Cities in Motion makes me mad because it is close to being a great game, but is just mediocre.DEPONIAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!
But yeah, probably skipping this one too unless they add something shocking later. Only game I'm missing out of it is Cities in Motion.
Yup. I like the game and spent much time with it, but the AI is cringeworthy. The worst aspect is that cars cannot pass, even on a four lane avenue. Cars choose a lane when they enter a road and then stay there. Instead of taking the left lane to go past a stopped bus, everyone stays behind it and brings traffic, including your public transport. to a screeching halt. Also, the solution to every traffic problem is "build more subways".Yeah, you are in charge of a city's mass transit. It has some nifty ideas, but some things are really poorly thought out.
Like you can set up express routes, where a bus or train will only stop at certain stops on the main route, but the people are too stupid to dynamically change their minds about which one to take. So customer A wants to get from stop 1 to stop 4. There is an express bus that goes there directly and a local bus that stops at 2 and 3 as well. The express bus comes to stop 1, but is full. Customer is forced to wait, and an empty local bus stops next. A real person would just hop on the local bus instead of waiting 30 min for the next express bus, but in Cities in Motion they'll just wait and get pissed off.
How could you say that?The Path is indie shit of the same tier as Dear Esther.
Well, I agree with that.The Path, and other "games" by the same devs, are best described as an attempt to do a piece of art disguised as a video game while something like The Void is a game that attempts to do art. While it is interesting and I do not lament the absence of gameplay for it's not the focus (actually The Path is most gamey of all their stuff even if it is in a post-modern ironic way, like collecting flowers does nothing or that in order to "win" your character my experience something bad), the biggest problem I see is that it's not really deep. At least The Void deals with ideas while The Path stays for the most part on the emotional level. It doesn't challenge in any way and won't stay with you very long.
Just play Tension The Void and see for yourself? It's kind of... difficult to explain.But an art of games is mainly in their mechanics. What wonderful and sophisticated mechanics do these games to claim that they are art?
I own the Introversion games and I can say to those who don't yet:Yup, Groupees bundle is a hell of a lot better than Indie Gala's. Though Indie Gala is tolerable if you don't already own the Introversion games.
Haven't played it myself but from what I remember the KKK on it is not entirely shit. IIRC the best aspect of it was supposed to be good quests/sidequests with possibly minor C&C. I could be misremembering though.Is Two Worlds 2 a competent hack 'n slash game?