
Europe cover

EEUU cover
PD: No special editions for Wii U version? Shit, I want the master edition so bad...
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The two guys in the "Hands-on" video (see the post above) say that the WiiU version has a better framerate (lol), so it shouldn't be a bad dealI really wanted to be able to get this for the Switch at launch, but... I just can't justify shelling out $400 CAD for the console and $80 for the game. I was able to pre-order the Wii U version on Amazon for $70.
Too bad the special editions are just for the Switch version though. I don't care about the sword statue, but I'd totally go for the Special Edition with the map. Oh well, at least I'll save some money then.
Switch version is technically better - but in some instances I like WiiU color palette and special effects more.
They got skyrim, I just think it would have been smart to get the most popular open world game. Even overwatch would be good to show that their online service works well.WiiU is more powerful than Xbox360.
Switch is around 1.5x more powerful than WiiU.
Nintendo are retards, so they aren't going to make any sweet deals with western gamedev studios.
I'd prefer if they dont make any deals with western developpers, each time i bought a console it was to play japanese exclusives. It was well worth it for the first wii, then absolutely no reason to get a wii u . It seems they make the samemistakes with switch, there's a zelda , a mario and thats about all for the console life time. Whos going to buy that to play skyrim on outdated hardware....They got skyrim, I just think it would have been smart to get the most popular open world game. Even overwatch would be good to show that their multiply service works well.WiiU is more powerful than Xbox360.
Switch is around 1.5x more powerful than WiiU.
Nintendo are retards, so they aren't going to make any sweet deals with western gamedev studios.
They got skyrim, I just think it would have been smart to get the most popular open world game. Even overwatch would be good to show that their multiply service works well.WiiU is more powerful than Xbox360.
Switch is around 1.5x more powerful than WiiU.
Nintendo are retards, so they aren't going to make any sweet deals with western gamedev studios.
Wait, so you can just carry as many steaks and apples as you want to heal anywhere? Zelda just became popamole.
What are you trying to say with that picture? That Wind Waker has top-notch art?
Zelda has been popamole since the NES Zeldas, bro. It's a franchise designed primarily for kids that adults can play, sort of like a Pixar film.
Ahhh, Adventure of Link, the game which everyone hates, except codexians. Because, hey, it's cool to have shitty tastes.