First time I've not really been happy with the ending. The cliffhanger was fine - I knew about TOCS 4 already - but the character motivations at this point don't make any sense.
I suppose Chancellor Osborne wants to end the world because he "doesn't have a heart", having given it to Rean - ok, so how is he still alive?
I guess I shouldn't care because death is meaningless in Trails now. Crow was killed but now he's back. It really diminishes the emotional impact when characters get killed on camera - they take a massive fucking spear through the heart - and then come back after. At least with the Emperor they said he was in a "critical condition" rather than killed, but it was pointless for them to blow up the Courageous with Olivier, Victor Arseid and Toval on it because we know they're going to come back.
The head witch, Roselia, is like 500 years old, this isn't explained, so whatever - just go with it!
George is an absolutely murderous evil bastard working for the Black Workshop. He's also really old like Roselia. Just throw all of that in there with barely any explanation, whatever.
Alicia's dad is actually still alive, evil and wants to destroy the world, throw that in, barely any explanation, whatever.
Aurelia is probably evil too and probably scheming with Ouroboros. The double and even triple crosses and characters suddenly turning evil are really starting to wear on me.
Surely Captain Claire has seen enough of Osborne's evil shit to leave him and join up with the good guys. She always struck me as a good guy. What the fuck is she doing?
Same with Rufus, he seemed to be to be one of the most intelligent, capable characters in the whole Trails universe, but no, he's just shackled himself to the Chancellor, for what? To end the world, lol!
Why are the Jaegars fighting for Osborne's mad plans to end the world? What is in it for them? Their allegiances in previous games were driven either by profit or by fighting for a homeland. What are they fighting for now? Why are they fighting for the guy who took their country away from them? Why do they want to destroy the world?
Same for Ouroboros, the Stahritter etc. I always thought Ouroboros wanted to control the world, not end it, through their nefarious schemes... I guess they have a plan but it's frustrating to see it dragged out for so long while we see their characters do stupid things.
Sharon, what is her deal? I thought she was reformed. Guess not. She's happy to end the world too.
It's all just "LOL SATURDAY MORNING CARTOON" shit now, which is a real shame because the previous games in the series - even when they had anime tropes - didn't give me that vibe.
Anyway, now I'll wait for TOCS 4 and see all the dead people come back to life again, more good characters turn psychotic evil, and maybe have a few psychotic evil characters suddenly become "good" again and we're meant to love them.