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The Mass Effect 3/BioWare Thread


Aug 24, 2009
What I'm worried about is EA/Bio actually agreeing to make an ending "fix" DLC and then sell it, causing Biodrones to buy it in droves and in turn go back to praising them again. That kind of thing would turn this whole mess into something that's not only profitable, but comes with free marketing to boot - not a savory precedent to be set at all.

If they didn't have their heads shoved so far up their asses they would all file FTC complaints on grounds of false advertising and demand refund. It wouldn't fix their precious ME franchise but it would make companies think twice about pulling this shit again.

They don't have the strongest of cases though. Oh how I wish something like this happened with Bethpizda's Radant AI. That thing was fucking iron-clad.



Aug 28, 2010
If they were smart or brave enough to do any of those sensible and righteous things, they wouldn't have bought and played ME3 in the first place.


Feb 10, 2011
Rather, they wouldn't believe the ending of ME3 ruined the trilogy. ME1 ruined the trilogy, the rest is just gravy.

Andyman Messiah

Mr. Ed-ucated
Jan 27, 2004
Any word on when RedLetterMedia's "review" is coming out?
RLM tend to operate on a "when it's done"-kinda level. Actually it's unusual for them to announce projects. Usually they have the things done and ready before they go on twitter. It could take a while. Chances are good they might want to wait if there's going to be a "real ending" DLC, just so they have all the facts. But I dunno. RLM don't do halfassed shit and I love them for it.

Have the Codex Movie Nights featured any of their films? Because they're awesome.

edit: I just sent them a tweet saying we're gonna watch the shit out of whatever ME3-related crap they produce.


Feb 20, 2012
འ༔ ཨ༔ ཧ༔ ཤ༔ ས༔ མ༔
Any word on when RedLetterMedia's "review" is coming out?
RLM tend to operate on a "when it's done"-kinda level. Actually it's unusual for them to announce projects. Usually they have the things done and ready before they go on twitter. It could take a while. Chances are good they might want to wait if there's going to be a "real ending" DLC, just so they have all the facts. But I dunno. RLM don't do halfassed shit and I love them for it.

Have the Codex Movie Nights featured any of their films? Because they're awesome.
Have you checked out Half in the Bag?

Check out Half in the Bag if you like the Plinkett reviews, it's a blend of review and sitcom and is a merge of irony and subtlety and ironic subtlety in the humour; the comic timing and other essentials are great if you know how the visual medium and comedy works. Give it a few episodes if you don't immediately warm to it, it'll grow on you.


The Jack and Jill review is a superb deconstruction of how Hollywood doles out nonsense and deception in order to launder money, sell advertising as entertainment and other wretched dealings. It really is an eye opener.

The Anime Con portion of this episode is fun too.


Mar 31, 2008
What I'm worried about is EA/Bio actually agreeing to make an ending "fix" DLC and then sell it, causing Biodrones to buy it in droves and in turn go back to praising them again. That kind of thing would turn this whole mess into something that's not only profitable, but comes with free marketing to boot - not a savory precedent to be set at all.
To be honest, I see this as the most likely outcome. The whole affair is absolutely dominating the gaming news at the moment, seeping even into media that usually don't care for such stuff. In the sum, I'm sure it will be a huge amount of free marketing for them, plus a DLC that will sell like hotcakes and increase their profit considerably. Any likely negative backlash will probably be forgotten soon.

Commander Xbox

Apr 25, 2011
What I'm worried about is EA/Bio actually agreeing to make an ending "fix" DLC and then sell it, causing Biodrones to buy it in droves and in turn go back to praising them again. That kind of thing would turn this whole mess into something that's not only profitable, but comes with free marketing to boot - not a savory precedent to be set at all.
To be honest, I see this as the most likely outcome. The whole affair is absolutely dominating the gaming news at the moment, seeping even into media that usually don't care for such stuff. In the sum, I'm sure it will be a huge amount of free marketing for them, plus a DLC that will sell like hotcakes and increase their profit considerably. Any likely negative backlash will probably be forgotten soon.

the most worrying part is the precendent it will set. how long till we see multiple ''alternate ending'' dlc packs and shit after this? fuckin amazing, pretty soon theyre just going to break games into episodes and sell them to you 1 by 1


Oct 16, 2010
Codex 2012 Codex USB, 2014 Shadorwun: Hong Kong
the most worrying part is the precendent it will set. how long till we see multiple ''alternate ending'' dlc packs and shit after this? fuckin amazing, pretty soon theyre just going to break games into episodes and sell them to you 1 by 1

As much as I'd like to tell you not to give the publishers any ideas, I'm afraid Valve is way ahead of you...


Notorious Internet Vandal
Jun 1, 2008
Cell S-004
MCA Project: Eternity Torment: Tides of Numenera Wasteland 2
Problem is that at this point Valve could literally sell dogturds and they'd still be called best games ever by the fandom.
Mar 12, 2012
The BSN has gone full retard...

Repeat the message as often as you can. Self-explanatory. However, it can't just be "I hate the ending" or "hold the line." You'll have to keep repeating your simple, bullet-pointed list of complaints. Groups like the IRA don't repeat long treatises (as I've been seeing on the boards) on their complaints. Nobody will read that. Keep it simple and keep it consistent.


Yeah that's it take PR lessons from terrorists who murder their own women and children. How can they justify slagging off a poster comparing drones to battered wives and then turn around, highlighting terrrorist analogies?

Disrupt the enemy logistics which means disrupting sales. Since you can't meet them head-on, this is one thing you can do. However, threatening to boycott products not yet made is absolutely meaningless

So don't buy Mass Effect 3... What you already bought it?.. You pre-ordered it without waiting to see if it was any good?.. You posted a sig at the bottom of your comments which said, "Collectors edition owners who DGAF," in response to people raging about the DLC issue?


"So I could play on day 1... So,so I could get a special in game weapon set."

I mean seriously this pre-order bullshit, hyped up day 1 store release stuff has to stop, otherwise shit like this will continue to happen and devolve to an even stupider level. Mass Effect 3 shipped 3.5million units before anybody played the game, based on expectations from pre- orders. These guys brought this shit on themselves through being naive/bad consumers and I have zero sympathy for anyone who now wants a happy ending, after all the shit they gave to people who had legit complaints about the dodgy DLC scam. Where's your "Pre-ordered and proud" sig now?

P.S. How do you Bro-fist other posts? As there are many great posts on here I find deserving of that accolade.


Feb 3, 2008
So I think this whole hype around the game revealed a lot of stupidity from all sides.

The detractors complained about Jennifer Hepler's contribution to the game, even though she did not even work on it.

The disgruntled fans acted like BioWare is their slave who must "owe" them an ending, as if a luxury good like a videogame is a fundamental right like food or housing. Or as if the fans funded the development of the game.

The defensive fans are obsessed with defending the work of people working far away for a company in Canada, who neither personally know nor personally care for them nor personally needed their defense.


RPG Codex Polish Car Thief
Staff Member
Nov 4, 2007
What I'm worried about is EA/Bio actually agreeing to make an ending "fix" DLC and then sell it, causing Biodrones to buy it in droves and in turn go back to praising them again. That kind of thing would turn this whole mess into something that's not only profitable, but comes with free marketing to boot - not a savory precedent to be set at all.
To be honest, I see this as the most likely outcome. The whole affair is absolutely dominating the gaming news at the moment, seeping even into media that usually don't care for such stuff. In the sum, I'm sure it will be a huge amount of free marketing for them, plus a DLC that will sell like hotcakes and increase their profit considerably. Any likely negative backlash will probably be forgotten soon.
I doubt Bioware could return to status quo ante even if they released it for free. Too much damage has already been done.


Feb 3, 2008
Let's be clear. Lots of people decided never to play BioWare games again after Neverwinter Nights. And they didn't. But new fans came in, and the old ones left. Just as before, BioWare made sales in multiples of millions.

After Jade Empire and Mass Effect, that cycle repeated.

Come new batch of fans, and go out old batch of fans. It keeps happening.

BioWare is not a permanent relationship building business. BioWare is in the game making business. A lawyer builds professional relationships with clients. BioWare ain't a lawyer.


Feb 27, 2012
Steve and Samantha are exclusive to one sex? Unfair!
How does it feel?
Its like a tapeworm inside of you, forcing its way up your throat and out your mouth in a euphoria of vomit and guilt! That is how it felt!!!

Yep. You heard right. I'm not making this shit up.



comrade troglodyte :M
Mar 31, 2004
Corona regni Bohemiae
Codex 2012 Serpent in the Staglands Dead State Divinity: Original Sin Project: Eternity Torment: Tides of Numenera Wasteland 2 A Beautifully Desolate Campaign Steve gets a Kidney but I don't even get a tag.
So, all the kids were indoctrinated or what?
Worse: they sympathized with Geths and the idea of multicultural society for synthetics and organics living together.

Good Guy Breivik saved our asses.
Wonderful, now I am probably banned from Norway for life as a terrorist sympathiser. If they come for me I am taking you all down with me.

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