for my first "replay" of it.I played through Icewind Dale after buying the enhanced editions of the IE games on a cheap sale, and IWD is the one I never really played through before.
It's thoroughly... meh. Yeah, the graphics and music are beautiful. The writing is decent. But it's just a linear dungeon romp with IE RTwP combat. I mostly enjoyed BG2's mid to high level combat, but that was also nicely interspersed with exploration and side quests. IWD is just the combat, and it would be a million times better if it were proper turn-based. I spent most of my time in IWD thinking "yeah this encounter is pretty good, but boy I wish it were turn based so I could actually properly aim my area effect spells and not have enemies walk out of their area of effect before they're even launched, which is made worse by the fact that there are no indicators for the size of the area the spell would affect". Thinking about that port of IWD to the ToEE engine some dude is working on (looks like vapourware but still) makes me way more excited than thinking about playing IWD as-is again. RTwP just isn't a very good system for D&D based games.
oh did your grandma tell you that? the game has been out for like 20+ years and you're telling me you've never watched a single video about it?I heard that Icewind dale is a combat focused game