The Release Date of Trails from Zero
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March 9, 2020Author
You heard us right. Very soon, you’ll finally be able to put on your police badges and experience the world of Crossbell. It’s been a long time coming, but we’re satisfied with the current state of the localization and ready for a public release!
Prepare to Get Over the Barrier!
The patch will be available to download on March 14th, so it’s time to prepare! Make sure to purchase a Japanese PC copy of
Zero no Kiseki from,, or Then, you will be able to use the installer found on the Geofront. We will provide step-by-step details on obtaining, patching, and configuring the patch.
This patch is for the existing PC version of the game, improving performance, fixing numerous bugs, and adding new features such as turbo mode, a message log, and autosaving. That being said, we have no plans to release a PSP patch at this time. If it does happen, it would be Ribose working a miracle with the less-than-ideal tools that we have to work with. Instead, we strongly encourage you to purchase a Japanese PC version of
Zero no Kiseki to support Falcom, and to get the best experience possible.
Trails from Zero: Trailer Time!
To tide you over, KillScottKill took it unto himself to prepare something very special. We present: a trailer for the upcoming launch of our translation! Give it a watch or ten, eh?
Keen eyes among you may recognize that as a recreation of Falcom’s trailer for this game, nine years ago.
Credit to it, of course. Please look forward to the patch on March 14th. We hope it will be worth it.
EDIT – 7:03pm CDT:
If you are interested in seeing the press release PDF that was made graciously by Scott, please check it out